Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tell the world

Heyz, update cum normal post haha! Been meaning to update for very long, just never got round to doing it, so here it is! First, disclaimers, I didnt make this skin, I got it off blogskins and with a bit of twiddling (you'd notice I changed the song on the opening page) done. Ok because this isnt my handmade skin I can't slot my "secret section" anywhere so it's gone until the next tim I make my own site :D

Sunday was awesome. Met Csa for breakfast and then went down for Prayer meeting. CET was so funny. At 1pm, there was NO ONE except me and the teacher... so dotz... we just stunnned, bu later on as the time dragged ie.1:10pm more people started coming in so class began heehee.

Service was wonderful, I ushered hahaz. And they sang the new (not really new, I heard it was played during the Soul Revolution) song "Tell the World"! Yup that is the lyrics on the front page hahaz. Kind of conflicts with the layout though heehee. Message was about guarding your invisible self. The part of you no one but you and God knows. There was an alter call for release from bondage via the things people have sai or something like that. Haha, after that during Zone Gathering, my mouth sould not clse, just smile and smile :D Yea, I guess that 1 year "failure" really affected me more that I'd like to admit. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me -as if.

Wahahz, highlight, my dad bought a digital camera for us! *strikes it off the wants list* heehee. Its only an Ixus 40 but hey, it is still like very expensive. Really wasn't expecting that hahaz

School re-opened today!! Ahh... Dying. Because I didnt do a SINGLE DROP of my holiday homework. Can someone kick me? *oof* thanks. I guess the school got our hint that school at 3 ends too late for comfort. They shifted it from 3pm to 2:05 latest for all levels while the graduating classes (sec4s and 5'ves)m will get off at 1:20pm BUT have to stay for mock exam EVERYDAY. 10 WEEKS TO PRELIM- It's time to CRAM! HAha, today was eng paper 2 mock exam, quite complicated. They used alot of jargon so it was kind of confusing and some big words baffled me but I think I'll pull through yea?

Went toi watch Initial D after school hahaz. Even though Im not a big fan of cars and such, and I definitly do not play the game or read the manga or watch the show. There still exists a certain draw to seeing singers not used to acting.. act in a movie. Psst... Jay Chou can't act crying scenes.

Woah it is almost 1am and I still need to rush out some work, Stopping here! Ciao :P

Quote of e Post:
The only fight you have to win, is with yourself

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