Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stock Break

Hey~ I know I havent been blogging regularly. Trust me, D&T everyday is sapping my life slowly but surely. Final day? Friday, 29th of July, 2 more days, I need to finish my project by hook or crook and also get my folio up to date. Until then, no mock exams, no extra lessons, no going home early, and obviously no chance to play. 2 more days I must hold on.

Life has been quite a drag. The back and forth, the hustle and rush, everyday moves so fast. Dad just came home from his business trip today, not that it's stopping me from staying up. I have a maths paper to complete anyway *sigh* Im just waiting for D&T to be over really. Its like my entire life now revolves around struggling through the day and then the weekends. Oh ya~ Im looking forward to trapeze this Saturday, our second and last lesson.

Oh, just remembered I'm doing worship on Friday, better get it down and tell Alfred early =) School made an announcement for anyone wanting to take part in the Teacher's Day concert this year... And true to my expectation, just like last year the school is organising a singing competition for Chinese week (just like they did for english week *shudder* im still traumatised)

And guess where the fingers are pointing again? (Pardon the crudeness) Over my dead body. Chinese really isnt my cup of tea, but to try and force me up there? I wont trust you again, not since you pormised "support" and left me high and dry. Drop dead, you can go take part on your own, I will not be moved. Read -> Get off my back or else...

As 4E is the first express class, we will also be the first to kick off the O level english Orals when we reutrn from out little NAtional day break, on the 11th of August. That week will also be the time we all recieve our MT O level results, double blow or a double blessing? Depends on what you have done I suppose. Only 2 more weeks, am I ready? Somehow, I don't think so, then again, with things like this, you can never be sure if you are ready.

Stopping here, I forgot what I was going to blog about =.= paiseh ciao

Quote of e Post:
At the end of a war, It is the winner who writes the history~

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