Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Swallow Return

Hey hey! New skin ^_^ This one is kind of troublesome, but the fact that you are reading this shows you managed to navigate your way around :) Unforturnately, those without Prince of Tennis knowledge MAY be abit lost =) But sometimes, that isn't a bad thing :) To help everyone out, I'll repost what is what here! (with pictures so you can learn who's who at the same time :D)

Inui, he plays his trademark "Data Tennis" using data collected on various opponents he can safely calculate a plan of battle. His signature move is the "Sonic Serve" a very fast serve that is rarely caught. Clicking on his picture will bring you to my INFO page (naturally)

Echizen Ryoma, the main character of the series Prince of Tennis has won four junior tennis title before entering Seigaku. Raised in America, his english is excellent and the envy of many classmates. His playing style is a copy of his Father's and he has many signature moves like the "Split Step", "Twist Serve" and "Drive B". Clicking on his picture brings you to this page, the BLOG page

Kaidoh, user of the "Snake Shot", has a terrible temper and is very violent. His signature movesare the "Snake Shot" and the "Boomerang Snake" which goes around the net to score. His high stamina (he does 3x the training others on the team do) coupled with his snake shot, Kaidoh is highly formidable. Clicking on his picture brings you to the LINKS page

Momoshiro, plays power tennis, using brute strength an strong shots to take his opponents down. His "Dunk Smash" is particularly dangerous and has been rumored to have killed someone. Mostly clam and cheerful, Momo has a long lasting rivalry with KAidoh. Clicking on his picture will bring you to the TAGBOARD

Kawamura, the real "Power Player" of Seigaku is docile and gentle but turns fierce and highly aggressive once he holds a tennis racket. His antics are a constant source of amusement for the first years. Clicking on his picture will bring you to the ARCHIVES page

Tezuka (Oval glasses) is the captain of the Seigaku tennis club, his special technique is the "drop shot" which rolls back towards the net when it lands. Not very possible in real life but interesting to watch nevertheless. A very strong player that is well known but is nursing an injured arm.

Oishi (The person on the left of Momoshiro) is the vice captain of the Seigaku tennis club. Together wth Eiji (Above Oishi) they make up the famous "National level Golden Pair" of Seigaku. Just the mere mention of their title strike fear in the hearts of rival school teams. Oishi's speciality technique is the "moon volley" a pin point lob that lands directly on the opponent's baseline. Sweet :)

Eiji (Above Oishi) is the other half of the "Golden Pair" his playing style is impressive and highly entertaining. Named "acrobatic play", Eiji uses his flexibility to return balls in rather.... unusual positions :) shocking opponents not used to his style of play.

Fuji (Above Inui) is known as the progidy of Seigaku's tennis team. He usually keeps his eyes closed and only open them fully when he is serious (rather cool) His has three speciality techniques and is so highly talented Inui once remaked "This is one person I can never finish collecting data about". His first move, the "Tsubame Geishi" is a return that does not bounce, but rolls low to the ground. The second is the "Higuma Otoshi" which Fuji uses to counter power shots (like Momoshiro's dunk smash) and the "Hakugei" is another spectecular but impossible move in which the ball bounces upwards before the opponent and lands behind them before returning to Fuji, when this happens he likes to say "it disappeared?" :) Very cute. (Ps. every popularity poll conducted has had Fuji as the winner, leaving Ryoma in 2nd place :D)

Note that even though 9 people are reflected here, there are only 8 people at one time on the team. Team members are selected through quarterly "ranking matches". At first Inui was out and then Momoshiro, later on Tezuka left to treat his arm and there is still more but I have yet to read that far yet ^_^

Haha, my update post has turned into a full entry :) Them Im stopping here... need to go eat AND do PoA homework for tomorrow. Sigh, school ends at 5:30pm tomorrow T.T maybe I'll blog later when Im done. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
Im just here to take data (no prizes for guessing who)

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