Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life Note

I always find things out, too little, too late, a little too late even. And I wished, back then, I knew and I could have done something. Because we're friends, and because you're worth the effort. Now that I come to think of it, we look at the past too much. You may have had a sad, lonely or even painful past. A past which none of us need to remember and have put in place excellent countermeasures and precautions to avoid bringing up again. But everytime I see you, it all comes back. To draw a bond, we inevitably bring up the past again and it gets wierd. We've grown older, not necessarily wiser. But we've changed. I hope thats enough.

Got to find a break from all this emo stuff, on the blog I mean.

Each day I see the extreme, on one hand, the super mundane, vulgar and largely illegible posts of someone on a adolescent hormone high. On the other I see horribly sad gothic posts whose writers seem to carry the weight of the world on thier shoulders even though all they blog about is their own miserable selves. And the large majority who write very boring things about thier daily lives, I myself am ashamed to be part of this. Then there are those wonderful insightful buggets of gold we find buried here and there. Im very fortunate to find one myself so close to home. Insightful, intelligently entertaining and sometimes quite curios. All blogs should be this entertaining- a pity that the freedom of anonymity seems to sap a large portion of one's intelligence despite the fact that they know those reading are under no delusion as to the writer's identity.

Yes, Im a hypocrite, Im guilty, so shoot me already.

No, for the millionth time, I havent watched the Death Note movie despite the "L" avatar in my msn messenger. I am a staunch believer in the fact that in the process of print to screen there inevitably will be content lost. And a person like me, who thrives on the itty gritty details and accuracy cannot tolerate such things. The character behaves in a way that isnt relevant to the book? Slam. The invention of a character that did not even EXIST in the book in order to slip in more action? Heaven forbid! A vital scene is cut out and replaced by a brief explaination to save time? Im reaching for the pitchfork already. As such, all the Potter movies, Narnia and to some small extent, the LOTR movies are lost to me (although I have watched the LOTR trilogy, which started me on this rampage) and however entertaining, would be a severe blow to my pride and principles if I am to spend money to watch it (mega hint) youtube obliges.

Death Note is a captivating story not for the layman. Many a friend of mine have laughed off their inability to follow the long and winding story which at times contains little to no action whatsoever. I laugh along and take offence silently. How foolish they are- the gold is in the dialouge. The way both Light, and his alter ego Kira, outsmart L and the two tango back and forth. Waiting for a slip up on either side, which would lead to a winner. The irony of Light and L, both being so similar, being the justice and yet Light being Kira, the antihero is astounding. An excellent literary work. The drama continues with Near and Mello, and as we all know, ultimately, evil will never win as Kira's plotting goes overboard and he traps himself in his overconfidence. Brilliant but heavy stuff, not for the simple minded, it will give them splitting headaches.

Extra lesson are her eto plauge us again! Along with more holiday work to be done *sigh* this is not entirely unexpected though. Best be cracking.

By the way..

E ryja paah luhcisat fedr y knayd taym uv waym du pudr maynh yht sycdan dra [al bhed] myhkiyka vnus [FFX]. Du pudr cbayg, nayt yht ajah du cusa aqdahd, fneda eh drec myhkiyka. Drec byccycka ec aycemo dnyhcmydat fedrdra ica uv yh [al bhed] dnyhcmydun vuiht yhofrana uh dra ehdanhad. Kuukma upmekac. Yhouha fru lynac du ramb sa ymuhk cruimt tu cu yd draen aynmecd ehluhjeheahla. Dryhg oui.

Quote of e Post:
So I'll let my words be few

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