Sunday, July 24, 2005

Melodies of Life

Hey all~ very sorry for not blogging more recently, time is so tight and im not exactly the best time manager in the world =) Yea, feeling alot better now, I have 8 minutes before im thrown off so lets make this snappy :)

Saturday~ Woke up late, cos the previous night i didnt sleep early. Actually I wasnt planning to fall asleep, doing Folio, I promised to deliver it when I went to D&T on saturday morning but at about 4am i think i dozed off while doing it. Wokr up on Saturday morning at 11am. Needless to say, Im feeling pretty pissed about that whole thing.

Then trapeze, because it was raining the ropes were wet and we weren't able to go on, lesson post-poned to next week. And we got to know JUST After we paid the addmission to Sentosa on the way to Siloso beach. No matter, Rangers are READY! Ready for anything :) So we made a day out of it, R & R day hehe :) Fun on the beach! Oh, and there's pics :) (note, from now on pics fom older posts will go into the gallery, thanks)

The wet Trapeze station, note the drooping umbrellas

A game of "dodgeball" haha sort of :) I'll explain later

A better view of the whole field

And after that was said and done, volleyball haha, not really, just keeping track of how long we can keep the ball in the air :)

Pics end here. About that dodgeball thing. First two rectangles are marked out on the ground. Each team of 6 splits into 3 and 3. 3 go into one box while the other 3 go onto the outermost line on the other box. Two balls are places in the middle and when the game starts the players in the middle are to rush for the balls. The rest is simple, hit anywhere save for the palms and that person is out. The people outside cant be hit. But they can throw, but if the balls they throw are caught by the other team's members in the box, they die. When the people inside on one side all die, the outer people go in which-ever side is lesser. Confusin? Nvm, haha, nothing is better than experiencing it on your own.

Argh gotta go off now, must be off by 10pm =P If not for that authority... ill let that drop there. Ciao

Quote of e Post:
Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.

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