Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hold me, Im flying!

Haha, what a lame title. I just couldnt think, brain dead at 12:20am haha, Sunday morning, hello. Sorry WX and Csa for not going to be bloggers convention with you all, but I had, prior arangements haha, It'll be good to note that Im normally not free on Saturday or Sunday so don't even try asking. But in case you ask what I did, heehee, that's what I'm bloggin about but first, local news :)

Wheee, Mr Tan Kim Huat finally decided to be NICE for once *gasp* haha He's giving all the D&T pupils (sec4 + 5) under him a break from Mock exams starting next Tuesday (Which happens to be Dilys birthday :) Happy birthday to you!) spanning 10 days (including the weekends) so up till the 28th, but wait! The 29th is Racial Harmony day! So there is also no mock exams! Off for 2 weeks!! *jumps for joy* =)

Thats it for school *kicks bag away* more about today! Where could I have gone so cold-heartedly and miss seeing Xia Xue, Kenny Sia, Mr Brown and a whole slew of other blogger celebrities, pang seh-ing (i dont think that is a word.. hmmm) my good pals on a nice Saturday Afternoon?

Left the house at like 12:45pm and took MRT to harbourfront, the trip really took alot shorter than expected la! Im meeting at 2pm and I arrived at 1:15pm instead! Haha nevermind, go walk around Harbourfront Centre, haven't been there since they renovated it :) Nice place, though abit small and costly, check it out on of these days wont ya?

Well, welcome to Sentosa! Haha, to avoid being squished to solution me, Norman, Comm Weng Kang, RQ and Jonathan walked accross the bridge only to find the pedestrian path closed for renovation! O.O buit the ticket lady was still there and she allowed us to walk on the road as did everyone else walking in, the wind was awesome :) Took the bus fromthe entrance to Siloso beach! There, an interesting sight awaits you if you look away from the sea and further inland...

Oh my Goodness! It is a .... It cant be !

Haha, I can imagine your face now, ME? On THAT?

If you cant tell what it is (Sorry for the bad lightning, I cant really help it heh. as per usual with all my pics, click for a bigger one.) it's a flying trapeze. Yup I spent my day learning the ropes and how-to on that thing :) Yea, Im scared of heights so that made for some very good blackmail pictures but who's going to give them out when it is all with me? >=)

First we learnt our basic trick, the knee hang. Very simple, the name explains it all, you hang on your knees, and right yourself again. That is the very first step to all the other moves, today we only learnt the knee hand and the somersault. Not too shabby, i managed to pull off both :)

It is really scary up there cos all you have is this super slack harness and the net is far below, there is no way down but through the trapeze (or so the instructor says, but what about the ladder we came up on? =.=) The hardest part I guess is to let go of the platform and hold on both arms to the handle, cos from then on there is nothing holding you from swinging all out save for the instructor grabbing the back of your harness, and you never know when he will let go (even though he goes give a verbal signal he lets go immediately... so much for the signal *rolls eyes*)

But once you let go, there is no turning back. So, just do it, haha. The instructor had to tell me to keep my eyes open lolz I gripped the handle so tightly that my hands are still sore and red now. According to him, we will all be aching tomorrow (our falls were.. comedic haha) partially because of the "stretching" we did and our "wonderful" landings :) We were supposed to land SITTING but some came down face up, face down, in pumping position, standing, on one side and many others haha but landing after the somersault is the cool part about it!

Enough words, lets grab some pictures :)

Go "Big Bear"! Haha, your momentum will make it easier! =)

Some of the girls, absolutely petrified up there.... just kidding, they did awesome! Some better than I =)

Looks alot further when you zoom out eh?

Look! It's me hahaz, must mentally prepare *dont look down, dont look down*

Get ready, chalk is always helpful :)

Missing a chunk here, lol, I took really long to psyche myself to hold on haha

Ok Im ready, I think... Ulp *holding on*

Ahhh~!! that fella pushed me off!!! (he is supposed to lol)

Since i'm up, might as well do the deed... up...

And further... just abit more...

Tada! Done haha~ *instructor* Oei! Keep your eyes open!

Haha, no recovery pics, my camera was running out of batteries heehee (good thing too) And I survived! Yay, after you go the first time, its not so scary anymore and actually rather fun :) Heehee, won't you try someday? You wont regret, serious.

Last but not least, group photo haha, we survived! =)

Phew, long day, those few hours felt so long~ and even though the time you are in the air is no more than about 30 seconds? Feels like a lifetime, especially if your life is flashing before your eyes as you swing off unprepared *rolls eyes* Haha, I better go off now, otherwise... And I hope i am not going to ache all over tomorrow. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
When I say "Hie", legs up, ready?
"Hie!" ~ no! Legs up! Not let go... x.x

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