Friday, December 17, 2004

Late Post... Oh Well...

Ok so Im bloggin for YESTERDAY, the 16th of December... now only 17 days left till school re-opens. Today was like so fun! I woke up late, very late, cos at first I got up at 9+ am but after looking at the time I just flopped back in bed and fell asleep again not to awaken until 11+ almost noon.. owch. Still un-started on my holiday homework... Went online after grabbing breakfast and chatted.. very nice, got to know a new friend or a long lost old friends from the age of IRC when people actually chatted instead of just parking their nick there and going off to download stuff... 2 and a half years, THAT is how long ago that was.

Went with my father to go order Christmas stuffz! We are getting a chicken again this year (Sigh.. no ham this time round.. I LOVE HAM!! LoLx) and a nice log cake... I forgot what kind but I remember the chicken will be roasted with herbs and stuffing , Yum ^_^ Christmas this year looks to be realyl cool, especialyl with CCIS going on... EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS, MUST GO TO ORCHARD ROAD (TAKASHIMAYA AROUND THERE) THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON HORX!! Especially on the 19th this Sunday, there will be a road closure for a big parade ^_^ Woot!!

My Dad's job really REALLY offers some good perks. By pulling some strings with the brass at HSBC bank he managed to get some tickets for a private screening of Ocean's Twelve!! It was REALLY good! Even though some things don't make sense, especially since I haven't watched Ocean's Eleven... So everything with the words "again" and "remember the time.." and all that stuff come up blank here. But It was still cool, no gun fights and all, but the dialoge is pricesless. A dash of funny stuff, some corse language and alot of really nice planning and discussions. And a really cool star studded cast, my advice? Worth a shot, all the way.

Got a small Christmas celebration tommrrow night... And I somehow a have ended in charge of something AGAIN (What is it with things piling up on me?) just games IC this time for about 24 people or so... no biggie. OMG it is like SO late... if I sleep my standard 6 hours of sleep I'll rouse at about 10... sleep in abit (as per usual.. lazy me) 11. Not bad, I can still make my appointment =D Ahh... life never looked so good.

Busy looking for lost friends. They are still in contact and they still exist, very well indeed if NOT for the fact that Im locked out!! Only able to just look and see them talk about everything random and pointless... God please do not let that Forum die!! It is my only link left to them.. but since AG shut down you can register for a account but you can NEVER get validated. So you can never post... to tell them... "I suddenly left like two years ago.. still remember me? Jade? Zyzychn? Darkmongoose?" but I cant... so i turn to my next link... and I find their profiles.. YES! I secure an e-mail address.. but that was 2 days ago, e-mail addresses dont last 2 years... No replys to onlines... Am I meant to lose all my contacts EVERYTIME my comp gets locked down?

Am I like the only person IN the whole world that begins to tear when they listen to songs with touching / meaningful / nice lyrics? I mean like... it just flows... I cant stop it! Is it so wierd? Maybe it is.. maybe I am wierd but Im happy that Im wierd cos THAT is who I am.

Im quite lost about what to post now... still addicted to Hagane no Renkinjutsushi or Fullmetal alchemist (Hagane -> Fullmetal, no is a transition word like "of" and justu is technique or skill, renkinjutsu is alchemy, adding -shi behind it makes a title, so renkin-jutsu-shi is Alchemist), it is so useful! I wish I could do at least some basic alchemy.. after all I keep breaking small things and so on it would be really cool to just draw and alchemist circle (I have no intention of learning how to transmute energy so a alchemist circle is not need like Edward Elric) with the broken item in the middle, add other neccessary items around and in the circle, and concentrate with the proper chants it will fix itself... draining me of course.. sigh.. fair trade

Im outta things to blog about! Im gonna risk putting another song here so wait abit k?

Quote of the post:
(My last quote was from memory this is e exact one)
People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something.
You must present something of equal value to gain something.
This is the principle of Equivalent Trade in Alchemy...

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