Monday, December 06, 2004

Feeling Fired!

Wooh! Service today was so GOOD! Feeling fired now that I have my purpose in life. At least for now ^_^ You'll find out what it is. Our parents are put into our lives to guide and teach us as we grow up. No matter how your parents treat you, if i they are rich or poor. Young or old, all parents will love their children. It is just that sometimes it gets so difficult and there are many things that stress us out. It may seem that our parents don't understand, and sometimes theey don't. Blame the age gap, blame the way they were brought up blame anything you want but they are different so instead of getting mad at them and spoiling the relationship between you two what you can do is understand THEM instead.

All your teenage life if you've been asking your parents to understand you and you like to say" You don't understnad me at all!" then it is time to sit back and think, have you ever put yourself in their shoes? Have you only been asking for understanding but yet have never made the effort to try and understand your parents? If you have, I must say that is quite selfish and even though your parents may not see it that way, it will still strech them out trying to know whats going through your head. So you woke up late, so you missed the bus, so you can't buy [this thing] or [that thing], so your friend has a new whatever, it may take more than common sense to realise that you are angry at missing the bus cos you've got an appointment to keep or you want to have a [whatever] as it is a sign of status in school or something. If you don't tel lthem you will never know.

I've recieved word today, and I am going to, VERY hard to try to over time, as soon as possible to stop listening to secular songs. Now music and songs is VERY different. Music is just pleasant sounds but Songs are music with lyrics and THAT makes the important difference. Songs now promote immorality, a loose life, swearing, smoking and a ton of other influences subtly. As we listen to these songs these values will begin to imprint themselves on our lives. behaviour and character unwittingly. THAT is the power of music, the power of music can penetrate what our limited mind can comprehend and affect us greatly without us knowing at all that we have changed. So review your choice of a listening entertainment, it will affect the kind of person you become. If music/ songs can be used as theraphy it can and is also being used as a form of propaganda, like when you hear a certain music in ads or commercials, songs that promote the wrong set of values and messages can also do harm.

It has been a long time since I've felt so much passion do do something, or for the record anything! Btw I was just lazing around and.. Wha?! Cecelia-Sensei had friendster? Hmm.. interesting this is gonna keep me busy for some time hahaz, but no one is on at this kind of time so just add first then see what happens lah. Leave this hanging oso no point ending it here...

Quote of the Post:
You life little girl, is an empty page, that men will want to write on...

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