Saturday, December 04, 2004

Too Blessed...

I think You don't need to be told I've added some nice music XD You can hear it already, if you aren't listening, refresh e page, plop on your earphones / turn up your speakers and let it ring!! There is supposed to be a scrolling message at the bottom.. but somehow it aint working...

Still feeling very "high" hahaz practically jumping about unable to quieten down, everytime I keep quiet I will just begin to hum or burst into a song, softly of course! I've learnt last night that if you want to be changed, you cannot expect to be taken control of and changed forcefully while you sit and watch life get better no no, It does not work like that. You have to make and effort, and take the first step BEFORE you will begin to see the changes, quite common sense but hey, I've only realised it last night, maybe I dont have that much common sense XD

Woke up late today, abt 11.. such a lazy pig rite? No one home, then later ate a late breakfast cum lunch then went out shopping with my parents XD It is like super rare im willing to go... went to Suntec city to find MORE christmas decorations... didn't do much just stood by and carried things... as per usual, NOW do you see WHY I don't go out shopping with my parents much? After that ate dinner at this chinese restaurant place, they got a crazy buy one noodle / congee / rice / dessert and get a noodle / congee / rice / dessert FREE! It can be more expensive than the original and all but it is FREE! But abit cheapskate cos the only things we ordered were things from the promotional menu XD

Oh yea, before that I spent the morning (whats left of morning from about 11:20am on) looking for mass active games about 20 to 30 people can play together... failed miserabally (wrong spelling AGAIN.. I REALLY need to look that up someday) still looking now or Caleb-Taichou will be after my blood tommrrow when I tell him I have spent two weeks finding nothing XD So must keep on thinking... any ideas anyone? SMS me k?

After like two or three years of owning my video camera I just figured out how to put the pictures from the SD card into my computer XD Sadly I don't look too good in the pictures... Nothing a round in Photo-Impressions can't fix XD Digital Makeover!! Btw, my comp mouse has been really cranky lately, first it becomes less and less reactive then it stops moving, after changing to another older mouse I had it also began to detiorate so I gave up and bought a new mouse, no more ball mouses for me! Only optical from now on! XD

Oh yea! And I just added more Quiz results at the top and bottom of my Quiz results section, go check it out if it is your kind of thing ^_^ Thats al lfor this post!

Quote of e post:
You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh because you are all the same...

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