Monday, July 04, 2005


(Ok this was written on FRIDAY night/Saturday morning… but I never got around to posting it)

Heyz... blogging on wordpad now >.< Wa haha very tired. It is like 3:25am now. What am I doing up so early? Actually, I was up only at 12am. Then I decided to "clean up" my comp as it is like totally full of junk and what-not, so I’m running a full system scan, which has so far taken about 3 hours and 30 minutes to a completion of 78% on Drive C... It still has to go through Drive E after that, if I calculate the time taken thus far, the remaining 22% will take another hour. Argh, there goes my beauty sleep haha. I can't leave it running and go sleep, what if I really fall into deep sleep and don't awake to off e computer and all after the scan is done? My dad will kill me if he knew I left the computer on all night through.

School was nice to us today, only had lessons until recess after which we headed for the hall. It's celebration time! Haha, the sec3s are just back from sec 3 camp (I’m envious and hyped up, post camp high :) I understand all too well. First item was by our very own singer/composer who did two English pieces and an original piece in hokkien. The problem? No one could decipher what he was singing about throughout the 3 songs xD Next item was a game, the house masters and the house captain was to identify songs using provides snatches of it. Haha, Mr Seow the blue house (M I N E!) house master is no whiz at music and the captain was no expert either and everyone was soundly whooped by the Yellow house >.< Next up was a strange piece, by our school own budding band... They performed Good Charlotte's "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" and "My chemical Romance". The guitarists and drummer was excellent but the lead singer left much to be desired, some even described it as "Noise". *shrug* I guess it's because they don't recognize the songs haha

Splitting this into another paragraph for easier reading :) Then a little interactive game, teachers were armed with a remote answering system wired up to a quiz about "hip and happening" things. Lost? It's hard to explain haha, so they were to answer questions about modern things like handphones, games and the things youth do basically. Next up was the student's turn, a screen was put up showing various items, pupils had to identify the teacher which possessed these items quite difficult, but this was Blue House's turn to shine :D Next some teachers put up a skit about this boy who wanted to win a race... very entertaining (read -> funny) but not much story in it, just for laughs and finally a performance by the "jellybeans" haha. Let me illustrate with words the entire sequence of stunning events. First they would all dance in to the song from Madagascar (You know? -> "I like to move it move it...") and then a weird event will occur. On stage rolls a NTUC trolley! And more teachers appeared spinning plates on sticks (Which was a total fluke as then held overturned the plates never fell off) one by one, a few get into, under and on the trolley and the sticks with plates are passed to them, after which the trolley heavily laden with people is pushed around the stage for a sort of "victory lap" haha. At the end the teachers pull off their headbands and throw them into the audience. Weird? You bet. Finally was awards giving, no thanks to the quiz Blue House had to retreat in shame as the Yellow house took top spot, winning them a trophy made of cardboard and construction -paper x) O well it's all for the fun of it.

School getting more cheapskate haha, this year, we got flimsy mass produced pens. But who's complaining? It's better than one year when everyone got a pack of tissues and that one yea when everyone got a pad of fullscap, with line only printed on one side >.< haha, Peicai is POOR! We can't help that heehee

We had Zone Gathering just now! At Cecelia's function room heehee, so much fun! And it was a perfect time to use my new camera, got many many pictures so much so I ran out of space! >.< So I missed just an itty bit of the day never mind. Was supposed to meet Dilys and You Rong at 2:30pm at the bus-stop near her house. But at about 2, when I was rushing like mad (School ended at about 1:15, I reached home by about 1:40) she sms-ed and said, "haha. I realized something. There's no need for us to meet so early since the food is cooked. We meet at 3.56 same place. see ya later :)" [exactly word for word, space by space] So dotz la, anyway so I made my way there and waited. And waited. at 3:15pm I got a call, Dilys just woke up! She was having a nap haha, so she like rushed down, even though You Rong wasn't there YET (Stuck at compassville waiting for bus) And so we were walking to her house (More like she was walking to her house and we were following without a clue)

Upon arrival, Dilys had a "sudden revelation". "Why you here so early ah? The thing at 7+ we meet at 3+ very early, since the food is already cooked" Wahaha, so we just stayed at her home until it was time to leave haha. While she did up the "Tiara" and "Wand" for Paula and Joel respectively, the two of us were practicing for the coming skit/song haha. Ahhh, We forgot to get chords, but nevermind, good thing You Rong remembered the chords :) Anyway, so the skit was something like a cell-group setting (all the performance ended up like that haha) so me and Qian Xiang would walk in and then we'd talk, make up your own dialogue at that time we would dedicate a song to the leaders and sing the song hahaz... So paiseh :P Cannot sing very well haha, especially since it was a chinese song x_x I'll... decline to comment further haha

Just got busted (timestamp -> 4:15am) Carrying on. Ya, Zone Gathering was so fun, even though it was meant to appreciate our leaders I do feel so bad because despite it being OUR chance to appreciate them, the leaders ALSO put up a performance, and gave out gifts! To EVERYONE no less >.<

Haiz, Had MT o level oral on Thursday. I’m DEAD!! I just lost my nerve halfway through the reading and the rest was history 6 feet under. >.< How could I screw this up!! That was so major! If I can ever pull a 6 for Chinese Lord, I don’t know what I’ll do in joy. Enough about that, think HAPPY things.

Ahem, Saturday was cool :) We did orientation at RR. You know, compass, map and all. Well the JTC graduates already knew all that so we had to guide the kids. Abit frustrating, but when they get it finally the feeling is wonderful. I guess… this is why teachers choose to teach. Heehee appreciation.

Parents went for 1st service on Sunday because my sis had some party to go to >.< (I swear, even now, she has a better social life than I do and she is only 8) So I had to go on my own heehee. Nothing eventful till Youth. It’s time to cut the bull, it’s time to get down to business and be serious. The word was obvious, when push comes to shove, who will you choose? God, or the world? In Singapore, there isn’t much persecution. We are very lucky to live in a country in which the government supports religious freedom and there is tolerance. But the lack of a threat to us has made the Christians lose their sense of urgency. All the disciples died as martyrs for Christ. Will you just be a believer or a disciple? A disciple will be willing to throw away everything for Christ, to have absolute faith in God, to become nothing of one self.

Rachel dared the congregation. It was communion Sunday. You either, choose, make things right and STAY right or you don’t take the communion at all, for it will bring curses and harm unto you. So now, I have made my stand what is yours? Time is short, the signs are beginning to show in the world, want to know more? Christianity is not all sugar and blessings and everything nice, not the way most outreaches show it to be, there is more to that. Call, sms or drop me an e-mail. Time is running out, if you don’t come to me, I WILL reach out to you.

Goingng out now, before I leave, I'd liek to say.. HAppy Birthday to Cheng Shan an!!! Enjoy being 17 :)

Quote of e Post:
Nothing you can do, could make Him love you more
And nothing that you’ve done, could make Him close the door

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