Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Makube X

D-Day for operation Promotional Exams, approx 10 hours to 0800 hours 28/07/2006. The day before tomorrow isnt so scary, is it? Well aside from the pumping heart and sweaty palms, thoughts of failure and more specualation about what awaits us tomorrow, everything is fine. Really.

Things were never like this in the past... or were they? Os? Was I this panicky? No, I think in the face of the Os I was alot more panicky. So why now at a higher plane of education the feeling dampens? Shouldnt it intensify as this round of testing approaches?

I can understand how Makubex feels... So pissed off with this life, where you dont know if you are real. You learn everything is controlled by a higher power. You exist because that higher power wills it to. So you decide to prove your existance. You create a device, capable of destroying everything, and you strike a deal with whoever is supposed to be there.

"A Deal! Take us back to the Old days! When the Volts were still here, we had a fabulous time when everyone was together! If that is impossible...I'll return everything to nothingness!"

You hope, that they'll care, you hope, that you'll make a difference. But you are ignored. Dont push the button, if you do, everyone will die, and there will be no chance things will ever go back to the way they were, not even the slightest chance. For all that genius, you lose your way. Hold your ground, believe.

I am Makubex.
Which GetBackers Character Are You?

You are intelligent, capable, and exceptionally talented. You are
dedicated to your work, and rightfully confident in your capabilities.
Be careful about holding any long-term grudges, however, as the
bitter feelings generated by such vendettas can poison your mind
and cloud your judgement. It’s also quite possible that those plans,
no matter how well designed, can blow up in your face.

I knew it all along, although Id prefer very much to be Emishi or Shido, I still know. They way I think, I work, is just like Makubex. We even tried the same trick, difference being I couldn't actually do anything- I just didnt have the resources and power to. Which also means, if I could, I would. This world is infected, the virus has entered the system, we can only purge it, reformatt the system, push the reset button.

Quote of e Post:
This... this is not the world I had wished for

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