Saturday, June 25, 2005

Advantage Server

So sorry, I have not been blogging for almost a week now. (since the 21st... today is the 24th >.<) Been pretty busy. Funny isnt it? That i can blog regularly with school on but when there isno school during the holidays I cant pull time to blog... odd :D

So everyone knows I lost my phone right? Anyway, so it was kind of obvious Citicab is not going to find my phone (especially since I made a report TWO days after losing it) by now. Oh! We got our new sofa delivered this morning :) I'll get pics later, but I mis my old sofa more. My sister als ogot her new bed this afternoon hahaz, we really blew our budget this year =x

Went to Causeway point Hello! shop to get my new sim card (i know it's kind of far but who knows the inner workings of my father?) and they told me it would be activated by the next working day. And today is a working day :D Activated about 45mins after getting it, so happy. Using my old phone (Nokia 3310) that is like so old it isnt even listed on the Nokia webpage anymore >.< Went home and swapped into my dad's old phone, another little seen nokia phone, dunno wat model but it is also as heavy and just a little less sucky than my 3310. Have to make do, they aren't going to buy me a new phone >.< 1 and a 1/2 years seems very very long.

Healing ralley yesterday and today, so cool! It's a great faith booster to see miracles happen :) I wanted to invite some of my more... skeptical friends but they never made it. Still on Camp High. Can you believe it? So soon, holidays are ending, actually only 2 days left and I have not done a drop of my holiday homework. What happened to my promise to procrastinate no more? >.< It all boils down to willpower I guess. I'm just getting sore thinking about Ms Kodi touring Europe while her pupils are slogging all June... She'd better have some cool postcards and stories for us :P

They found my bible (yay!) Im getting it back tomorrow during Rangers :) Going to wear my newly furnished uniform wahaha red beret *drool* heehee. Talking about that I still need to resew my "Singapore" patch and the newly accquired JTC patch on my uniform. Just throw it on top of the urgent list of things to do (compiled and untouched since Tuesday >.<)

Just went to download these 2 songs and I'm loving it :) "Wake me up when September ends" by Green Day and "California" by the Phantom Planet. Sounds familier? Yup! California is the theme for the hit Tv series The O.C :) Want to watch alot but somehow it is more like a girl thing >.< The song and the mention of the title just reminds me of Cheryl Seah (shudder) dropping that

So tired... 2:40am now, I guess I'll go pia some homework then go sleep... maybe watching Initial D tomorrow :D IF I can pull the time :) Ciaoz

Quote of the Post:
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired. I know right now you dont care. But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be...

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