Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More Elaboration XD

Brrr.. Time flies REALLY REALLY fast. More than half of the 1 and a half month end of year holidays are over!! And I haven't touched my Holiday Homework, In fact I've almost practically forgotten what it is O.O But no matter I will get to it soon, most probrably by today cos I can't keep putting it off otherwise it will just end up like all the other years where I put it offf so much I never got round to doing it. English will be easier to start with if I can remmeber what I am suupposed to do with the 20 articles I've found XD Chinese however is still a long war that I have yet to win... I totally forgot what I am supposed to do with the series of articles I find...

Anyhow, I have a testimony of the great power of music... less details here, Just one phrase, no two in fact of a song can turn you around. Trust me, it DID. And the after effects spun me on yet another whirlwind in my mind. Brr *shakes head* I gotta get it out of my head, and find a way to get rid of all the other "side effects" If you really need to know, well depends on who is asking. I will most likely not tell hahaz Urgh, Why am I acting so silly today? Anyway! I have thought about the music thing again and I have decided that not ALL secular songs promote bad lifestyles so I will moderate my listening range and only listen to songs that are wholesome and pleasant. ^_^ Cheers!

Boo! Nebx TV did not host GX ep9 and I had to go find and download it on my own... good we fans can always depend on Insanity for our fix even when saiyanman could not provide which is VERY VERY rare, Don't know if it is up now... But I don't care. Right now I am looking for a way to change cursors.. I want to change the cursor on my page but I have only a terrible idea how... Opening a cursor file with notepad etc only yielded a bunch of un-comprehensible code that I can't possibly decipher (Well it worked with web pages... so why not with all other kinds of applications etc?) so first I need to know how to make a cursor, after im done I can use it ^_^

Like my current skin? I like it ALOT but Im thinking of making a series of "song skins" which I will use in the near future but it may get really REALLY boring... send me any songs and I will try my best to make it into a nice pleasant skin for my blog! Project ideas already on the board are Still and Open Up The Gates. Look out for it! Yeah! I really really like Kaisei Josho Hallelujah! the GX opening theme, it really gets you pumped up! Umm life now is quite boring yet exciting cos nothing is happening but yet something is happening EVERYDAY! Don't get it? Well don't worry if you know what Im saying you probrably are experienceing the same thing!

Quote of the post:
Friendship is a promise spoken by heart.
It is not given by pledge,
nor written on paper.
It's a promise renewed everytime we keep in touch...

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