Friday, September 22, 2006


Everyone who passes through the SRJC should pick up "Miss Remarkable and her Career". Thats is so exactly me, oh my gosh- well not 100% but that book is like my life story through my eyes. Beautiful piece of work.

You know what? I think Faust is SPD! No, not Space Patrol Delta (watch too much power rangers will become like that). SPD stands for Schizoid Personality Disorder. Oh my! Sounds so serious and dangerous. Nah, it isnt.

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for schizoid personality disorder is SOLITARY.

S – shows emotional coldness
O – omits close relationships
L – lacks close friends or confidants
I – involved in solitary activities
T – takes pleasure in few activities
A – appears indifferent to praise or criticism
R – restricted interest in sexual experiences
Y – yanks himself or herself from social relationships

Oh my, now it sounds even MORE serious than I thought. but wait-

"SPD is believed by some to correlate with the INTJ and INFJ personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). SPD is far more common among males than among females, although this could be due in part to the fact that schizoid symptoms are far less socially acceptable in women."

Its normal see? More normal than you think anyway- INFJs are awesome people. Dont take my word for it, try it! Oh wait, here's more-

"While people who have SPD can also suffer from clinical depression, this is certainly not always the case. Unlike depressed people, persons with SPD generally do not consider themselves inferior to others, although they will probably recognise that they are different."

Im like so not depressed or I wouldnt be doing all this jank? Ha-

"Treatment is usually not necessary, and people with this personality type don't really care if they are seen as having a mental disorder, so they generally do not seek psychological treatment, except when they are compelled to enter therapy to solve another problem, such as an addiction. They may benefit from social skills training, although it can be argued that an improvement in social skills does not address the personality disorder itself."

No treatment necessay, the best part of all. Its normal man, all normal. But for now, we must suppress Faust with the Category Ace. Faust must never appear in school, or else where. He is caged, he is sealed by the Ace of Clubs. Now then, where is Mr Loh? Oh yes, he is lost amongst the sea of woes surrounding Promos. Sad stuff, sad guy.

Here's Faust, signing off.

Quote of e Post:
Because of their aloofness, this barrier doesn’t allow them have the social skills and behavior to help them pursue relationships. (Bugger, this got to go)

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