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Betcha you cant tell, Jerome's wearing a skirt xD
1a02, but so many ppl missing :(
Hot dancing~
But Rayner absolutely loved being grinded :P
Drinks for everyone!
The troops are stoned!
They're killing each other!
Body count
Who dunnit?
The delicious birthday girl haha
Serenaded by the SR idol :)
Happy Birthday Crystal!
Beautiful! Emmx and Michael Yeo were some sea captain thing things, Shawn Wee looked like that dude from Top gun, Jerome was a transsexual xD, Olivia was a very very convincing pirate, Bryant a soldier, Jane a witch, Gen the bunny, I the wierd warrior monk (ha), and Crystal the French Maid =P And that drink above isnt really alocholic haha, its some carbonated thing haha. Don't go ballistic calling the cops now, it was all clean. (save for a scandalous video ala Shawn x Jerome Haha)
MT A levels tomorrow!! Will I have to take MT again next year? I pray not... not that I have even studied! Haha. My parents dont even know I have an A level paper tomorrow. lmao. Im not that bothered although I should be... MT must pass to qualify for university! And a good MT score helps you out (If you got A1 or A2) so yea...
Im already in a bloody holiday mood so haha- can throw studying and extra lessons down the drain. Oh hy, I just remembered about the 6 history essays thing thing. I'll have to get down to it and read the UN lecture book soon. Blegh, spoil my mood. Hope we get Koh Yi Han next year! xD
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You say you wanna get a little bump in here~
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