Thursday, December 30, 2004


Ok, As you can see, I've got a new skin. Got it off cos I was too lazy to go and make one, also got no inspiration. I've still got a few flaws to work out like things in the side spilling over into the actual blodg body... and the size of the tag board boxes. Any comments, feel free too drop me a tag or e-mail me at or add me to your msn and give me a ring! Just an Update post... cya round bai bai

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Ice Is Running Thin...

As each day passes, the day school re-opens for my final year in secondary school draws ever closer. 4 more days from today onwards... Like they say "Time files when you are having fun" and so goes my holidays. The Bangalow is stil open up till Friday, insane I say when offered with the chanvce to go today. Im already 100% broke and dead and you still want me to go?! If I go I won't even ba able to take bus home anymore X_X plus, only the usual peopel who stayed will be there (mostly) and maybe Darl's family, thats all. Sianz.

Re-downloading the Chobits manga after my dear friend Shan An seems to have lost his entire collection of the actual book (grumble) but it's cool too. Equivalent trade, for everything I gain, I will lose something else, depends on how much the thing I gain means to me, the greater the thing lost. Thus as a result of my fun there yesterday, today I am plauged with a bout of ill health (maybe it has something to do with eating Reuben's cheng Teng, Daryl's laksa when he was sick or a ton of other reasons I can think of) Not very bad, but when I look at e computer screen I geta slight nudge in the head, which says .. PAIN. Yea, I got a bad headache... and It gets BETTER... the pain-wont-go-away!

*heavy breathing* ok so I actually put the little joke into action. Last Sunday, me and Daryl were talking (ok GOSSIPING) and we chanced up the idea to like make a site to "showcase" our Youth Alive's little interesting tidbits ^_^'' we'll try to keep this small scale, but hey, any Bethelites in you Alive, drop by for fun, tag us and we will link you up! And maybe someday, you MAY be featured! Of cos, call it high-tech gossip if you may, why dont you drop us a tag or e-mail me at

Im thinking of re-doing my blog again.. Hahaz... copy all my posts and make a new site... cos outcast8viii sounds abit depressing and lonely... ok I was, but now things are different! Things have changed! So should the thing that reflects my thought, my personal blog... Wow! Look at the time, it is 5pm, and I began writing at almost 3 hours... I really need to review my
Comp usage before the school re-opens.

I Think thats all for now, if there is something else, I'll patch it on later kaez? Bai!

Quote of the Post:
Is there someone, Just for me? In the city, with no people...

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Boxing Day, and After...

Wahaz~! Today is the 28th of December, Lets blog in chronological order kaez? It makes reading ALOT easier. Starting from the 26th.... Wahz, Woke up like super late about 11am closing to 12 cos I that day reall lazy lorz... woke up first time at about 9am close to 10, then went back to sleep, continue like this every half hour to one hours or so hahaz...

Boxing day! Nothing special... went and ate breakfast, THANKIES to Joel and Family for giving us the cake, it was fabulous hahaz, ate majority of the walnut one. Then went to Joel's house and talked abit before going for service, met Cecelia and Paula for lunch.. so called met, cos they had to run off before I was done... I like to enjoy my food when I have the time. Speaker was Rachel Ong, she rushed back on christmas night so that she can be with us for youth service! So touching ^_^

Whaz! Super Short notice, only on that day I learnt that we were gonna have a chalet / Zone outing the next day (27th) and I had to bring something for the bbq, so after service and dinner with Joel, Issac and some other pplz we went to Heartland to buy Chicken Wings.. bought about 50+ wings, cos we heard that about 50 ppl coming and other people also bringing other things. So Joel so called "supply" money, and I "supplied" the labour, I carried the 5kg of chicken home, marinate and chucked it in e fridge to marinate overnight (then the flavour will seep in mahz)

Fast forward to 27th! Woke up at 10am, did my usual things until about 1120 or so went over to Joel's house with the 5kg of chicken, now marinated in a huge pot... So nice of his father to give us a lift so we didnt have to take bus :P Stopped by the bus-stop to pick up Cecelia, Reuben and Jean (whom we were supposed to meet outside then take bus) and went to Pasir-Ris... dropped by the place, it wasnet a chalet, but a Bangalow outside the park, just cross the road is the park with the spiderweb liaox.. nice spacious place ^_^ JoY Dumped the Chicken in the fridge provided in the house (Excellent place wahaz) and headed to Whitesands.

Went there eat Lunch at the food-court, met Dilys and Serene (spelling?). Wah, I helped them to find chairs but when they came over Dilys only dropped off her Ice Box with us for us to help her carry and left... ok lahz, but they did say thanks.. :D Then went to supermarket to buy things before we met with everyone else to officially begin the outing. Besides a ton of drinks and some food Reuben, Cecelia and Jean were pitiful victims of advertising and bought a very VERY small bottle of water each cos it looked cute... (Ok ok so it is their decision) Then went to the MRT station to meet eveyone else save for Paula and Hannah (Who would be late) and the commitee (who was already at Pasir Ris park)

When we were all there... Games Time!! Wa.. they were so evil the commitee! We were all split into 3 groups, lame names as per usual, I was in the same group with Hannah, Joel, Jean, Alfred and Joseph save for Joseph we were all from HG2!! So unity level was almost maxy maxy max! First game was the longest line, we, as in my team won! Wahaxz.. beat that! But I lost the strap for my video camera X_X Then next game looked evil but was quite shiok, bury all members in sand.. we had a little leeway cos Jean had skin problems, so she cant be buried and Joel had some wound on his arm so his hands need not be buried.... and we also WON! Wahz.. cos I found a flat plank of wood and used it, all e other teams used hands only... I asked e commitee later on, it was not cheating :P For the third game, we had to take water from the sea in a plastic bag and pour into the next bag and so on... for this game, our bags had holes.. everyone! So it was abit hard, and I in my rush tore a bag in half X_X so we ended up last... no matter! Games just play play for fun. Then the last game was super fun! Water Bomb hahaz, we al had to wrap a "princess" in toilet paper and there would be boundaries and one defender, the group wil the most dry paper at the end of the time wins.. we chose Hannah for obvious reasons (Small size). But the Princess not allowed to dodge and Hannah did enough cool dodging to land her a place in the Matrix but cos of that we were dis-qualified from winning even though we had the most dry paper... After that was Praise and Worship, then testimony sharing time. It was like overcast and on the verge of raining so we prayed cos we would be having BBQ later on and the cloud moved away!! It was like so great and the breeze was really cooling, but as we headed backto the house, it rained anyway.. oops.. the widn blew it over the house.. alamak XD

So while we waited for the BBQ to begin and the rain to stop everyon had free and easy, some watched TV some played Daidee, bridge and other stuff. So sian, play Truth or Dare, never even get once.. but also good lah... My secret is safe. I feel so guilty, never go help them do the BBQ only play and wait to be served food... aiyaz... next time then.. you must hold me to my word ah whoever reads this! Sorry to Cecelia-sensei!!

Then as everyone cleared out, only left 8 people staying... Me, Joel, Caleb, Anthony, Joseph, Gabriel, Alfred and Daryl. Anthony went off to slp first, then Caleb and Joseph went to play the PS2... leaving me, Gabriel and Daryl to gossip until we went down to "accompany" the PS2 hahaz. Finally went to sleep at about 5am+ but the room was so uber cold, thank God for Caleb's Sleeping Bag or I would have gotten no sleep at all...

Woke up at 9am thanks to Gabriel's handphone alarm, which he promptly dis-engaged and went back to sleep... went out, talked to Anthony abit, went around went back to sleep XD only 100% woke up at 11pm or so hahaz... watched some TV, saw them play Metal Gear Solid 3... the octa-wateva guy is so lame and funny... not abit like a dangerous boss.

After a long disscussion and mis-interpretation (dont ask) we settled for watching a movie, not a bad idea until the movie turned out to have a poor (almost non existant) plot and poor character building... but for a action film it was quite alright.. and very lame, with the famous spiderman quote : With great power comes great responsibility XD cute, real cute.... So broke, hungry, cold (it was raining) and in great pain (the long period of focusing on the screen gave me a massive headache) I took bus to Hougang Mall, took one MRT stop to Kovan and limped home, to a nice warm bath and food glorious Food! But Alas, I forgot to bring the empty pot back X_X

It was so fun, I dun mind do it again anytime soon. Thats all for now, bai bai~!

Quote of the Post:
(no quote today! Just a little intro to something to try if you have plenty of time) <- cool puzzle game try it!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas...

Fist above all other things... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ok Hyper Long Entry Coming up. Blogging for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.. or the first half so far. Anyhows, Yesterady was Christmas eve. (Like as if you didnt know) My family ate our "official" Christmas dinner on the 23rd cos on the 24th night im not free... Volunteering for CCIS mahz... Spent the entire morning and afternoon writing Christmas Cards and wrapping presents, left abit later then went and did Crowd Control for the countdown thing with Mavis, Xue Yan, Meryl and Priscilla... cos I took over Rachel, so like very akward.. all the like leader leaders and only I the youngest and the only guy X_X They called us to go and meet at 6pm but then later after telling us our places, we were dismissed until like 9pm then call us come back to begin our duty, so nice ah XD

So we went to Scotts to see Mavis mother, she works in a shop there, then went downstairs to eat dinner, ate this fried rice with chicken chop thing... not bad lahz.. but the chicken chop was cold Oo, hahaz, shared a Ice-Kachang with everyone else. Then we went walking through the streets, Mavis was wearing this like Santa Claus hat, so we can't lose her XD Went back to the main stage area and slacked near the stalls... eat some cotton candy ^_^ Very long never eat cotton candy liao.. nice and sticky LoLx

Wah.. duty was so hetic! Ushering cum Telling people to move to the front to make more space, to getting scolded for not giving them chairs (Hello? The chairs are like for the VIPs?) Somehow our church (Bethel Aog! Wooh!) Senior Pastor (Reverand Chia they called him... what happened to Pastor?) is a VIP O.O Okies, so we just waited from 9 till 9:45 when the party (so called) began. The hosts were Moses Lim and Gurmit Singh!! Wooh! There were many performances including one Tiwanese Troupe. In the troupe there was this topless guy (dun ask... it is his costume) who is like lagging... he is like so blur and lost, keep having to look at the guy at the other side hahz.. no wonder he was at the back corner XD There there was like a group of people playing violins and whats not and one of them right at the front dropped his scores! And they were on an elevate stage (abt one metre higher) So he cannot get his scores back and sat there like a stone, violin up, the other hand unmoving... aiyo, so pai-sei XD

The super cool Australian Marshes Family was there too! They are like a 9 person family ( a REAL family as in Brothers Sisters and Parents) who make up a band.. real cool. And some other people. And of the many performances was the City Harvest children chior, youth chior and dance group, their alternativce worship style was quite hippy lah.. but highly questionable... (looks secular enoughto me ^_^") Oh! And then as per usual, countdown lah, all the crowd control people made human barriers around the entire area so people dun try to rush in or out when the actual countdown begins. So I spent my last 10 seconds of Christmas Eve staring at someone's back X_X The first thing I did on Christmas day (as at 12am 25/12/05) was shake Meryl's hand O.O ok.. that was a pointless bit of info. Later after the countdown, another person appeared (like advertised) JJ linor something, our local singaporesn Chinese Singer... wah.. then it is back to crowd control nightmare again as like tons of gals (seems like they were there for that moment) tried to rush around... Anyhow, so we sang a few songs, and then the entire party ended.

And we missed the last MRT Train!! And before that Orchard MRT was closed up and all so we began to walk to the next stop... but it was so hazardous! There were so many people on every street every corner spraying stuff on innocent passer bys... Good thing we managed to shun em all and made it to our destination clean, but we still missed the last train X_X and so while we waited for Priscilla's father to pick us all up we went to this mos burger at empress place or something to that effect for a snack. I think I nutz, I like ordered a Rice Burger Meal... Owch, but ok lah. Mos Burger has the most SOLID fries! I mean like KFC is too oily, Mac is like very salty but Mos Burger fries are like big and chock full of mealy wholesome potato goodness! Mmmm... then sat around and talked until we all realised we were FREEZING inside and went to sit outside on the staircase (watching closely to see if any nutters are still trying to smother us in sticky snow spray),

Upon reaching home I was so dead tired I just changed and plop, fell asleep. Woke up at about 10 this morning, Whooh! Christams day! Went down and spent morning finishing up whatever present things ive not finished up. Wooh! Today was a great day for more reasons than one. First it is Christmas day! But not only that, today I got water baptised!! And I was like so nervous... I was practically shaking all over, waiting to go read out my testimony (which I just wrote in the car on the way there) and it was supposed to be like 2m ins long but I think I said it in such a nervous rush I blahed the whole thing in like 40 seconds or so. We were made to walk through this strech of leaders, and they will like pray for you when you pass them. Alot of them know my name, but I dunno alot of them O.o Umm.. guess I'll ask them tommrrow then hahaz. The water was super cold and I was shivering inside sitting there while the pastor and my leader prayed for me, I was cold but my ears were burning... My ears will always feel on fire and look very red when Im embarassed or something... so many people took pictures... Anyhow after that we were usherd to a small toilet to change and dry off. Feels pretty cool.... to think that a few months back... I almost put free-thinker on my IC registration thing and got into a small argument with my parents.

Then there was service! Service was a blast, the chior was there to sing and all. Pastor Peter Chng was e speaker, powerful fella, it does not take big words or anything to move people, it takes a simple message and people's conviction, about 10 odd new people came down for the alter call, excellent. Then he too called e belivers to come down and re-dedicate themselves for the new year, it was so fitting with my water baptism a mere 2 -3 hours ago from then.

After the service ended was the chaotic part. The war has begun, but instead of trading shots, everyone was trading presents ^_^ running everywhere in the auditorium looking for people, having someone call your name from who knows where, shaking tons of hands. I managed to give everything except my cards out, but the presents were all quite nicely delivered with no problems although My ears were all red at certain points but no one noticed ^_^ I got quite a few cool gifts! Like a new cap and wrist-support.. excellent stuff! Thanks people! Look forward to seeing you all tommrrow and on monday too. Wahaha... she did it! She's back to wearing glasses again ^_^ I dunno if this is by chance or what but, hey, I ain't complaining... and Jean finally let her hair down.. she seriously looks far better that way, I told her before during Zone Camp but she just HAD to shrug it off... hee hee ^_^

I think thats all for my post... super long liaoz... about 1300+ words, surprising right? Well see you around bye bye!

Quote of the post:
Shallow men believe in Luck, Strong men believe in Cause and Effect

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Rash Decision....

Ok... So I was a little unstable just now... stupid me.. went and totally changed the whole blog layout and stuff, at that moment, I really wasn't thinking straight. Ha... Im so weak, I didn't think some small news like that will un-settle me so badly... If you wish, tell me and I'll put my skin up again... otherwise I too lazy to change this one. (I will though... the current one is SO not to my liking.. urgh Hahaz)

Ive calmed down, stop brooding about it, but it still weighs heavily on my mind, thanks to Paual-sempai for just letting me talk to her, from super solid bad mood to normal hahaz... how not to? ^_^ Tommrrow is Christmas Eve... a nice time of the year.. the day before the all nice and cheerful Christmas and I am stuck doing CCIS duty... *sigh* But it's cool! Be a history maker and be part of the first ever fully Christian organised Christmas celebration in Singapore!

Waa!! My parents think it is too late... ulp.. i hope they will sign my Water Bapitsm form... I really need it! I was supposed to hand it in by like last week... but I am under "special circumstances" so I was given abit of extra time... and I have also over-shot it X_O Owch... Good thing Rachel-San is not around or she wil KILL me.. *ulp*

Oo I really take very long sia, began writing this at 9pm and now is like 12:44am.. wahz... I just started, then I went off on msn to chat.. and now look at the time! Argh... I lost track of what is was trying to write about.... (duhs who wont after like 3 hours?) So im gone... ^_^

Quote of E Post:
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.
Thomas H. Huxley (No idea who)

Equivalent Trade...

Ha... Equivalent Trade eh? Absolutely love it... Don't you? Yesterday was so perfect... and according to my terms, Soemthing will be given for it. And the price was paid today. It's been a long time since I've said this but, In my life, everything that goes well will cause me to lose something else, somewhere else, one way or another. Dilys , you are such a loyal friend, you deserve an award...

Am I behaving oddly today? Maybe I am, Maybe Im not. Stage one? Denial... It can't be, not that I don't trust you, but I don't want to trust you. I don't want to believe, don't want to think about it. If it were one sided, go ahead! The field is fair... but now, the game has changed. Things are different now, the stakes are different.. and the rules are harsher. To first step to get over things, is to admit that there is something to get over. Bah... And to think it is just the day before Christmas Eve... Still have many things to do... some urgent, most are urgent.

Stage two? It should set in soon, Im ready. I've been through worse... Whats this? Just a slight speck... or is it? And it HAD to come during lunchtime... the taste sours in my throat. Two simple questions, Who and When... next is Where... But on second thought, I don't need to know. I don't WANT to know.

My eyes are stones
You toLd me truth
But by dawn
BeautY had fallen from sight
These stones are in Leauge with gravity
And greEn Water gurgles oVer fathoMs deep
WHere i lie
About the Truth
I lie in weeds
Washed back and fOrth
TangLed, knotted
And thosE are stones that once were pearls

A poem... from somewhere on the net, it is not mine, Im not good enough to write like this. So don't sue me, this line is my disclaimer.

Umm... Is so like lost right now, cant blog anymore... maybe later.. boodbye

Quote of e Post:
Bitterness has never tasted so Sweet...
8-3-1 6-2-4 5-5-1 2-2-3
6-6-6 13-2-5
6-3-1 7-1-2 12-1-5
1-1-1 4-1-6
11-1-5 10-4-2 6-5-2 12-1-2

Busy Day... But Fun...

Lalala... Today was quite a busy day (If you want to be technical, then yesterday) Woke up at like about 8.30am, then lazed in bed till 9.30am... haha I LOVE to lie in bed and be lazy. Then ate Tan1 Yuan2, if you dont know what it is, they are like balls of sticky rice flour, sometimes it is just a plain ball, most often times it has some nice filling in it like Peanut (Yummy and sweet), Reb Bean (Also sweet but I dont quite fancy it, abit grainy? Oo) etc. Then they are boiled in a vat... ok POT of sweetened water... a delicious dessert when hot and surprisingly refreshing (Although also a little disgusting) when cold. Anyway this morning technically I ate 6 for breakfast, but the five were eaten before I went to sleep! SO After waking up for "breakfast" I ate ONE measly tan1 yuan2.

Left the house at about 10:35... went to buy presents for Christmas with my friend and his brother XD HE is going mad now. Met at Heartland Mall, then went to Burger King to eat Breakfast cum Lunch AKA Brunch... then headed down to Kovan MRT to go PS... actually want to go Orchard one (Support CCIS!!!)... but when we reached Dhoby Gaut, we too lazy walk to take the other train so ended up in PS. There was this girl in the train, cos we can only see her face at that time, we could'nt tell if she was a guy or a girl, only when we got off did we manage to see she was agirl, red hair and all.. skinny long face hahaz..

Walked around then went arcadewith them, watched him play this drumming game.... play until level 4 stage failed... oh well it isn't easy you know! Then after that he challenged his brother to play Para Para, note that his brother is like in Primary School and my Friend is like sec 4. Anyhows, after a few minutes more peopel began looking and soon a small crowd gathered. Most people were cheering or showing silent support for his kid brother though, and His brother like totally wiped him off the floor for the first round, winning two out of three songs. Next however, my friend took it up a notch... expert freestyle wasen't enough, he threw in Hidden Mode, as in the signals for you to trigger the sensor would vanish halfway up the screen. And began to fight back, Winning the next two songs but still losing one song, overall, they drawed 3 to 3.

After that we officially began shopping around. Hahaz, he complaining I shop worse than a Girl. I like spent from 12 to 4 just looking through and buying things (Bascially shopping.. ahh, the joys of shopping XD) mostly looking though... hahaz, pissed him off real good. Almost totally broke now... but worth it, shopping is especially fun when youve got a guy trying to kill you in his fustration at your in-decisiveness.. and his kid brother is just taggign along, occasionally throwing odd comments.

Took MRT back to Kovan cos he had to celebrate his Mother's mother birthday... On the train we saw this really funny fellar, sleep on the train mouth open so wide facing up.... so funny! We tried not to laugh as much as we could just in case we woke him up but, we just laughed anyway, and he still slept soundly although we drew many odd glares. Why so many strange people in MRT today? Oo Ah well... then at Kovan, his father gave us a life to his home, spent like up till 6:45pm just slacking and enjoying his Cable TV hahaz.. talk abit with his sister (She's not happy I didnt buy her a present XD cos she was my classmate this year) then finalyl the long walk home, lugging my bags of stuff hahaz... but not before borrowing the Ocean's Eleven DVD from My friend!

Went home and watched e movie while eating dinner, too bad I had already watched Ocean's Twelve last week :P but no matter, the crew is still ingenious and there were some pretty tense moments with plenty of slick moves... hte moveis dont hold much action, it is all about the dialouge and the star-studded cast.

That was like one whole day. I blew my budget and still didn't manage to get EVERYONE a gift... hmm.. guess it is time to resort to.... Christmas Cards!! Being the poor soul (currently) I am now I guess I will be making them instead.. and I cant even print! My Printer running outta color ink, must be honored you are getting HANDMADE cards from me ok! (But if you know me well enough, you know my handiwork is terrible... thats also why I hate taking D&T) Wah! Todays entry quite fast sia... began at 1:08 and now is 1:44... only like 36 mins! And Im quite done here, bye bye!

Quote of e Post:
[I finally remembered something from all those MRT boards!]
The Reason For Living Is To Live A Life With Reason
The Meaning Of Life Is To Live A Meaningful Life

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Updated! How Nice...

Wee! I changed my skin again... obviously you can see XD No particular reason why I changed it, Just Bored I guess. Oh! And Ive uploaded some pics from the recent Zone Camp, hahaz, pity that during the Church Camp and Zone Camp all the best bits are all on tape and not on photos, because I can't get videos from my Video Camera into the computer. Changed some stuff here and there, but mostly everything is intact.

Woke up earlier today, about 9 plus and slacked around until I went online at late 10am nearing 11. No-one of interest online *sigh* so I was compelled to go fix up my blog again... hahaz. The new MSN Beta 7.0 is really irritating.. even though the status before log-in feature is cool, but the nudges and winks are really irritating. Funny how my entry titles no longer tally with the content of the entry, in a similatr fashion., my Blog Names (look at the top) also are not beggining to tally with the design of my skin... wierd? I think so too...

3:03 pm... I haven't even eaten lunch... Haiz.. and Im supposed to be cooking dinner. Still thinking of gifts for people... It isnt easy to find something that will suit each person but I'll figure it out somehow... I always do. Hahaz, It is now 3:44.... Like I said when I blog I will write abit, then go off, write another bit, then go off... so I can take up to 2 hours to finish one entry XD According to the bar the bottom, I began at 2:46pm hahaz, one hour has passed liaox.

Nobody mention I also don't feel so strongly... I miss my days as part of the camp commitee!! The feeling of duty, and having something important to do is abit nice. And having to go for meetings, to rack my brains, to work through the night, to get phone calls that are actually for me (I hardly get phone calls... or letters.. or anything) and to recieve sms-es, and e-mail.. hahaz, I sound so desperate. But more importantly, At the commitee, I found new friends, I got to know Anna better and got to meet Aaron, Xin Yi and Alvin.. Funny that all thier names (Aaron, Alvin, Ang Xin Yi and Anna all begin with A all except for mine... hmmm.. interesting like Aaron would say with a laugh)

Why did I aim so high? How did I get embroiled in my current situation given what I hold? So much so that now I am stuck with a goal I'll never reach, a dream I'll never fufill... I am left pining, wishing, hoping. And the worst thing? It is WRONG, it is WAY OFF... it was never meant to be an issue in the first place... A losing battle I plan to fight. Even if I lose, At least I tried right? Wrong, there is more on the line then the success, another thing is that what If I pull it off? By some fluke, miracle or chance... What am I to do? Endless mutterings can drive one mad... good thing I am already half insane.

Just spent my time listening to songs and stuff, now is 5:02pm about 2 hours since I began writing this. Still wasting time... hmm, the list of people I want to give Gifts to has jumped by quite abit... another problem is my budget. I Do not have the money to get everyone what I want to get them. Don't get mad if you don't get anything though, I'll at the very least give you a big sincere apology and a card ^_^

I keep forgetting that my blog is something open to the public hat anyone who waltzes in can read. So I better moderate my posts to ensure that im not rambling to myself, and actualyl blogging about things that peopel can relate to. However, isnt a blog like a virtual diary? Hmm.. food for thought I guess hahaz Im stuck with nothing to do now... it is 5:16pm signing off...

Quote of the Post:
Stones taught me to Fly
Life taught me to Die
Love taught me to Lie
And it's not hard to fall, when you fly like a Cannonball...

Bored Outta My Wits

It is 2:30 am on the 21st of December and I am bored out of my wits. Today was pretty un-eventful. Woke up late, like about 11 am and then did the usual. Went down, went online and had a nice long chat with Dilys... She is a really cool girl. Smart, and wise enough to hide it, you have truly earned my respect. Lots of things transpired within us... so even if it is like super early in the morning now and Im blogging I won't throw out any more obvious things... thanks to Dilys for making me see how obvious my "loop-holes" were. Then she went off and we continued talking via SMS and on e phone, all the way till about 4pm plus... She really is a smooth operator, pleasant voice and a nice head full of good ol' common sense.

Practically squandered the whole day away, and even gave the enemy a knife to stab me with... MSN Beta 7.0 is so helpful, yet the possibilities of it's uses still taunt me. Should I have introduced her to beta 7.0? Most probably she will use e Appear Offline before signing in to do eactly what she has been doing the hard way all these time.. but that also means it will be tons harder to catch her online... in fact it will become impossible to see her online just to talk... *sigh* what an idiot I am.

Funny, today seemed to flow very smoothly even though It was obviously hetic and messy. My mother is sick and is losing her voice, so I had to look after my sister, not that she can't look after herself. Funny, everyone but the usual people seem to be online today throughout the day, but Im not complaining, for even one of the most rarely seen people popped up to chat, for that half an hour or so of conversation, I am happy ^_^

As Christmas draws nearer I am faced with e propect of finding gifts for everyone. I was very effectively reminded of my lateness in doing so by one who offered me a gift. Damn I MUST return that favor. For me, gifts have to be meaningful, a hastily chosen gift with little meaning is worthless... So I tend to spend alot of time on finding gifts. Off the top of my head I can come up with at least 12 people I need to get presents for, or more accurately, 12 people I WANT to get presents for, to show my appreciation and thanks for all the things that they have helped me through.

Equivalent Trade, I have now taken these two words as one of my personal mottos. For there will be nothing gained if you do nothing. How much Am I willing to sacrifice to get what I want? How far will I go? How long can I keep this up before it breaks. Feeling very frustrated and irritated for no particular reason right now... maybe im just tired.

I could really do with some Christmas cheer in my life, which has suddenly turned so dull and bleak. The re-opening of school, the Os, people, expectations... hopes and dreams are all piling up on me, once again I am reminded to give it all to God. I cannot handle this on my own, but I am never alone for the Lord is always with me. I feel a little guilty for I skipped doing my daily devotion a few times this week. Which is important now even more so as I plan to get baptised, I need to set aside time to just talk and communicate with God, it is not the lack of time, it is how I use it. Im remembering Mavis's sharing during Zone Camp, God is never far away, he only SEEMS far away.

Christmas... in the past I never liked christmas alot. It was just another festive season overly encouraged by businesses to maximise sales. But In all the mess, I missed the reason for the season, forgive me Lord, Christmas isn't just another commercial holiday that money hungry shop-keepers can exploit. It is not about the lights, not about the gifts, not about the songs, It IS all about You Lord and your sacrifice for us.... Breaking down now... Im in no more position to blog anymore from this point onwards... maybe later today or tommrrow.

Quote of the Post:
[Got this off a SMS I got... Cute rite? ^_^]
()" " "()
( ' o', )
Missing You...
()" " "()

Monday, December 20, 2004

Wooh! Happy Happy Happy

Woot!! Been busy the past few days so I never blog hahaz. First up! On Friday night the 17th zone 3a went for a little... christmas gatherin at Punggol Park, and I brought my friend along, ok so he wasen't exactly well prepared or even ready for what might come his way but he had fun (I think, cos he aint after my blood now) After that I offered to take e same bus with him to go home, ended up going to his house and spending the night even though I had something else the next day.

That was like the FIRST time I spent the night over at a friend's home, which was not pre-planned, was not part of a camp or anything.I taught him how to play bridge and his two brothers helped as we needed 4 peopel to play. Then we played a few rounds of daidee... after that we were supposed to sleep but we ended up talking about some stuff, deep stuff...

Woke up at like 8 the next day and spent half and hour sneaking out his house... THAT was hard. Then reached home at about 9.30 am, took a nap, then rushed off to PGO for RR Christmas Celebration. Just some funny games with odd names that do not match the game and great food (There was Turkey! OMG) and some small tokens to bring home (I got a nice orange alligator savings bank, I LOVE ORANGE!!)

After that headed down to Orchard to do my CCIS duty for our church. I tell you, being a stage hand is a really terrible job until all your stage performers do not have ANYTHING for you to help out with... Super Slack!! I was posted outside Wisma, (I Dont wanna be at Wisma! I want to be at Tong building so I can [edited edited edited] X_X) we spent the time giving out booklets and chatting. Then I ran over to Ngee An City stage to see our church people do their stuff. Three items, First was a dance item by five girls. Some running and hopping about on e stage, mystifying... Then after that was a Skit, Haha! Joel, If I had a camera I would have gotten solid GOLD standard pictures, you looked hilarious! And They acted really well, especially the lead, I never knew Jacinta could act... Finally was a Choir performance by about 40 - 50 odd people. Im SO angry when I think about it, the choir was really good! But the speakers and microphone were all crackly and noisy so that it didnt turn out nice.

Went home late, slept the night away, woke up early to go for Service (Combined) upon request of Jean at the lsat minute I ushered, since it was combined with e adults the attire had to be formal. As in Long pants, leather shoes, belt, tie, long sleeved shirt .. you know.. how trouble some, but it was still quite cool. Being in the balcony was cool, it makes seeing people below far easier and they don't even know you are looking! Wahh!! [edited edited] just looks so cute ^_^ Glasses or Contacts... but I still prefer you in glasses (Even though I know you dont read my Blog)

And not long after that, Im off to Orchard AGAIN to help out as a Performer Escort. Thanks to some nosy parkers, we the Rangers actually had a marching slot in the parade, but some peopel complained that it was a "religious demonstration" so we got to take it down. The road was totally closed off for the parade (A first in Singapore for Christmas) from 6pm to about 10:30pm and there were floats and performances and stuff, thanks to my flat feet and shoes, my soles are now crying in pain for standing in slightly tight shoes for 4 hours at end, Ouch...

Now it is like Monday morning... After service I had a water baptism class, to "prepare" us for the thing. My parents dont think im serious so my form is unsigned and a whole lot of other stuff is holding it down. But it took like 2 weeks and 2 messages from God before I finally made this decision. Two things people -> Joshua 31:6 "... Be strong and Courageous .... I will never leave you nor forsake you" and the second this is To Live By Faith and Not By Your Feelings.

Hahaz, Im just all excited over the coming Christmas season andI can't get my thoughts straight (SO so even without the mess my thoughts are still quite messy... none im too willing to share) I'll say more later when I feel like it but for now i need to catch some shut eye... yawnz.. bb!

Quote of the Post:
Greater is He in You, then He is in the world... So take heart, have faith and go forth!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Late Post... Oh Well...

Ok so Im bloggin for YESTERDAY, the 16th of December... now only 17 days left till school re-opens. Today was like so fun! I woke up late, very late, cos at first I got up at 9+ am but after looking at the time I just flopped back in bed and fell asleep again not to awaken until 11+ almost noon.. owch. Still un-started on my holiday homework... Went online after grabbing breakfast and chatted.. very nice, got to know a new friend or a long lost old friends from the age of IRC when people actually chatted instead of just parking their nick there and going off to download stuff... 2 and a half years, THAT is how long ago that was.

Went with my father to go order Christmas stuffz! We are getting a chicken again this year (Sigh.. no ham this time round.. I LOVE HAM!! LoLx) and a nice log cake... I forgot what kind but I remember the chicken will be roasted with herbs and stuffing , Yum ^_^ Christmas this year looks to be realyl cool, especialyl with CCIS going on... EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS, MUST GO TO ORCHARD ROAD (TAKASHIMAYA AROUND THERE) THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON HORX!! Especially on the 19th this Sunday, there will be a road closure for a big parade ^_^ Woot!!

My Dad's job really REALLY offers some good perks. By pulling some strings with the brass at HSBC bank he managed to get some tickets for a private screening of Ocean's Twelve!! It was REALLY good! Even though some things don't make sense, especially since I haven't watched Ocean's Eleven... So everything with the words "again" and "remember the time.." and all that stuff come up blank here. But It was still cool, no gun fights and all, but the dialoge is pricesless. A dash of funny stuff, some corse language and alot of really nice planning and discussions. And a really cool star studded cast, my advice? Worth a shot, all the way.

Got a small Christmas celebration tommrrow night... And I somehow a have ended in charge of something AGAIN (What is it with things piling up on me?) just games IC this time for about 24 people or so... no biggie. OMG it is like SO late... if I sleep my standard 6 hours of sleep I'll rouse at about 10... sleep in abit (as per usual.. lazy me) 11. Not bad, I can still make my appointment =D Ahh... life never looked so good.

Busy looking for lost friends. They are still in contact and they still exist, very well indeed if NOT for the fact that Im locked out!! Only able to just look and see them talk about everything random and pointless... God please do not let that Forum die!! It is my only link left to them.. but since AG shut down you can register for a account but you can NEVER get validated. So you can never post... to tell them... "I suddenly left like two years ago.. still remember me? Jade? Zyzychn? Darkmongoose?" but I cant... so i turn to my next link... and I find their profiles.. YES! I secure an e-mail address.. but that was 2 days ago, e-mail addresses dont last 2 years... No replys to onlines... Am I meant to lose all my contacts EVERYTIME my comp gets locked down?

Am I like the only person IN the whole world that begins to tear when they listen to songs with touching / meaningful / nice lyrics? I mean like... it just flows... I cant stop it! Is it so wierd? Maybe it is.. maybe I am wierd but Im happy that Im wierd cos THAT is who I am.

Im quite lost about what to post now... still addicted to Hagane no Renkinjutsushi or Fullmetal alchemist (Hagane -> Fullmetal, no is a transition word like "of" and justu is technique or skill, renkinjutsu is alchemy, adding -shi behind it makes a title, so renkin-jutsu-shi is Alchemist), it is so useful! I wish I could do at least some basic alchemy.. after all I keep breaking small things and so on it would be really cool to just draw and alchemist circle (I have no intention of learning how to transmute energy so a alchemist circle is not need like Edward Elric) with the broken item in the middle, add other neccessary items around and in the circle, and concentrate with the proper chants it will fix itself... draining me of course.. sigh.. fair trade

Im outta things to blog about! Im gonna risk putting another song here so wait abit k?

Quote of the post:
(My last quote was from memory this is e exact one)
People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something.
You must present something of equal value to gain something.
This is the principle of Equivalent Trade in Alchemy...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Im Back! Wooh!

Just came back from Zone Camp last night... the prospect of spending two days two nights with everyone was really thrilling! And it was really good! We even managed to convince Darren to come at the last minute on Sunday evening when the camp would begin on Sunday night XD

As expected... the names were super odd... Hugh Grant (Wooh! We Rock!), Hi-5 (I dont know how WE lost to THEM.. ahem), Hoobastank (Ok... they were very entusiastic about suaning us) and Hello Kitty (Poor Joel... XD) And I ended up being a group leader X_X but I had an awesome crew, but we still got 1st Runner Up in the end...Because of ONE Dodgeball game.

Even though it was short It was super fun! I don't mind giving it another round! After all chances like that don't appear very often. The Committee was really solid! They did the whole thing without supervision or much help from the higher ups. Especially the commandant Daryl, so sporting.. hope your hair has washed out right (Your hair looked like Jiraya XD).

I now have a sore throat from all the shouting and cheering (Ok so I had a sore throat from the start but I almost lost my voice due to this camp.. but it was worth it) I learnt alot during this camp not only from the sessions.. but also about the people in it XD I won't continue and elaborate, but I'll never forget the camp!

And now im sick, sore throat, coughing, runny nose (abit) and a aching neck... ok so Im not THAT sick. Couple that with the fact that my Internet Explorer is spoilt and I can't seem to get any video shots from my video cam into the computer. But I can get pictures in, for that much I am grateful and extremely happy... nvm you won't get it.

Only 18 days left to the re-opening of school.. and a new hetic life of a final year pupil I should have lived last year. The O's should be coming around at end May for chinese, ouch time is really gonna fly and Im sure before I know it I'll be sitting there fretting over what to do / write. Ahh... so little time left so much to do. And I've totally forgotten what I need to do for all my holiday homework.. guess I'll try to piece together what I have and hope it turns out alright. (Ulp... somehow, It never does)

First I would like to clear up something, the name of the singer for 3rd and 4th OP for Gundam Seed and the Eding song Reason for Gundam Seed Destiny is NOT Nami Tamaki it is Tamaki Nami.. for some reason some fan sites put ger name as Nami Tamaki but her official distributor (Tofu Records) has it as Tamaki Nami as do all other Official websites with her name in it... so yea.

I highly reccomend Full-Metal Alchemist to anyone with enough time. Toriyama's World has a few chapters, I suggest you go check it out ofyou've got e time and disk space. It is a great Manga, and it is also avaliable as an Anime but since my WMP is down I cant watch it....

Ahh... I think I've run out of things to write owing to the fact that I've got a headache and oh! i think you already know that my Windows Media Player is down... I mean really... What else could go wrong on this hunk of metal? Oh well... I'll blog some other time... Try to fix this problem now... bye bye!

Oh Yea! Wait WAit wait! Today is the 15th of December..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sylvia!!! Ahem its ok if you didn't get it.

Quote of the post:
In everything, there is always the rule of Fair Trade, nothing can be gained by doing nothing.

Friday, December 10, 2004


Ok... My comp is seriously 100% down. Some big BIG virus has come along and done some pretty major damage. I think it is time someone paid a visit to the incinerator.. but my parents will never want to hear anything about buying a new computer, after all it is always I who spoils it so if it is down it is MY fault and shouldn't implicate THEM. I mean like, I can't press anything that leads to another thing via pop up or whatever. From my tag board to my e-mail nothing can work. Now even as I type there is no small pictures on top of this box which says link or bold or whatever... totally down and out... no antivirus can help me now

Wooh! Yesterday pretty shiok... slept in till afternoon, went out and caught a movie, "National Treasure" ok so it is abit lame but it ain't all that bad! I mean, I've seen worse. It was abit of action, comedy and suspense thrown in. The brainy puzzles are almost impossible to figure out seeing that we in Singapore are no experts on American history so the clues made no sense to us. Really cannot remember ah! Head spinning, yesterday was just like a dream... it passed too quickly...

Found a new person to follow closely ^_^ Nami Tamaki.. Huh? She sang the songs Believe and Realize both from Gundam Seed and also the ending song for Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason. Real nice. Whats more? She is only 16 this year! Born on the 1st June 1988 she is like the same age as us, since young she knew her ambition and strived towards it gaining her big break after Believe was chosen on of the Opening Theme of the highly popular anime Gunam Seed.. but umm... i prefer to just listen to her voice XD She looks highly gothic and odd like. I highly reccomend Reason and Prayer even though I don't know what it says, it sounds good to me ^_^

Still thinking of ways to fix my computer... even though i know that i cannot for i have done everything within my power to repair it. What it needs now is nohting more than a good dump in the bin and a trip down to sim lim square to replace it XD For I tell you it is absolutely hopeless. Nothing more can be salvaged of this hard-disk, NOTHING. The memory is trashed, e RAM is low (Ok maybe we can take e RAM.. extra has never hurt XD) and the CD and diskette drives but thats it, just over all in all is useless. I mean just LOOK... An iPod with 20 Gig has more memory than this rust bucket! (18.7 Gig) How bad is that?! Something that can be carried in my pocket has more memory than this heavy... thing.

Now lets top that off with about 20 days of holiday left approx and no homework done, what do you get? A disaster waiting to happen, tommrrow or in fact tonight if able im gonna haul all that old newspaper upstairs and start my english... then ask someone what am I supposed to do for chinese and DO IT. Thats all for this post... Im drained phew.. 11:50pm still the 10th or December hahax...

Quote of the Post:
[Translated from "Prayer" by Nami Tamaki]
That time as the shooting star streaked by, it heard my wish
I wanted to put our hands, so far apart, together, as if in prayer

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More Elaboration XD

Brrr.. Time flies REALLY REALLY fast. More than half of the 1 and a half month end of year holidays are over!! And I haven't touched my Holiday Homework, In fact I've almost practically forgotten what it is O.O But no matter I will get to it soon, most probrably by today cos I can't keep putting it off otherwise it will just end up like all the other years where I put it offf so much I never got round to doing it. English will be easier to start with if I can remmeber what I am suupposed to do with the 20 articles I've found XD Chinese however is still a long war that I have yet to win... I totally forgot what I am supposed to do with the series of articles I find...

Anyhow, I have a testimony of the great power of music... less details here, Just one phrase, no two in fact of a song can turn you around. Trust me, it DID. And the after effects spun me on yet another whirlwind in my mind. Brr *shakes head* I gotta get it out of my head, and find a way to get rid of all the other "side effects" If you really need to know, well depends on who is asking. I will most likely not tell hahaz Urgh, Why am I acting so silly today? Anyway! I have thought about the music thing again and I have decided that not ALL secular songs promote bad lifestyles so I will moderate my listening range and only listen to songs that are wholesome and pleasant. ^_^ Cheers!

Boo! Nebx TV did not host GX ep9 and I had to go find and download it on my own... good we fans can always depend on Insanity for our fix even when saiyanman could not provide which is VERY VERY rare, Don't know if it is up now... But I don't care. Right now I am looking for a way to change cursors.. I want to change the cursor on my page but I have only a terrible idea how... Opening a cursor file with notepad etc only yielded a bunch of un-comprehensible code that I can't possibly decipher (Well it worked with web pages... so why not with all other kinds of applications etc?) so first I need to know how to make a cursor, after im done I can use it ^_^

Like my current skin? I like it ALOT but Im thinking of making a series of "song skins" which I will use in the near future but it may get really REALLY boring... send me any songs and I will try my best to make it into a nice pleasant skin for my blog! Project ideas already on the board are Still and Open Up The Gates. Look out for it! Yeah! I really really like Kaisei Josho Hallelujah! the GX opening theme, it really gets you pumped up! Umm life now is quite boring yet exciting cos nothing is happening but yet something is happening EVERYDAY! Don't get it? Well don't worry if you know what Im saying you probrably are experienceing the same thing!

Quote of the post:
Friendship is a promise spoken by heart.
It is not given by pledge,
nor written on paper.
It's a promise renewed everytime we keep in touch...

Monday, December 06, 2004

Feeling Fired!

Wooh! Service today was so GOOD! Feeling fired now that I have my purpose in life. At least for now ^_^ You'll find out what it is. Our parents are put into our lives to guide and teach us as we grow up. No matter how your parents treat you, if i they are rich or poor. Young or old, all parents will love their children. It is just that sometimes it gets so difficult and there are many things that stress us out. It may seem that our parents don't understand, and sometimes theey don't. Blame the age gap, blame the way they were brought up blame anything you want but they are different so instead of getting mad at them and spoiling the relationship between you two what you can do is understand THEM instead.

All your teenage life if you've been asking your parents to understand you and you like to say" You don't understnad me at all!" then it is time to sit back and think, have you ever put yourself in their shoes? Have you only been asking for understanding but yet have never made the effort to try and understand your parents? If you have, I must say that is quite selfish and even though your parents may not see it that way, it will still strech them out trying to know whats going through your head. So you woke up late, so you missed the bus, so you can't buy [this thing] or [that thing], so your friend has a new whatever, it may take more than common sense to realise that you are angry at missing the bus cos you've got an appointment to keep or you want to have a [whatever] as it is a sign of status in school or something. If you don't tel lthem you will never know.

I've recieved word today, and I am going to, VERY hard to try to over time, as soon as possible to stop listening to secular songs. Now music and songs is VERY different. Music is just pleasant sounds but Songs are music with lyrics and THAT makes the important difference. Songs now promote immorality, a loose life, swearing, smoking and a ton of other influences subtly. As we listen to these songs these values will begin to imprint themselves on our lives. behaviour and character unwittingly. THAT is the power of music, the power of music can penetrate what our limited mind can comprehend and affect us greatly without us knowing at all that we have changed. So review your choice of a listening entertainment, it will affect the kind of person you become. If music/ songs can be used as theraphy it can and is also being used as a form of propaganda, like when you hear a certain music in ads or commercials, songs that promote the wrong set of values and messages can also do harm.

It has been a long time since I've felt so much passion do do something, or for the record anything! Btw I was just lazing around and.. Wha?! Cecelia-Sensei had friendster? Hmm.. interesting this is gonna keep me busy for some time hahaz, but no one is on at this kind of time so just add first then see what happens lah. Leave this hanging oso no point ending it here...

Quote of the Post:
You life little girl, is an empty page, that men will want to write on...

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Too Blessed...

I think You don't need to be told I've added some nice music XD You can hear it already, if you aren't listening, refresh e page, plop on your earphones / turn up your speakers and let it ring!! There is supposed to be a scrolling message at the bottom.. but somehow it aint working...

Still feeling very "high" hahaz practically jumping about unable to quieten down, everytime I keep quiet I will just begin to hum or burst into a song, softly of course! I've learnt last night that if you want to be changed, you cannot expect to be taken control of and changed forcefully while you sit and watch life get better no no, It does not work like that. You have to make and effort, and take the first step BEFORE you will begin to see the changes, quite common sense but hey, I've only realised it last night, maybe I dont have that much common sense XD

Woke up late today, abt 11.. such a lazy pig rite? No one home, then later ate a late breakfast cum lunch then went out shopping with my parents XD It is like super rare im willing to go... went to Suntec city to find MORE christmas decorations... didn't do much just stood by and carried things... as per usual, NOW do you see WHY I don't go out shopping with my parents much? After that ate dinner at this chinese restaurant place, they got a crazy buy one noodle / congee / rice / dessert and get a noodle / congee / rice / dessert FREE! It can be more expensive than the original and all but it is FREE! But abit cheapskate cos the only things we ordered were things from the promotional menu XD

Oh yea, before that I spent the morning (whats left of morning from about 11:20am on) looking for mass active games about 20 to 30 people can play together... failed miserabally (wrong spelling AGAIN.. I REALLY need to look that up someday) still looking now or Caleb-Taichou will be after my blood tommrrow when I tell him I have spent two weeks finding nothing XD So must keep on thinking... any ideas anyone? SMS me k?

After like two or three years of owning my video camera I just figured out how to put the pictures from the SD card into my computer XD Sadly I don't look too good in the pictures... Nothing a round in Photo-Impressions can't fix XD Digital Makeover!! Btw, my comp mouse has been really cranky lately, first it becomes less and less reactive then it stops moving, after changing to another older mouse I had it also began to detiorate so I gave up and bought a new mouse, no more ball mouses for me! Only optical from now on! XD

Oh yea! And I just added more Quiz results at the top and bottom of my Quiz results section, go check it out if it is your kind of thing ^_^ Thats al lfor this post!

Quote of e post:
You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh because you are all the same...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Update! Updates!

New Skin! New Skin! I just LOVE that song, Running after you by Planet Shakers... Idea came from a skin I saw on about the song "One Way".. I ALSO Love One Way! Hahaz, enjoy the song, I'll post my new quizilla results when I've got the time... cya round!

Everything's Changed... Everything's Different!

Wooh~! 2nd of Decemeber. Just came back from Church Camp yesterday. It was incredible, I really can't describe it. It is kind of fun to be mode 2 for like four days in a row but I'm thinking, if I stay that way, would'nt it be great? Im SO sick of the double (or umm.. quadruple?) life im leading. No way, no more, I want to find ONE me to be EVERYWHERE to ANYONE, I can't keep being a different person around different groups of people, sooner or later it will get to me, No I don't want that no more, Im settling for just ONE me, get ready to meet a new and totally different person is who you will see the next time you spot me ^_^

Some hotels might be really great and highly rated, eg. 5 star and all but their customer service has some kinks they NEED to fix up. One night I actually called to ask for a fork and the person boldly asked, "Anything with the fork?" when I said no, he just replied, "So it is just a fork to room ***? Thank you." Guess what, the fork never came! Then I asked the people in the next room to try, they asked for TWO forks and a bucket of ice, and I came within three minutes! I have nothing to say, this has totally shattered my confidence in hotel cutomer service.

I feel so free and calm now, everything looks so simple and different, because I know I've been changed, Im different now. In the past, I would'nt allow myself to be touched by God. Because I was afraid, afraid of what would happen what it would feel like. But I just left that, no more running away, it was long overdue, now I feel great.

The thought of seeing my friends die and suffer enternally in hell is more than enough to motivate me to try and convince them before it is too late. And that means YOU reading this. Im pleading with you, for your sake, change now! It is not yet too late, so grab this chance while you can. For more info you can call / sms me at 96415985.

Im still soaking in the feeling, so this is all ive got on my mind now...
Quote of the post:
Friends are just like mathematics...
Add Comfort...
Subtracts Fear...
Divides Grief...
And Multiplies Joy!