Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reflections 06

Wow, its already the second last day of 2006 and I haven't blogged in almost two weeks. So much to say, so much so I have messed it all up in my mind's clock. Where exactly did I stop last time?

It brings more then tears to recall this year.

2006 went by really fast

from starting jc during PAE to meeting my beloved OG (Thebes Gamma will live forever)

from Chinese New Year to joining the Music Society.

Remember the one with the college dance, or the one about results collection.

What about the time when I got into SRJC again and the episode with Steven Tay and my letter fighting for the right to take Lit at A-level?

Followed by the one about becoming a PL and meeting the extra wonderful people who love SR.

Then theres the one with 1a02 and how the class went through hell and high water.

I recall fondly the one about Project Work and the team shuffle

along with the one concerning AJTC and meeting all the people again.

Then the one about joining ycp and making more friends.

Between windsurfing with the Rangers

and Ps Rachel leaving Youth Alive for Aaron to take the lead.

To helping out at the DTC as a patrol advisor

From SMUN at NUS to the CSSP Challenge Camp and all the fun of being a logistics head.

Then comes Cmdr Elaine's wedding and all the fun we had helping out.

Then the 19th Council Investiture preceedes Fesitval of Praise

and Teacher's Day. Oh how 1A02 bonded for the carnival and our smashing haunted house, everyone looked ghastly beautiful.

As the threat of promos and the final PW written report loomed over our arched heads, and we fought through the tunnel with no light ahead until the coming of the last paper.

Promos results proved devastating, the class was cracked, but not broken. Shawn and Yolanda, Arts2, never forget

We topped it off with a beautiful but tiring Oral Presentation session for PW.

Then Crystal's brithday cum halloween celebration followed by the Jc1 bash and the Jc2 prom night.

Church camp was highly memorable and great things began to move but something was still missing and I longed to know more.

I remember just not so long ago when heartware network drew us in to sell bears just around christmas time and it was just the week before HG2T had their mini sleepover cum thanksgiving session which immediately led into

the Rangers Christmas celebration and carolling with the AJO people

Sleeping over after carolling and volunterring for CCIS on Christmas night itself.

And a few days later, here I am, in my chair, recounting this long year.

I look back and I wonder how it all went past and how could I ever forget. God was there all along.

Best moments~ my first college dance. being in thebe gamma. acting as a pl. ajtc. dtc. smun. halloween. church camp. post christmas- thanks Edina.

And this is the year, although very late in the year, God made a very big difference in my life. Its not the Church Camp, it wasn't even Ps Aaron's sermon the week after. Those were great, but that was merely groundwork for the great things that were to come. Oh, how great things appear in small packages.

Thanking God, HG2T, 1a02, all Rangers, srjcians, bethelites, old friends and new ones too

Special mentions include God, the entire HG2T, Mdm Ainon, Mr Mark Rozells, Jonathan Jiang, Edina, the ER commanders, Sylvia, Acz and Jarrold

I dont think I've missed anyone, feel free to slap me if I missed you. 2007 is coming soon, Im not in the habit of making resolutions but I expect more out of this next year. Like Paula said, the next year will be full of struggles. We will all need to depend heavily on God for strength. For some, its A levels, for others, its starting a new schooling environment, entering army, starting work or even getting hitched. No one knows what the future holds. "Many things about tomorrow, I dont seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand." "For I know my future's in your hands, all of my hopes and dreams and plans" - In God we trust.

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Black and White Beauty

The Corrs - Radio

It's late at night
And I'm feeling down
There're couples standing on the street
Sharing summer kisses and silly sounds

So I step inside
Pour a glass of wine
With a full glass and an empty heart
I search for something to occupy my mind

But you are in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Tangled in my dreams
Swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

Now it's morning light
And it's cold outside
Caught up in a distant dream
I turn and think that you are by my side

So I leave my bed
And I try to dress
Wandering why my mind plays tricks
And fools me into thinking you are there

But you're just in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Not lying in my bed
Just swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

You are in my head
Swimming forever in my head
Tangled in my dreams
Swimming forever
(Swimming forever)
Swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)
And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh
I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

A simple song. But speaks volumes in its simplicity. To drown you out in the ever throbbing beats of the radio, all the while remembering the songs we sang together (not that many) and the places we went (not exactly together also).

But I have other things to care about these days. Many other things.

My holiday has been very un-eventful, im not sure if im happy or upset about that. After all, an empty mind is the devil's workshop+ and im sure the devil has plenty of things to fill a nice stoning mind with. haha.

All of a sudden, a dark sense of loss has gripped me. I'll be ending here. Signing off.

Quote of e Post
With a full glass and an empty heart

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Alicantic ocean

Short one, the volunteering thing thing isnt working out for me. After finding out throughly where all that money is going I just cannot bring myself to care. But I have to, so I'll just do it. There are going to be CAs one week after school reopens, so I better start mugging.

Sunday was powerful, it does not take a camp or a special speaker to make God move and do great things.

You are the Love of my life
You are the Hope that i cling to
You mean, more than this world to me
I wouldn't trade You for silver and gold
I wouldn't trade You for riches untold
You are, You are my everything.

Dunno the title of this short song, anyone can give me a helping hand?

God, help me to love others, and you, and myself.

Quote of e Post:
In my right hand, the Lost
In my left hand, my fellowmen
In my heart, You

Thursday, December 07, 2006

linguistiKelly gifted

Just returned from Church Camp 06' Our guest speaker has kindly asked us not to post her name anywhere on the internet eg. on a blog like this one. So from now she will only be referenced as Ms X, and even in doing so, as little as possible.

Day one, relatively uneventful during the bus ride. I must have been zoned out from excitement and tired out from the ride because I did a milion stupid things haha. Actually only 3, but now im Dilyian -haha. Thanks ah Joel. Day 1 dinner was stupid. Not much more to say.

Day rwo. Now it gets fun.The sessions were no joke, it was direct, plain and cut to the chase. Ministry was powerful, I gave up quite alot of stuff but it just didnt feel enough. I wanted more. The food did not improve and the fact that I lived on bread alone for breeakfast wasn't comforting. Went to Sunway Lagoon dry, not alot to do but a wholoe lot of fun. Should have just gone to the Wet section =P

Day three. We wizened up and found a foolproof way to get breakfast haha. The previous day I was not satisfied, today I got more then I bargained for. So amazing, I love my cell group and mentors. I get a word about my future, but Im not sure how things will turn out. I guess all we need to do is trust and believe. Last dinner there, seems like they got smart and actually dished out some pretty good food.

Last day. So much to accomplish so little time. More uneventful riding in a slow bus. We were like bus 2 to leave but arrived later then the other buses anyawy. We stopped over at the crappy Yong Peng. It became worse then before! That is very surprising. Im glad I went to this camp, and I know my life's been changed for the better.

Nevertheless Im glad to be back home. But at this moment my headache is killing me again. Wonder what's wrong...

Quote of e Post:
Pick it up!

Can I have Annather one?

Im back!! Not that I told my beloved readers Im leaving at all =P So many thing have happened over this weekend~! So much I can't contain it, so much I gotta give it away. Yet, There's so much I dont know where to start now haha and Im having a splitting headache from having about 11 hours of sleep in four days three nights haha.

I'll put up a proper post in like a half day haha. And yes Acz, Im not someone who runs on 三分钟热度, after all, Im living for eternity- how not to be patient? :P And QX, you are so misreading that line.

First, a quiz result. (Its fun, try it you must)

Just a decent catch? Dang, im no fun at all =P

Quote of e Post:
Because You first loved me

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Based on:
Liz Phair - Why Can't I

Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walkin' down the street, and I hardly know you
It's not like we were meant to be

Wish to hold your hand and laze through the night
Got a boyfriend, i know it isn't right
Since you have someone holding you

How to go, there aint even a beginning

We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Isn't this the worst part of meeting up?
Finding someone else you can't get enough of,
Someone who cannot be with you

It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
But wouldn't it be beautiful?

How to go, There aint even a beginning
We haven't talked yet, but my head's spinning

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

High enough for you to make me wonder
Where it's goin'
High enough for you to pull me under
Somethin's growin'
Outta this that I can't control
Baby I'm dyin'

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Whenever i think about you (x4)

Speaks for itself.

JC1 Bash was either a wonderful job or a torturous journey depending on which of my interests come first. Overall the council did a good job.

Quote of e Post:
Searching for some perfect world I know I'll never find

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Light Up

JC one bash in two days! Tomorrow only has history from afternoon all the way till evening. Bah- but its still irritating to no end. I like fell asleep within the first part of today’s lecture la. Zzz. Made so little sense to hear so much about something we wont explicitly be tested on. At least tomorrow will be fun, because we’ll be practicing SBQs! From what I’ve gleaned it’s just a lot like Social Studies… only difference? This time you absolutely need to add in your own contextual knowledge. Meaning? Meaning you now have to study for source based! Brilliant isn’t it?

Aghhh! So many things, so little time =x Friday JC one bash, Saturday, RR + YCP briefing in the morning. Sunday, church camp briefing. Then next week- JC2 prom night and the coming Sunday its church camp already! Come back to Singapore, YCP volunteering thing things and maybe zone 2 camp. Then CCIS and there’s the RR Christmas play. By the time Christmas passes over it is only one week from the start of 2007 where the final showdown against Cambridge and the Ministry of Evil (MoE) commences. Gun those commies down!

Blessed Union of Souls – Light in Your Eyes

I can't remember the last time that we kissed goodbye
All our "I love you's" were just not enough to survive
Something your eyes never told me
But it's only now too plain to see
Brilliant disguise when you hold me
And I'm free

I've been thinking and here's what I've come to conclude
Sometimes the distance is more than two people can use
But how could I have known, girl
It was time and not space you would need?
Darling tonight, I could hold you and you would know
But would you believe..

There's a light in your eyes that I used to see
There's a place in your heart where I used to be
Was I wrong to assume that you were waiting for me?
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Cards and phone calls and photographs, pictures of you
A constant reminder of all the things you get used to
Is there a chance in hell or heaven
That there's still something here to build on,
Or do you just pick up the pieces after they fall?
But after all…

There's a light in your eyes that I used to see
And a song in the words that you spoke to me
Was I wrong to believe in your melody?
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Should I keep on waiting or does love keep on fading away, fading away?

It's been a while since I've seen you so how have you been?
Did you get my letter I wrote you, but I did not send?
I tried to call your old number
But the voice that I heard on the phone
I recognized but she told me the number was wrong

There's a light in my eyes but it's too bright to see
And a pain in my heart where you used to be
Guess I was wrong to assume that you were waiting here for me
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Another long time favourite of mine. Many thanks to Paula for introducing this song to me all those years ago.

So you appeared. Is my blog like a wishing post or something?

Quote of e Post:
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

Nothing to Do

Quite pissed now. Feeling in a "I've-just-discovered-ive-been-had" feeling. Feels crappish. And there is still extra lesson on all week... till 5pm. My mouth isnt helping matters although my aching arms have recovered. Stupid tooth... Argh. Overall grumpy, tired, uncomfortable, disappointed and a whole lot of other things. And broke... money is the most ridiculous thing ever invented in human history. It has turned people into selfish, insensitive beings at a much faster rate then we naturally evil humans ought to degenerate! Not to mention it greatly inconviniences those who lack excessive quantities of such a wonderful substance...

Yesterday was qutie an interesting day, not to mention the previous week in which extra lessons just began. (another pain in the behind for sure) Econs is beginning to look alot like PoA in
our newest chapter... Really brings back bad BAD memories. Shudder... B4... crap result. If I actually got my usual A2 for humans and PoA Id have 15 points instead of 18 and it'll be
unlikely that ill have gone to SRJC. Not that SR is a bad place or anything of the sort.

Getting a little pissed off with Wai Keat. I mean, wtf is wrong with him and the student council?? They do their job, you do yours. So maybe they do trample some toes in order to get thier job done. Because as the student council, their job involves every part of the student body. What is a little money to you? Its not the price you said, its the principle of the matter. INDEED! It is the principle of the matter. Cut those poor souls some slack will you? I will not support any continued resistance against the council's upmost efforts to improve the student's satisfaction during their 2 years in SRJC. Firstly, they deserve some credit. Secondly, if you're complaining like mad, I dont see you up there doing something... Thirdly, you have crossed the logic line and are not just biased, which inevitably becomes unfair. And lastly, although some of the council may be a little irritating, none of them are horrible people. The school expects them to do thier job. It is YOUR job to SUPPORT them in any way you can. So much for being a "service cca".

Lighthouse - You and Me

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

I’ve loved this song for so long and yet I never found it. There are a lot of songs which I really like but do not know anything about. All I have are a few lines floating about in my memories, set to a ever fading tune that threatens to vanish completely if the memory is not relived. Sad to say, those songs have yet to be found. One down, and a million more to go.

Why do you refuse to appear?

Quote of e Post:
And I don’t know why, I can’t keep my eyes off of you

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life Note

I always find things out, too little, too late, a little too late even. And I wished, back then, I knew and I could have done something. Because we're friends, and because you're worth the effort. Now that I come to think of it, we look at the past too much. You may have had a sad, lonely or even painful past. A past which none of us need to remember and have put in place excellent countermeasures and precautions to avoid bringing up again. But everytime I see you, it all comes back. To draw a bond, we inevitably bring up the past again and it gets wierd. We've grown older, not necessarily wiser. But we've changed. I hope thats enough.

Got to find a break from all this emo stuff, on the blog I mean.

Each day I see the extreme, on one hand, the super mundane, vulgar and largely illegible posts of someone on a adolescent hormone high. On the other I see horribly sad gothic posts whose writers seem to carry the weight of the world on thier shoulders even though all they blog about is their own miserable selves. And the large majority who write very boring things about thier daily lives, I myself am ashamed to be part of this. Then there are those wonderful insightful buggets of gold we find buried here and there. Im very fortunate to find one myself so close to home. Insightful, intelligently entertaining and sometimes quite curios. All blogs should be this entertaining- a pity that the freedom of anonymity seems to sap a large portion of one's intelligence despite the fact that they know those reading are under no delusion as to the writer's identity.

Yes, Im a hypocrite, Im guilty, so shoot me already.

No, for the millionth time, I havent watched the Death Note movie despite the "L" avatar in my msn messenger. I am a staunch believer in the fact that in the process of print to screen there inevitably will be content lost. And a person like me, who thrives on the itty gritty details and accuracy cannot tolerate such things. The character behaves in a way that isnt relevant to the book? Slam. The invention of a character that did not even EXIST in the book in order to slip in more action? Heaven forbid! A vital scene is cut out and replaced by a brief explaination to save time? Im reaching for the pitchfork already. As such, all the Potter movies, Narnia and to some small extent, the LOTR movies are lost to me (although I have watched the LOTR trilogy, which started me on this rampage) and however entertaining, would be a severe blow to my pride and principles if I am to spend money to watch it (mega hint) youtube obliges.

Death Note is a captivating story not for the layman. Many a friend of mine have laughed off their inability to follow the long and winding story which at times contains little to no action whatsoever. I laugh along and take offence silently. How foolish they are- the gold is in the dialouge. The way both Light, and his alter ego Kira, outsmart L and the two tango back and forth. Waiting for a slip up on either side, which would lead to a winner. The irony of Light and L, both being so similar, being the justice and yet Light being Kira, the antihero is astounding. An excellent literary work. The drama continues with Near and Mello, and as we all know, ultimately, evil will never win as Kira's plotting goes overboard and he traps himself in his overconfidence. Brilliant but heavy stuff, not for the simple minded, it will give them splitting headaches.

Extra lesson are her eto plauge us again! Along with more holiday work to be done *sigh* this is not entirely unexpected though. Best be cracking.

By the way..

E ryja paah luhcisat fedr y knayd taym uv waym du pudr maynh yht sycdan dra [al bhed] myhkiyka vnus [FFX]. Du pudr cbayg, nayt yht ajah du cusa aqdahd, fneda eh drec myhkiyka. Drec byccycka ec aycemo dnyhcmydat fedrdra ica uv yh [al bhed] dnyhcmydun vuiht yhofrana uh dra ehdanhad. Kuukma upmekac. Yhouha fru lynac du ramb sa ymuhk cruimt tu cu yd draen aynmecd ehluhjeheahla. Dryhg oui.

Quote of e Post:
So I'll let my words be few

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Moar Quizzez!

Moar Quizzes please!

You are a Believer

You believe in God and your chosen religion.
Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu..
Your convictions are strong and unwavering.
You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.


You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

My gosh... Im powerful?? Beautiful yet dangerous.... i think it should be silent but violent haha...

Your Brain's Pattern

Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

Im not surprised...

Your EQ is 133

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

Like seriously? Im doubtful...

You Are Brownie Batter Ice Cream

You've been known to lick *everything* clean

Like right... Am I the only one reading more into the inverted commas than Im supposed to?

You are Mahogany

Stable and decisive, you lack the hyper energy of most orange colors.
You're still energetic, but you tend to project a peaceful, relaxed vibe.
You love to feel cozy. You often rather wrap up in a blanket than go out for the night.

Since I love orange haha... didnt know that mahogany was a shade of orange...

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

Right... typically SC

You Are Internal - Skeptic - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.

You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

And a song :)

Bowling for Soup - Almost

I almost got drunk at school at 14
Where I almost made out with the homecoming queen
Who almost went on to be miss texas
But lost to a slut with much bigger breastes
I almost dropped out to move to LA
Where I was almost famous for almost a day

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost loved you
I almost wished u would’ve loved me too

I almost held up a grocery store
Where I almost did 5 years and then 7 more
Cuz I almost got popped for a fight with a thug
Cuz he almost made off with a bunch of the drugs
That I almost got hooked on cuz you ran away
And I wish I woulda had the nerve to ask you to stay

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost had you
And I didn’t even know it

You kept me guessing and now I guess that
I spent my time missing you
I almost wish you would’ve loved me too

Here I go thinking about all the things I could’ve done
I’m gonna need a forklift cuz all the baggage weighs a ton
I know we’ve had our problems I can’t remember one

I almost forgot to say something else
And if I cant fit it in I’ll keep it all to myself
I almost wrote a song about you today
But I tore it all open and I threw it away

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost had you
And I didn’t even know it

You kept me guessing and now I guess that
I spent my time missing you
And I almost had you

I almost wish you would’ve loved me too

I promise to slip in a proper post when I actually remember what I have been doing with my life the past few weeks...

Quote of e Post:
Stand up! Non-stop!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Whee! Blogger ate yesterday's post so this is so late! Woohoo! Still high. Tuesday's party was a blast! Shame on all you peeps who decided not to go by choice, you totally missed out :) Crystal's 17th Birthday Halloween Bash (Her birthday was actually on the 27th but the party had to be on halloween) was actually meant to be a masquarade... but no one wore masks! Turned into a costume party instead haha. Words cannot describe the stuff we all did haha. As, in the words of one Emmanuel Paul Ng Kok Peng- i'll let the pictures do the talking.

Click to Enlarge!

Betcha you cant tell, Jerome's wearing a skirt xD

1a02, but so many ppl missing :(

Hot dancing~

But Rayner absolutely loved being grinded :P

Drinks for everyone!

The troops are stoned!

They're killing each other!

Body count

Who dunnit?

The delicious birthday girl haha

Serenaded by the SR idol :)

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Beautiful! Emmx and Michael Yeo were some sea captain thing things, Shawn Wee looked like that dude from Top gun, Jerome was a transsexual xD, Olivia was a very very convincing pirate, Bryant a soldier, Jane a witch, Gen the bunny, I the wierd warrior monk (ha), and Crystal the French Maid =P And that drink above isnt really alocholic haha, its some carbonated thing haha. Don't go ballistic calling the cops now, it was all clean. (save for a scandalous video ala Shawn x Jerome Haha)

MT A levels tomorrow!! Will I have to take MT again next year? I pray not... not that I have even studied! Haha. My parents dont even know I have an A level paper tomorrow. lmao. Im not that bothered although I should be... MT must pass to qualify for university! And a good MT score helps you out (If you got A1 or A2) so yea...

Im already in a bloody holiday mood so haha- can throw studying and extra lessons down the drain. Oh hy, I just remembered about the 6 history essays thing thing. I'll have to get down to it and read the UN lecture book soon. Blegh, spoil my mood. Hope we get Koh Yi Han next year! xD

Quote of e Post:
You say you wanna get a little bump in here~

Friday, October 27, 2006

How I Go

YellowCard - How I Go

I could tell you the wildest of tales
My friend the giant and traveling sales
Tell you all the times that I failed
The years all behind me
The stories exhaled.
And I'm drying out
Crying out
This isn't how I go

I could tell you of a man not so tall
Who said life's a circus and so we are small
Tell you of a girl that I saw
I froze in the moment and she changed it all

And I'm drying out
Crying out
This isn't how I go
Hurry now
Lay me down
And let these waters flow

Son I am not everything you thought that I would be
But every story I have told is part of me

And you keep the air in my lungs
Floating along as a melody comes
And my heart beats like timpani drums
Keeping the time while a symphony strums
And I'm drying out
Crying out
This isn't how I go
Hurry now
Lay me down
And let these waters flow...
Let it flow
Let it flow

Son I am not everything you thought that I would be
But every story I have told is part of me
Son I leave you now but you have so much more to do
And every story I have told is part of you
This song has been TORMENTING me for days. Ever since I heard Emmx singing it during PW, I just couldnt figure out the title or the words- it drove me nuts. And when I got the title, it wasn't avaliable for download ANYWHERE. The elusive song hid from me and evaded all my attempts to acquire it until I asked Emmx to send it to me. This is a very strange song. Not that its a bad song. No, its excellent, Im absolutely smitten. But my usual choice of songs either make sense to me or have meaningful lyrics. This one did'nt mean nuts until I went to do abit of research intothe movie that inspired this song. Big Fish. Sounds familiar? Big Fish is a beautiful movie- not that I've watched it. But now this song's allure has been amplified hundredfold I just cannot stop listening to it. Becoming such an emo fellar.

Over the past 4 days, a ton has happened. On Tuesday we had our class bbq at Oli's house! Pity for the 5 odd people who didnt turn up because it was an absolute blast! Words fail to describe how it was you just have to be there to know it. We got alot closer and [somewhat] steeled ourselves for the next day... 25th Oct Wed. Results Day!! Very sad day, not everyone made it although majority did. Yolanda and Shawn Wee had to retain- I am shocked. Why Yolanda?! Why Shawn?! Why any at all? I know Shawn from PW, he may be a little distracted now and then but he does work hard at what he does. I dont know alot about Yolanda, but... I have nothing more to say about this issue. We may have split but what has passed will forever remain. 061A02, Never Forget. As we forge ahead to year 2, I wonder what amazing and terrifying fates await us... We can only but wait and see. Today was commendation day! Just a large long waste of my time- and Im a prize winner! How much more boring it would be for the audience who aren't winning anything at all. The cheerleaders were hilarious. Someone should have taken a video of it~

Best in GP, big whoop. Getting Es and Ds for everything else- there was little to no pride going on stage to be a "prize-winner". GP wont take me through the A levels... my H2s will. And currently I suck big time at econs and history. Especially history~ my gosh. I dont know how they moderated a bunch of fails into a passing promo grade. But I do know for sure it will not happen again at the A-levels. Yes, Im scared. But I can only but press on. A legacy to live up to. We'll continue making A2 the best arts class :)

Quote of e Post:
And you will always shine~

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ever the Same

Crossfade - Cold
Looking back at me I see
That I never really got it right
I never stopped to think of you
I'm always wrapped up in
Things I cannot win
You are the antidote that gets me by
Something strong
Like a drug that gets me high

What I really meant to say
Is I'm sorry for the way I am
I never meant to be so cold to you

And I'm sorry about all the lies
Maybe in a different light
You could see me stand on my own again
Cause now i can see
You were the antidote that got me by
Something strong like a drug that got me high
I never meant to be so cold

I never really wanted you to see
The screwed up side of me that I keep
Locked inside of me so deep
It always seems to get to me
I never really wanted you to go
So many things you should have known
I guess for me there’s just no hope
I never meant to be so cold
Wednesday, October 18th 2006. Promos paper checking day- I am so dead. I didn’t even make the 30 point mark. So far just by the papers alone without the addition of mid years this is the basic rundown. Please note the numbers above are estimates before moderation and addition of mid-year and non-pen-paper assessment. Those are raw scores translated from the actual papers I sat for and thus cannot be taken as the end product.

History: S [Was E]
Econs: U [Was E] (This is the surprising one, I never expected to get a U)
Lit: D [Was S] (The only improvement, but not enough to cover the U)
Math: U [Was D] (Another unexpected hunk of rubbish, twos U liao, how to pass?)
Chinese: E [Was S] (A slight improvement and this is the lowest E at that)
GP: B [Was B] (No change, damn irritated)

Quite despairing isn’t it? I still haven't told my parents anything, I'll wait for the final product before I leak any news out. After all, they aren't coming for commendation day anyway. Why? Because I didn’t win anything that’s why. Did I study hard enough? I don’t think so~ but did I mug? Yes, about 3 weeks before promos though. Was that enough? Far from enough, it was absolutely inefficient. Why did I study? Partially, because I wanted, with all my heart, to promote and enter J2 on my strength. Not to be kicked up the ladder via the “advanced” route. Is that the school’s version of pity points? And the other half… I don’t know~ Atmosphere maybe?

Tertiary camp starts tomorrow till Sunday. Meaning I won’t be home or online. And I’ll be unable to download anything or do any PW thing things. Not that I’ll want to do any Chinese or PW anyway. Browsing through my messenger I found something. “You are a success in God’s kingdom is you are faithful where He has placed you.” Where He has placed me? Rangers? HG2? I don’t know. The theme of tomorrow’s camp is “Back to Basics”. Without all the fluff and glamour. Without all the people looking and your duties. Back to the very basics. *points* That’s where I want to be.

Quote of e Post:
This doesn’t need to be the end…

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Reflections in Glass

Protector of Justice ne?
Whats that? Is it real?
Dont be foolish! You're
Dreaming. How Idealistic
What about Reality? Wake
Up! This isnt a TV show
Don't think you're such
a great person. I want
You'll never be
satisfied! I just want
things to change-
Dreaming? To change the
What a Joke! I
musn't give up my dream

Quit this nonsense. Who
are you?
You know full
well. I want to be some
Not with the
way you are now. If only
I could...
could what?
I want to sleep. Running
away again, how will you
ever learn? Im so tired.
Oh no you dont. Leave me
Stop living in your
fantasy! But... I dont
know anything else...

Thats your just desserts
isnt it? How long has it
Long enough. How
I dont know either,
its your life, you fix it.
Teach me, i dont know any
Im out of here.
Wait! Dont go... help me.

"All you know about life now is richards place, srjc, church, your cell and your studies, you dont know anything else do you?"

"What are you thinking Mr Loh? I dont know where to place you"

"It depends on what you want in life, what do you want to do?"

"Reality is that cruel, of course you dont know anything yet do you?"

No i dont and you're happy like that? yes how long do you think this will last? I dont know You're going to be eighteen in a week, you're going to be a man I dont want to grow up nobody does, but they all do. You cant run from time No I wont accept that Look at me in the eye and say you know who you are I cant You cant look at anyone in the eye can you So what if I cant? Then you will be like this the rest of your life Its fine the way it is No it isnt, and you know it full well Maybe I do Then snap out of this I dont know how this again? Because its true Tell me, is anything bothering you? No Then why are you like that? I have no idea either, thats the way I am This absolutely wont do, where's your pride? What pride? As a human, as a man as a living thing. I don't remember

"Hey are you coming?"
"I'm not going to miss this for the world!"
"Excellent, see you in an hour!" *click*
"Yea... see you too... But who is it you want to see?"

Do you know what you've done?
Do you know what you're doing?
How then are you going to solve this?
I dont know
Are you really ignorant or just dont care?
I bet you dont give a damn do you?
I would if I knew whats going on

Quote of e Post:
Why does your presence unsettle me so?
Because I show you everything you are not.

Monday, October 09, 2006


McFly - Its About You
Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you baby
Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you

Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile
Its all about you

Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too
Said you'd made my life worth while
Its all about you

And I would answer all your wishes
If you asked me to
But if you denie me one of your kisses
Don't know what ild do

So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Its all about you yeah

And I would answer all your wishes
If you asked me to
But if you denie me one of your kisses
Don't know what ild do

So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Yes you made my life worth while
So I told you with a smile
Its all about you

Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you baby
Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you baby

Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you baby
Its all about you
(Its about you)
Its all about you
Its all about you
Great song huh? Found it on someone's blog, pretty catchy and simple. Its a real short song, about 2:30 give and take a few seconds. New on my english favourites along with Chasing Cars and Time Machine. What is common about these 3 songs that made my list? They all make perfect sense with which I can relate, simple as that. I like my songs meaningful, which would instantly cancel out club type music (urgh) and rapping.

Promos may be over, but it still aint over until the results are all out. And Project Work demands Oral Presentation and Written Report. A levels demands chinese. The computer demands a working Cd-drive. My wallet demands a fattening. My glasses demand a balance fix. My mind demands I make up my mind. So many demands (alright, not so many but it looks like alot) but so little resources. But just the thought of promos being over puts a chunk of it away from mind. Hmmm... I wonder, is there still PE on thursday? O wait, no- zZz it is PW and chinese intensive week(s). What a nice way to relax after promos (blegh)

Todays CET was pretty fun. Of course, with the teacher being George Ong, whats not fun about it? He was teaching on platonic relationships (heh) and since that class was for us "poor under 19s" who fall under the "under 19" rule, naturally the hour was spent telling us how to maintain platonic relationships. Surprising thing is how few of the people actually responded that platonic relationships are possible! I mean, if they aren't possible then what in the world would a student in a co-ed school do? They'll go insane for sure! And I got round thinking, if they don't believe in platonic relationships then what exactly is going on their their lives aside from Sundays, Fridays and Thursday night? O.o Now I really dont want to think about it.

Faust, my dear beloved persona. I think its time, I retire you. Today was a turning point in my life, I do not want to hide behind a false name again. Especially not one which is tied to the forces of darkness. I from this moment forth free myself from you. Faust is no more, only Chang Xiang, and if i need a nick, ChanX will be it. Sounds like chance- its a good one isnt it? ^_^

I was so bored during chinese (because I couldnt write my compo... dont know what to write) that I wrote these long lines. Stupid stuff, read it if you like. Just take it at face value ya?

A golden sunray peeks through the clouds above
Like a sword cutting through the restraints of armor
Inside the soul huddles in fear and darkness
Come with Me, you'll be safe here
Immediately she accepts her sweet rest
Above all powers above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Nothing compares to His great love
Nothing seperates us from Your love
Pass no judgement on me
Heaven rejoices in a new soul saved
Under the skies there reigns jubilee
All but those who wear tight their suit

Just one touch, just one touch of Your hand
Everything will be alright
All the world is at peace
No more anguish, no more sorrow
Your power is that unfanthomable
Inside me, over me, the hunger grows

From the very first sight you were different
In view a sickly pale
Distubingly enough thats how you are
Everytime you appear
Sometimes I think you might be crazy
Chances are I'm slightly right
Hope this craziness wont infect me
As I await the coming of your night
Nothing then shall stop me, but I might

Remind me to find better use for chinese compo paper next time k? Promos makes me crazy. MT promos made me crazier. The snazzy new sitting arrangement for MT made me even crazier. Thank God for craziness.

Quote of e Post:
Awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your birthright

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed!

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
We have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who call'd me here below,
Will be forever mine.

When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun.

I just kept singing this throughout Friday's papers. I dont know why- it makes me calm.

Promos are over, yet I do not feel especially happy. Im... whats the word... ambivalent.

Quote of e Post:
How precious did the grace appear
The hour I first believed

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day V

Well haha, I didnt realise it but my previous post was this blog's 300th Post!! Yay!

To commemorate that here's a rather common quiz that is making its rounds on blogs. Enjoy and do it too!

Thought this would be fun, so gave it a go.

The requirements:

1. Put your music player on shuffle
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question (but it seems you can insert lyrics from the song if you want lah… in addition to the title…so if it’s suitable, just go ahead lah)

1. How am I feeling today?
Time Hughes – Jesus, You Alone

Comment: Totally random. Positively speaking, focused maybe? Negatively, lets just emphasise on the word “alone”

2. Where will I get married?
Hillary Duff - Fly

Comment: At face value, I’ll get married on an airplane. Right

3. What is my best friend’s theme song?
Matt Redman – Blessed Be Your Name

Comments: Absolutely my Best Friend’s theme song ha-ha. Blessed be God’s name.

4. What was high school like?
Utada Hikaru – Simple and Clean

Comment: Simple and Clean it was, alright not really- but mostly? Yea, Id agree this is quite accurate. I miss Sec sch.

5. What is the best thing about me?
Kita He – Hop, Step, Jump

Comment: Okay… My greatest asset are my feet/legs?

6. How is today going to be?
McFly – The Guy that Turned Her Down

Comment: Pretty good! Despite the lousy sounding title it’s a song about not passing up a chance. A good choice of no regrets.

7. What is in store for this weekend?
Planet Shakers – Everything’s Changed

Comments: Whoo hoo! Am I ever glad =) Let’s pray this time the change is permanent .

8. What song describes my parents?
Jay Chou – Jian Dan Ai

Comment: Fair enough, simple love. Asian parents don’t really show a lot of love physically yea?

9. How is my life going?
Casting Crowns – Praise You in this Storm

Comment: Promos are this storm, and I will praise you Lord through it all. Thank you for the confirmation.

10. What song will they play at my funeral?
L’arc en Ciel – The Fourth Ave Cafe

Comment: I might seriously request this song for my funeral. Very Nice song.

11. How does the world see me?
BoA - Every Heart

Comment: Idealistic, and looking for love… Like everyone secretly does

12. What do my friends really think of me?
Do as Infinity – TAO

“Goodbye my friend, I won't forget you
I feel proud that I met you
In place of you, the staff of hope
will probably lead us to the end of the light”

Comment: A sad song of separation between friends… Is this how the story ends?

13. Do people secretly lust after me?
Do as Infinity – Week!

Comment: O.o Every week, Monday to Sunday… Ha-ha, as if.

14. How can I make myself happy?
Hilary Duff – So Yesterday

“Ifs over let it go and come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday”

Comment: Seriously, I have to let bygones be bygones.

15. What should I do with my life?
Hillsong United – Welcome in this Place

Comment: Okay… I have to welcome the Holy Spirit in my life. This quiz is getting very personal now.

16. Will I ever have children?
Mai Otome – Dream Wing

“Only my Dream Wings are somewhere
If I find them
I can fly towards the future, right?”

Comment: I guess I will ha-ha, sometime =)

17. What is some good advice?
Hillsongs – Let Us Adore

Comment: Alright God, I’m getting the point. Too long, too many times, too clear.

18. What do I think my current theme song is?
Amadori – Soba ni Iru Kara

“Even I have times when I don't understand, baby
Whenever you're in tears, I'm by your side
Even on nights when we're apart, I'm by your side
I'm by your side”

Comment: Lovestuck… I wish I could…

19. What does everyone else think about my current life?
T.M. Revolution – Ignited

“A heart without even one thing to hold on to
En route to solitude, there is a world losing sight”

Comment: A parallel, a song with a motivated positive title hiding a message of brokenness and conflict. I’m loving this quiz more and more.

20. What type of style of men/woman do you like?
Smash mouth - Allstar

Comment: Wow- someone optimistic who isn’t afraid to take risks. An person of excellent substance. Not far from the truth.

21. Will you get married?
Hillsongs - So Close I Believe

Comment: How scary… I don’t believe I’m ready at all. But in God we trust.

23. Where will you live?
Gabrielle – Out of Reach

Comment: O.o well, when I thought that I didn’t need anyone else to survive I didn’t expect to doom myself to an existence of complete physical and geographical isolation…

24. What will your dying words be?
Finger Eleven – One Thing

“If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something”

Comment: How appropriate. Indeed before I die I’ll be glad to be able to say I have done one thing that was worth my time on earth. One of my Favourite songs of all time for its meaningfulness.

25. When I’m having sex I say…
Relient K – This week the Trend

Comment: Self-explanatory. Lets try the newest trend this week =P

26. When I meet the guy/lady for the first time I say…
Do as Infinity - Mahour no Kotoba ~ Would You Marry Me

Comment: Well, heh, I guess I waste no time- this is eerily linked to Q21…

27. When my parents are angry I say…
Relient K – My Girl’s Ex-boyfriend

“He's the guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend”

Comment: Umm, wow. When my parents are angry I’ll sympathise with those who are worse off lol.

My Zen encompasses only 577 songs, impressive how much of the results were Christian based. God is speaking, in more ways than one now. I guess i'll have to start listening soon.

Econs tomorrow. All in one, a very big chunk to cover. Thats three solid hours of writing to get over. But at least I have no paper on Thursday. Todays History was horrible... I didnt have time to finish and I ran out of points. I dont have ten dates per essay either. Both ways Im screwed. And My cold war is much better then South East Asia. If this is how well "much better" is... I see no forseeable hope for histroy as an A level subjet. And no foreseeable future for me as a JC graduate.

Everything is converging on one spot. One wicked point at which I cannot run from. Time to face the music, time to stop running away.

Quote of e Post:
If I could only let you know...


When the clock inched to 1pm and you were still missing I was worried. What if you went and did something stupid. Its only lit paper 2, please don’t let anything be wrong. Turns out you just left school for lunch and was a little late in coming back. I was relieved when Mr Rozells managed to contact everyone who was missing and confirm their safety. But you had to return with company- what a damper.

Lit is a difficult subject to do when your pessimism skews your interpretation of optimistic poems. But yesterday's poem was inspiring enough to show off in its full glory the light and message the poet wanted to express, according to my interpretation that is. How fun. I had a picnic writing section a, so much so I had to stop to start on Lear otherwise Id fail haha. But I think I screwed up King Lear.

Four more days, four more papers. I really really am going to die for history. No matter what I tell others, I cant endure on my own. At least, Id have helped someone else to promote, encouraged someone to do better. Right? History paper 1, econs, Math then History paper 2. Pray that everyone will make it through, happily, successfully- to fight again at the end of next year. Not just amongst ourselves, but to pit our strength against the best in the world. "All the worlds a stage" How will we act, how will we perform?

Should I go for zone camp? It clashes with some Media Club activity. And I don't have the luxury of time to wait and see. Either way there will be a party that feels cheated. And prom night. So we'll be going as part of the media crew, alright, no biggie. But Id be dead if we have to actually dress up to get in. Dress up to be part of the background? That’s logical but crappy. Just as crappy as having to underline the topic sentences in your history essays, sure it helps the tutors identify your argument more easily but making jus spend time to actually mark it out? What the blue?

Quote of e Post:
Give em the Shining Finger

Monday, October 02, 2006


Stupid blogger ate up my last post, I was so irritated I never reposted it ZzZ

You jackass. You never told anyone of us. We're your cell group damnnit, if you need to confide in somone we exist! If you dont say, we'll never know if you've got problems. Well yea, besides stress and exams and shit like that- we're your friends too. Even you said your peeps at school tihnk you spend more time with us then them. So why aren't we in the know? Guess you have alot on your mind too huh? Registration closes on the 22nd of Oct, I think we can wait abit until then huh? I'll be waiting for your answer then.

Tomorrow is day III. Lit paper 2, if I dont do moderately well in my opinion for this paper I will fail Literature again. And mr Steven Tay is going to chew me out. The kid who begged his way into Lit even though he didnt take Literature at O-level. I already screwed up paper 1, if I cant score in paper 2, it will be like mid years all over again. Not to mention next years As will be insane.

If you're a girl, fill out the girls' confessions, and put an 'x' next to each that apply.
If you're a guy, fill out the guys', and put an 'x' next to each that apply also.
Have fun! [Don't forget to delete the x's if you're the opposite sex =)]

X_x Girl Confessions x_X

[ ] I do wear make up
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I cant help but look
[ ] I love pink
[ ] I have cried at a movie theatre
[ ] I love chocolates
[ ] Getting flowers still makes me smile
[ ] I've wrecked a car
[ ] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[ ] I'd do anything for a guy
[ ] I love cuddling
[ ] Johnny Depp is sexy =)
[ ] Gotten detention
[ ] If I have to dress like a... to get your attention, then forget it buddy
[ ] I love to laugh
[ ] I've flashed someone/some people
[ ] I've skinny dipped
[ ] I like Rock
[ ] I like rap
[ ] I like Electronics/techno
[ ] I carry a wallet everywhere
[ ] I carry my cell phone at ALL times
[ ] I do own a spice girls CD
[ ] I also own a Britney Spears CD
[ ] I play hard to get
[ ] Boys are fun to tease
[ ] Football is boring
[ ] I love athletic boys
[ ] I love rockers
[ ] Hot guys are better then sweet guys
[ ] Sweet guys are better than hot guys
[ ] I prefer "sweet hotty" guys.
[ ] I've been called a tease
[ ] Lip gloss is WAY better than lipstick
[ ] can't leave the house without makeup
[ ] I'm a bitch. Deal with it.
[ ] I play video games, even when there are other people around
[ ] My friends are the best, and they're important to me

o_O Guy Confessions O_o

[ ] I have watched....... (watched what? Power Rangers?)
[ ] I have played/cheated on a girl
[ ] Ive slept naked
[x] I play video games
[ ] I wear boxers to bed
[ ] Ive thrown rocks @ a girls window
[ ] Ive drank because I felt like it
[ ] I still beat my buddies up
[x] Of course they never beat me up
[ ] I drive a truck/SUV
[x] My friends and I make fun of each other...alot (depends on which group of friends)
[ ] I drive some type of car
[ ] I have a job
[ ] I currently have a girlfriend
[ ] My girlfriend is better than yours
[ ] I think about girls/my girl
[x] Girls are complicated, to the tenth degree (some)
[ ] Im .......... friendly? ahaha
[ ] Ive forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few
[x] Not all guys are the same Im one of the different ones
[ ] Id do anything for my girl/a girl
[x] I tend to be shy around girls
[ ] I act like an ass on purpose
[ ] I've been flashed before
[ ] Ive seen the Rocky Horror picture show
[ ] I play hard to get
[ ] I aspire to one day become like the guys in Old School
[x] Im not in love (depends on with what =P)
[ ] Ive honked at a girl going down the road
[ ] I've hit on a girl in public
[ ] I've gotten wood in class
[ ] I've asked a hot girl for her number that I just met
[ ] Ive acted like a man ........
[ ] Angelina Jolie is hot
[ ] Pamela Anderson is hotter
[ ] Sports over-rule everything else
[ ] I like rock music
[ I like rap music
[ ] Ive been expelled
[x] Ive gotten detention
[ ] Cheerleaders are hot
[ ] I have a tattoo
[ ] Ive gotten road head
[ ] I smoke entirely too much
[x] Im a virgin
[x] I respect what you have to say
[x] And yes I care how your day went =)
[x] Its not the external looks that matter its how you feel about yourself
That was quite stupid, I feel abit dumb for doing that quiz now.
Paper tomorrow, how? So sian, still cant imaing e how I will handle the rest of ther papers. History? Econs? Math? Those havent even begun yet!
Will continue some other time... I have to sleep now ZzZ
Quote of e Post:
Alls well that ends well

Thursday, September 28, 2006

D-Day, Day 1

Day One down. GP is over... Oh my I really screwed up paper 2. Seems like paper 2 really stumped alot of people. But looks, exasparated outbursts and blog posts can be decieving and I'll console myself by assuming everyone else managed to do exceedingly well for paper 2 and Im the only jackass who has time mangement problems. Barely manged to scratch out AQ before the final call was given. Its not tough to understand that paper 2, the words they use just make it look complex. I had to keep psyching my self up, saying "this is the fun one" while shaking in my pants. GP is everything, you fail GP, you fail everything.

And for me, anything less than a B is a fail.

Paper one was indefinitely more enjoyable. Surprisingly I did a question Im rather sure only a few people attempted. Qn8, "Technology has improved quality of life" How true is it? I know for one Vanessa (SC Vice-president) and some friend of Shaun Sim's did that too but other than those 2 I heard of no one else. From what I hear seems like I wrote less then most people ZzZ, many boasted a good 5 pages while I had to settle for 4. Dredging points together while not losing focus (at least I THINK I didnt) up to a measly 4 pages. Maybe they left lines or something... I need to console myself.

Tomomrrow is chinese, my goodness, why chinese T.T Just get it over and done with. Then another fun paper. Lit paper 1, everyone is going to be there- just like today. Everyone is a contender, everyone is a combatant in this large melee. I just pray and fight my hardest, hoping I do not leave the stadium in a body bag. Im not a casualty, I wont be a casualty. Fight on, for your reason. What reason? Why do you fight? I dont know. Then why keep fighting? Because I have to. No reason? No reason.

My pen shall be my sword and my knowledge my shield, the marker shall be the strike and the script the parry. And my wit, the fatal blow, with as much strength behind the blade, to pierce the depths of this horror and emerge, alive. Then we stall wait the judges decision on our fate. The thumb of destiny. Thumbs up or thumbs down.

Draw your sword and point them heaven-wards. We shall let the powers above decide who is worthy with our performance. Be rentless, be sharp and be vigilant. One day down, only another 8 days or so to go. May God be with us all.

Quote of e Post:
Ive become so dumb, I cant do AQ

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Makube X

D-Day for operation Promotional Exams, approx 10 hours to 0800 hours 28/07/2006. The day before tomorrow isnt so scary, is it? Well aside from the pumping heart and sweaty palms, thoughts of failure and more specualation about what awaits us tomorrow, everything is fine. Really.

Things were never like this in the past... or were they? Os? Was I this panicky? No, I think in the face of the Os I was alot more panicky. So why now at a higher plane of education the feeling dampens? Shouldnt it intensify as this round of testing approaches?

I can understand how Makubex feels... So pissed off with this life, where you dont know if you are real. You learn everything is controlled by a higher power. You exist because that higher power wills it to. So you decide to prove your existance. You create a device, capable of destroying everything, and you strike a deal with whoever is supposed to be there.

"A Deal! Take us back to the Old days! When the Volts were still here, we had a fabulous time when everyone was together! If that is impossible...I'll return everything to nothingness!"

You hope, that they'll care, you hope, that you'll make a difference. But you are ignored. Dont push the button, if you do, everyone will die, and there will be no chance things will ever go back to the way they were, not even the slightest chance. For all that genius, you lose your way. Hold your ground, believe.

I am Makubex.
Which GetBackers Character Are You?

You are intelligent, capable, and exceptionally talented. You are
dedicated to your work, and rightfully confident in your capabilities.
Be careful about holding any long-term grudges, however, as the
bitter feelings generated by such vendettas can poison your mind
and cloud your judgement. It’s also quite possible that those plans,
no matter how well designed, can blow up in your face.

I knew it all along, although Id prefer very much to be Emishi or Shido, I still know. They way I think, I work, is just like Makubex. We even tried the same trick, difference being I couldn't actually do anything- I just didnt have the resources and power to. Which also means, if I could, I would. This world is infected, the virus has entered the system, we can only purge it, reformatt the system, push the reset button.

Quote of e Post:
This... this is not the world I had wished for

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bright Side

2 Days, the countdown gets ever shorter. Covered almost NOTHING today. Feel like jank, exam period is like a roller coaster ride, one moment you're high the next moment you're down and yet all the time you feel sick.

Quote of e Post:
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
I'm Mr. Brightside

Sunday, September 24, 2006


More news, Osama MIGHT be dead- again.

Anyway, just how amny times must the "Osama is dead" news go around? And all the past few times it was all false. Physically, Osama will have to die one day. but his "spirit" lives on forever, as long as terrorism exists (Or as long as the US thinks Terrorism is an overwhelming problem) Osama lives on in our minds. The perpetrator of 911, the catalyst for this worldwide focus on terrorism.

Promos in 3 days. I have not touched Econs or Lit. I do not have any idea how to study for it.. hmmx. Econs however, I might have a clue, but time is running out even as I speak. Cold War itself has taken me 3 days, wthy the flare? If i studied at this rate like 1 month ago Id be souped up for promos but now? Oh my goodness, I'll be forced to sacrifice one H2 subject to ensure I pass the other 2 and my H1.

Im so bored of History im like randomly surfing the net when I found this really sweet webpage. Guess once in a while, flukes happen and dreams do come true. Story of my life yea? Anyway, go look it up if you want, might warm your heart a little.

Feeling GOOD- not because Promos are in three days and Im not done revising but because its Sunday night, and there's no school tomorrow (although I AM going back to school to practice muggeristic muggerism) So going to die in promos. Can promote, but I dont think i'll be able to compete. Covering econs with Paula tomorrow... what else am I missing? Oh yes, Lit ZzZ.

Quote of e Post:

Friday, September 22, 2006


Everyone who passes through the SRJC should pick up "Miss Remarkable and her Career". Thats is so exactly me, oh my gosh- well not 100% but that book is like my life story through my eyes. Beautiful piece of work.

You know what? I think Faust is SPD! No, not Space Patrol Delta (watch too much power rangers will become like that). SPD stands for Schizoid Personality Disorder. Oh my! Sounds so serious and dangerous. Nah, it isnt.

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for schizoid personality disorder is SOLITARY.

S – shows emotional coldness
O – omits close relationships
L – lacks close friends or confidants
I – involved in solitary activities
T – takes pleasure in few activities
A – appears indifferent to praise or criticism
R – restricted interest in sexual experiences
Y – yanks himself or herself from social relationships

Oh my, now it sounds even MORE serious than I thought. but wait-

"SPD is believed by some to correlate with the INTJ and INFJ personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). SPD is far more common among males than among females, although this could be due in part to the fact that schizoid symptoms are far less socially acceptable in women."

Its normal see? More normal than you think anyway- INFJs are awesome people. Dont take my word for it, try it! Oh wait, here's more-

"While people who have SPD can also suffer from clinical depression, this is certainly not always the case. Unlike depressed people, persons with SPD generally do not consider themselves inferior to others, although they will probably recognise that they are different."

Im like so not depressed or I wouldnt be doing all this jank? Ha-

"Treatment is usually not necessary, and people with this personality type don't really care if they are seen as having a mental disorder, so they generally do not seek psychological treatment, except when they are compelled to enter therapy to solve another problem, such as an addiction. They may benefit from social skills training, although it can be argued that an improvement in social skills does not address the personality disorder itself."

No treatment necessay, the best part of all. Its normal man, all normal. But for now, we must suppress Faust with the Category Ace. Faust must never appear in school, or else where. He is caged, he is sealed by the Ace of Clubs. Now then, where is Mr Loh? Oh yes, he is lost amongst the sea of woes surrounding Promos. Sad stuff, sad guy.

Here's Faust, signing off.

Quote of e Post:
Because of their aloofness, this barrier doesn’t allow them have the social skills and behavior to help them pursue relationships. (Bugger, this got to go)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Silver Pen

Today was such a slacky day that I dont know where the equivalent trade from monday went (yesterday was not too bad a day either) So I guess I get teasers once every two days, yea I can live on those. 7 More days to promos, I guess those tutors really really want to help us pass huh? haha. Its quite patheic really, the little nuggets of pleasure I sneak away for myself amidst all the turmoil and insanity of the coming promos. I dont know why but even though I cant make sense of it all, nothing feels out of place. Its all good.

Intro everyone a nice song, by everyone's favourite non political podcast producer. Mr Brown himself.

Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi

(You know Ben, i’m sian. why are you sian? i’ll tell you)

i try to cook but got burn by the frying pan
MRT door tu tu tu nearly kena my hand
all the girls that i know say only see me as friend
nah bei lift at my block just break down again

i wake up in the morning and i dunno who i am
i am sian….
i’m not happy i’m not sad, but i sure know where i went
i am sian….
so sian…
i’m just walking down the street and i dunno wad to eat
i am sian….
every second every minute every hour every day
i am sian….
how did i get so sian

got a job interview but got hole in my pants
go see show but the fella in front damn tall can
my PC kena virus and the toilet flush spoil
my brand new handphone kena drop in cooking oil


ahhhhhhh i’m so frus(trated) (X4)

sunny in the morning and its raining in the night
i am sian….
the weather cannot change and neither can my life
i am sian….
i’m talkin to myself cos theres really no one else
i am sian….
i may think i have a choice but i really have a voice
i am sian….
how did i get so sian

What a nonsensical song haha! But it provided a few laughs, and makes you feel really really miserable like. After looping it about 10 times you will be REALLY sian.

Im just that bored haha. Loving each and every day.

Quote of e Post:
Put the Light out

Monday, September 18, 2006

Friday Night

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Started by Emmanuel and Crystal I think- very interesting. Quite interesting.

I shall not post the rest of the results lest I become labelled as some emo wierdo who is trying to look pitiful. I may fit standard avoidant sterotypes but I do really want to be normal. Help me.

Today was an awesome day, absolutely wonderful. Almost nothing went wrong, and I felt nothing could go wrong. From outdoor PE to lessons (especially GP, its the only thing Im good at actually) to the tiny incident just outside school. Of course, Im still waiting for equivalent trade to kick in and screw me over. Remember, for everything great that happens, something of equal disasterous value will happen and punch you in the gut. You just got to see it coming and grit your teeth. But im satisfied for now. Thats what matters. Im happy.

Heck, I'll post em anyhow, no one reads this blog anyway.

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58%
Antisocial || 10%
Borderline |||||||||||| 50%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 66%
Narcissistic |||| 18%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Dependent |||||||||||||||| 66%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by

AND... presenting a new song (kudos to Stef) I found- I think I just might go buy the Click Five album if the songs are that nice.

The Click Five - Friday Night
Manic Mondays singing you to sleep
You could use some time to breathe
Wake up please
A lonely weekend isn't what you need
You wont feel so guilty cuz you love the crime on

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
It's alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Wearing night clothes never felt so cold
Wish we were a little older
Restless souls
I cant hold this ladder for too long
Wont you open up your window
Come outside on

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
Its alright
Curfew's gunna break my heart,
So come and meet me in the dark
Friday night
You're under the covers
Friday night
We could be lovers
Its alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Baby it's no surprise
The price is right
I'm bob barker
Hold on to the prize
Cuz its Friday night, Friday night come alive

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
Its alright
Curfew's gunna break my heart,
So come and meet me in the dark
Friday night
You're still under the covers
Friday night
We could be lovers
Its alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Come alive come alive on Friday night
Come alive, come alive

Nice Song ^_^

Promos in 10 days, not fun at all- blegh. PW deadline coming soon to, end of the line coming soon too waha. Ciao.

Quote of e Post:
Would you look at her as she looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly

Friday Night

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Started by Emmanuel and Crystal I think- very interesting. Quite interesting.

I shall not post the rest of the results lest I become labelled as some emo wierdo who is trying to look pitiful. I may fit standard avoidant sterotypes but I do really want to be normal. Help me.

Today was an awesome day, absolutely wonderful. Almost nothing went wrong, and I felt nothing could go wrong. From outdoor PE to lessons (especially GP, its the only thing Im good at actually) to the tiny incident just outside school. Of course, Im still waiting for equivalent trade to kick in and screw me over. Remember, for everything great that happens, something of equal disasterous value will happen and punch you in the gut. You just got to see it coming and grit your teeth. But im satisfied for now. Thats what matters. Im happy.

Heck, I'll post em anyhow, no one reads this blog anyway.

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58%
Antisocial || 10%
Borderline |||||||||||| 50%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 66%
Narcissistic |||| 18%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Dependent |||||||||||||||| 66%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by

AND... presenting a new song (kudos to Stef) I found- I think I just might go buy the Click Five album if the songs are that nice.

The Click Five - Friday Night
Manic Mondays singing you to sleep
You could use some time to breathe
Wake up please
A lonely weekend isn't what you need
You wont feel so guilty cuz you love the crime on

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
It's alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Wearing night clothes never felt so cold
Wish we were a little older
Restless souls
I cant hold this ladder for too long
Wont you open up your window
Come outside on

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
Its alright
Curfew's gunna break my heart,
So come and meet me in the dark
Friday night
You're under the covers
Friday night
We could be lovers
Its alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Baby it's no surprise
The price is right
I'm bob barker
Hold on to the prize
Cuz its Friday night, Friday night come alive

Friday night
Baby are you sleeping
Friday night
My heart is still beating
Its alright
Curfew's gunna break my heart,
So come and meet me in the dark
Friday night
You're still under the covers
Friday night
We could be lovers
Its alright
Open up your sleepy eyes
Come alive, come alive on Friday night

Come alive come alive on Friday night
Come alive, come alive

Nice Song ^_^

Promos in 10 days, not fun at all- blegh. PW deadline coming soon to, end of the line coming soon too waha. Ciao.

Quote of e Post:
Would you look at her as she looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Centre of the Universe

Pushing my trolley in the supermarket,
I am the centre of the universe;
Up and down the aisles of beans and juices,
I am the centre of the universe;
It does not matter that I live alone;
It does not matter that I am a jilted lover;
It does not matter that I am a misfit at my job;
I am the centre of the universe.

I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

I enjoy being the centre of the universe.
It is not easy being the center of the unsiverse.
But I enjoy it.
I take pleasure in,
I delight in,
Being the centre of the universe.
At six o'clock a.m. this morning I had a phone call;
It was from a friend, a man in Los Angeles;
"Paul, I don't know what time it is in Dublin
But I simply had to call you:
I cannot stand LA so I thought I'd call you."
I calmed him down the best I could.

I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

I had barely put down the phone when it rang again,
This time from a friend in Sao Paulo in Brazil:
"Paul do you know what is the population of Sao Paulo?
I will tell you; it is twelve million skills.
Twelve million feet in one footbath.
Tweleve million eyes in one fishbowl.
It is unspeakable, I tell you, unspeakable."
I calmed him down.

I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

But then when the phone rang a third time and it was not yet 6.30a.m.,
The petals of my own hysteria began to wake up and unfurl.
This time it was a woman i knew in New York city:
"Paul- New York City is a Cage",
And she began to cry a little over the phone,
To sob over the phone,
and from five thousand miles away i mopped up her tears.
I dabbed each tear from her cheek.
With just a word or two or three from my calm voice.

I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

But not tonight it is myself;
Sitting at my aluminum double-glazed window in Dublin city:
Crying just a little bit into my black tee-shirt.
I only there was just one human being out there
with whom I could make a home? Share a home?
Just one creature out there in the night -
Is there not one creature out there in the night?
In Helsenki, perhaps? Or in Reykjavik?
Or in Chapelizod? Or in Malhide?
So you see, I have to clam myself down also
If I am to remain the centre of the universe;
It's by no means an exclusively self-centred automatic thing
Being the centre of the universe

I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

So tired, it is 2 am and I just felt alot like typing out this poem. No idea why, I like it alot.

Quote of e Post:
I'm always here, if you want me -
For I am the centre of the universe.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Chapstick and Chapped Lips and things like Chemistry

Another quiz post. I miss so many things that I dont know what to feel. I live in the past, so shoot me.

(Click here to post your own answers for this meme.)

I miss somebody right now.  (So many people) I don't watch much TV these days. I own lots of books.  (Not that I read all of em)
I wear glasses or contact lenses. I love to play video games.  (Play does not equate to completing em) × I've tried marijuana.
× I've watched porn movies. × I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I curse sometimes. × I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. × I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* * * * *

× I have broken someone's bones. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. I hate the rain.  (But I love water, funny huh?)
I'm paranoid at times.  (They're watching you too) I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I need/want money right now.  (Who dosnt?)
I love sushi. × I talk really, really fast. × I have fresh breath in the morning.
× I have long hair. × I have lost money in Las Vegas. I have at least one sibling.
I was born in a country outside of the U.S. × I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.  (How will I know who to dao then?)
× I like the way that I look. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months. I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings. × I think prostitution should be legalized.  (isnt it already?) × I slept with a roommate.
I have a hidden talent.  (At least I think its a talent) × I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. × I have a lot of friends.
× I have pecked someone of the same sex. × I enjoy talking on the phone. × I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop and/or window shop.  (Im worse than a girl lol) × I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a mobile phone. × I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. × I've rejected someone before.
I currently like/love someone.  (Dosnt everyone...) I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. × I want to have children in the future.
× I have changed a diaper before. × I've called the cops on a friend before.  (almost) I'm not allergic to anything.  (I was, not anymore)
I have a lot to learn. I am shy around the opposite sex. × I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
I have at least 5 away messages saved. × I have tried alcohol or drugs before. × I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
× I own the "South Park" movie. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.  (Does blogger count?) × I enjoy some country music.
I would die for my best friends. I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist. × I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
× I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.  (They dont really celebrate halloween here...) × I have dated a close friend's ex. × I am happy at this moment.
× I'm obsessed with guys. × Democrat. × Republican.
I don't even know what I am. × I am punk rockish. × I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
× I study for tests most of the time. × I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. × I can work on a car.
I love my job(s).  (Some of them, school still sucks) × I am comfortable with who I am right now. × I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.  (Be one with nature) × I have jumped off a bridge. × I love sea turtles.
× I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup. I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.  (Plans dont actually have to fruiton) × I am proficient on a musical instrument.
I hate office jobs.  (Dont ask me to file, ever) × I went to college out of state. × I am adopted.
× I am a pyro. × I have thrown up from crying too much. I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
I fall for the worst people.  (Worst people as in Ill never get em- ever) × I adore bright colours. × I usually like covers better than originals.
× I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays. I can pick up things with my toes.  (Depends on how heavy/big the things are) I can't whistle.
× I have ridden/owned a horse. × I still have every journal I've ever written in. × I talk in my sleep.  (I wouldnt know if i did)
× I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century. I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.  (It works too) × I wear a toe ring.
× I have a tattoo. I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.  (Tell me about it) × I am a caffeine junkie.  (Was)
× I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all. If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.  (Sad but true) × I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
× I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner. × I'm an artist. × I am ambidextrous.
× I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed. × If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony(Then what's the point?) × I have terrible teeth.
× I hate my toes. I did this meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before me. I have more friends on the internet than in real life.  (After defining the term friends- Sadly)
× I have lived in either three different states or countries. × I am extremely flexible. I love hugs more than kisses.
× I want to own my own business. × I smoke. I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.  (Amen)
Nobody has ever said I'm normal.  (They dont know what I am) Sad movies, games, and the like can cause a trickle of tears every now and then.  (But no one should be around) × I am proficient in the use of many types of firearms and combat weapons.
× I like the way women look in stylized men's suits. I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.  (who does?) I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.  (You talking about me?)
× I have played strip poker with someone else before. I have had emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.  (Had. Or are they gone... really?) × I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
× I can't stand being alone. I have at least one obsession at any given time.  (Oh yes) × I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.
I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.  (sad but true again) × I'm a judgmental asshole. × I'm a HUGE drama-queen.
× I have travelled on more than one continent. I sometimes wish my father would just disappear. I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.
× I am a Libertarian. I can speak more than one language. I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.  (Happens every day in school)
I would rather read than watch TV.  (TV is jank nowadays) × I like reading fact more than fiction. I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do.  (All too often)
× I have no piercings. × I have spent the night in a train station or other public place. × I have been so upset over my physical gender that I cried.
× I once spent Christmas completely alone because there was a miscommunication on which parent was supposed to have me that night. There have been times when I have wondered "Why was I born?" and may/may not have cried over it. I like most animals better than most people.  (sometimes they are)
× I own a collection of retro games consoles. The thought of physical exercise makes me shiver.  (Im weak, so shoot me) × I have hit someone with a dead fish.
× I am compulsively honest. × I was born with a congenital birth defect that has never been repaired. × I have danced topless in front of dozens of complete strangers.
I have gone from wishing I was a girl to revelling in being a boy to feeling like a girl again in the span of five minutes, and not cared a whit for my actual sex. × I am unashamedly bisexual, and have different motivations for my desires for different genders. × I sometimes won't sleep a whole night or eat a whole day because I forget to.
× I find it impossible to get to sleep without some kind of music on. × I dislike milk. × I obsessively wash my hands.
I always carry something significant around with me. × Sometimes I'd rather wear a wig in day-to-day life than use my own hair. × I've pushed myself to become more self-aware and thereby more aware of others.
× Even though I live on my own I still cry sometimes because I miss my mother. × I hand wrote all the HTML tags in this document. × I've liked something which a majority of people claimed was either bad or weird.
× I have been clinically dead for a brief period of time. Instead of feeling sympathy/empathy with people and their problems, I simply become annoyed.  (Mostly, depends heavily on who the person is) × I participate/have participated in auto drag races and won.
× I do not 'get' most comedy acts. × I don't think strippers are money-greedy or slutty for dancing. × I don't like to chew gum.
I am obsessed with history/historical things and can't wait for someone to build a time machine so I can be the first to use it. × I can never remember for the life of me where I parked the car. × I had the TEEN ANGST thing going for at least 2-3 years.
I wish people would be more empathic and honest with each other. × I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly. I love to sing.
× I want to live in my mother's basement when I grow up. × I have a custom-built computer. × I want to create a certain someone's babies, even though there's a 0% possiblity of ever achieving it.
× I would be in a relationship with one of my pets if they were human. × I've gone skinny-dipping. × I've performed in three plays.
× I enjoy burritos. × I'm Irish and loving it. × I have a thing for redheads.
× I am a twin! × Most of the times, I'd rather do something intellectual instead of doing something generically 'fun'. × Once I set out to finish something, I always stay at it until it is completed before I move on to something else.
I wish there were a way to erase past mistakes.  (Every day, hour and minute) × I sleep more than 12 hours a day. I wish I could be prouder of what I've accomplished, but it's never enough.
× I need more time to myself. × I wish I was more open-minded. × I hope that I go really prematurely grey.
I download songs from the internet.  (Arrest me Bah) × I've just reenacted chapter 58 of Death Note with my best friend.  (This i have to go check out) I say random things to freak people out.  (Except they dont freak out)
× I'm still a little mad about the ending of Death Note. I love playing Truth or Dare.  (Especially if I never kena) × I love listening to slow music, but I hate singing to it.
Music helps me remember that I am not alone. × Playing my favorite sport makes me temporarily forget my problems. × I think this survey is particularly long.
× I prefer my LJ friends to my real-life ones. × I can only hate someone that I love.  (Half true) × I've ordered an extra two shots of espresso to an Americano at Starbucks.


width="240" height="180"
alt="Fine Adonis Undertaking Stimulation and Touches"


width="240" height="180"
alt="Charming Handsome Adonis Nicely Giving Xotic, Intense Affection and Naughty Gratification"


I am the Sai-Kang warrior. Special mutant ability, to kena arrow to do all the things no one else wants to do. Come palette I'll be teaching photography for an hour long session. How to do that?? T.T My facts are messed up- most of the time I talk cock only. How to teach so many people! I only taught like 5 people that time and screwed up majorly le- now how to teach one whole cca? Im imagining numbers like 20 to 30ish?

I wonder if one day, I too will have to make the sacrifice? Others over myself, the army, values civilians above all others. What of war do I know? The horrors of fighting. For peace? For Justice? For the safety and soverignity of our nation? NS sounds like such a uncertain and unfeeling time.

Quote of e Post:
He sacrificed his humanity, for all humanity...