Friday, December 10, 2004


Ok... My comp is seriously 100% down. Some big BIG virus has come along and done some pretty major damage. I think it is time someone paid a visit to the incinerator.. but my parents will never want to hear anything about buying a new computer, after all it is always I who spoils it so if it is down it is MY fault and shouldn't implicate THEM. I mean like, I can't press anything that leads to another thing via pop up or whatever. From my tag board to my e-mail nothing can work. Now even as I type there is no small pictures on top of this box which says link or bold or whatever... totally down and out... no antivirus can help me now

Wooh! Yesterday pretty shiok... slept in till afternoon, went out and caught a movie, "National Treasure" ok so it is abit lame but it ain't all that bad! I mean, I've seen worse. It was abit of action, comedy and suspense thrown in. The brainy puzzles are almost impossible to figure out seeing that we in Singapore are no experts on American history so the clues made no sense to us. Really cannot remember ah! Head spinning, yesterday was just like a dream... it passed too quickly...

Found a new person to follow closely ^_^ Nami Tamaki.. Huh? She sang the songs Believe and Realize both from Gundam Seed and also the ending song for Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason. Real nice. Whats more? She is only 16 this year! Born on the 1st June 1988 she is like the same age as us, since young she knew her ambition and strived towards it gaining her big break after Believe was chosen on of the Opening Theme of the highly popular anime Gunam Seed.. but umm... i prefer to just listen to her voice XD She looks highly gothic and odd like. I highly reccomend Reason and Prayer even though I don't know what it says, it sounds good to me ^_^

Still thinking of ways to fix my computer... even though i know that i cannot for i have done everything within my power to repair it. What it needs now is nohting more than a good dump in the bin and a trip down to sim lim square to replace it XD For I tell you it is absolutely hopeless. Nothing more can be salvaged of this hard-disk, NOTHING. The memory is trashed, e RAM is low (Ok maybe we can take e RAM.. extra has never hurt XD) and the CD and diskette drives but thats it, just over all in all is useless. I mean just LOOK... An iPod with 20 Gig has more memory than this rust bucket! (18.7 Gig) How bad is that?! Something that can be carried in my pocket has more memory than this heavy... thing.

Now lets top that off with about 20 days of holiday left approx and no homework done, what do you get? A disaster waiting to happen, tommrrow or in fact tonight if able im gonna haul all that old newspaper upstairs and start my english... then ask someone what am I supposed to do for chinese and DO IT. Thats all for this post... Im drained phew.. 11:50pm still the 10th or December hahax...

Quote of the Post:
[Translated from "Prayer" by Nami Tamaki]
That time as the shooting star streaked by, it heard my wish
I wanted to put our hands, so far apart, together, as if in prayer

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