Thursday, December 07, 2006

linguistiKelly gifted

Just returned from Church Camp 06' Our guest speaker has kindly asked us not to post her name anywhere on the internet eg. on a blog like this one. So from now she will only be referenced as Ms X, and even in doing so, as little as possible.

Day one, relatively uneventful during the bus ride. I must have been zoned out from excitement and tired out from the ride because I did a milion stupid things haha. Actually only 3, but now im Dilyian -haha. Thanks ah Joel. Day 1 dinner was stupid. Not much more to say.

Day rwo. Now it gets fun.The sessions were no joke, it was direct, plain and cut to the chase. Ministry was powerful, I gave up quite alot of stuff but it just didnt feel enough. I wanted more. The food did not improve and the fact that I lived on bread alone for breeakfast wasn't comforting. Went to Sunway Lagoon dry, not alot to do but a wholoe lot of fun. Should have just gone to the Wet section =P

Day three. We wizened up and found a foolproof way to get breakfast haha. The previous day I was not satisfied, today I got more then I bargained for. So amazing, I love my cell group and mentors. I get a word about my future, but Im not sure how things will turn out. I guess all we need to do is trust and believe. Last dinner there, seems like they got smart and actually dished out some pretty good food.

Last day. So much to accomplish so little time. More uneventful riding in a slow bus. We were like bus 2 to leave but arrived later then the other buses anyawy. We stopped over at the crappy Yong Peng. It became worse then before! That is very surprising. Im glad I went to this camp, and I know my life's been changed for the better.

Nevertheless Im glad to be back home. But at this moment my headache is killing me again. Wonder what's wrong...

Quote of e Post:
Pick it up!

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