Saturday, July 30, 2005

Rainy day

Wah, what a way to start a saturday, to wake up when it is raining hard and there is no sun out. The weather is cold and I'm freezing my socks off (not that I'm wearing any socks) For those who are wondering and those who know. Yes, I missed it. Ah heck, I'll find a way, I always do, hahaz

Havent been blogging for some time so forgive me yea? Set up a "Blogging Community" sort of, its actually just a big combined blog where all the members can blog on it. Umm so far so good haha, still dont know the main point of setting it up, you can check it out here

Ahhh, due to the rain, trapeze is going to be cancelled AGAIN~ so it is normal saturday for me today hmm, this few weeks have been so horrid for me, I think i'll give myself a break. Come to think of it, this week had been so horrible because I gave myself too many breaks when I shouldnt have been haha!

lalala~ Im going to have fun today heehee, be back to blog tonight, youll see =) bye!! (Alright, im feeling like crap~ dun feel like typing anymore)

Quote of e post:
Suicide is man's way of telling God "You cant fire me, I quit!"

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