Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Birthdays~

Hey hey! School's re-opened but Im alright now heehee, thanks to everyone, for doing nothing! Serious :) Haha, today was fun, sort of. PoA paper 2 was a hyper flop, I only managed to do 2 out of the 5 questions, due largely to the fact I didnt study. Ahh well, what's the chances of me passing this one? *crosses fingers* It's going to take a lot more than crossign fingers or some good luck charm to make that paper a pass. It is impossible... blank papers wont fill themselves up automatically, cant blame anyone. Take responsibility for your own actions right? Yarr...

A correction of error here! Racial HArmony day is not next week, it is THIS week! And being the last year in the school, Miss Shim has requested we ALL MUST wear a costume so... I'm on a lookout heehee

Moving on to Sunday. Prayer meeting was cool, almost everyone had a word from God, without the leaders around, you could see the members become a little more serious. Without the Tertiary and leaders there to "lean" on it was where the members shine. The common theme, was moving on, we are too complacent, too comfortable where we are we jut dont want to get out of our comfort zone and reach out. That says alot.

Hmm like nothing much else to say, i remember I had something to blog about but i cant remember it now =x Nevermind, be back later (if i can haha) Ciao

Quote of e Post:
Disciple makes Disciples

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