Saturday, June 11, 2005


Second post of the day! I got the pics now heehee, without further ado...

Woah, That is HIGH, really high...

Wait! There's more!

It opens up! And I can put stuff inside!!

But sadly, it is still all wrapped up and all, Even if we unpack it, I wouldn't want to sleep on it just yet :) Its so high! The last time I slept on a bed this high was during a camp in which I took the upper bunk of a bunk bed, that's all... but this is nuts! I just measured and it is like... 62 cm tall! Bahz... but there MAY be advantages to having a high bed like.... I dont know lol...

I've been thinking a little... and I wonder. Countries fight wars because they cannot agree on something right? So why not resort to another non-destructive way of settling scores which does not involve the loss of lives... like Chess or something. Oh but of course, the media loves a scandal, the world loves a fight. It is deeply embedded in human nature to fight, just like wild animals. The difference? We have self control and something called a conscience.

How does one prove they exist? When you are on the boat of life, and you keep paddling on and on and you begin to feel that whatever you do, won't make even the slightest ripple, sometimes, you just have to stop looking at the steely still water ahead and look behind, every stroke of your paddle makes a small wave, as it moves out, it becomes bigger as it goes. The small things you do, magnify as they spread through the people on the recieving end. Because we keep looking ahead at the future we do not know about, we tend to become disheartened. But look behind once in a while and see the people behind you. There is a reason engines are always behind the boat :)

Ok... that was a little off random lolz... but makes sense... right? Say it is .. right? Ahhh... Don't tell me Im the only who makes sense of it (because now reading the whole thing it makes little sense -.-)

Random thought... "American Pie" is a really long song... I dont think I will ever finish memorising it...8mins 52seconds wow O.O And almost every line is different.... Tenpuri songs are so difficult to find! Tenpuri data is so difficult to find! All I can ever dig out is Seigaku, Seigaku, Seigaku! Im sure there are fans of the other school teams that can make sites with proper solid information! And NO EWW!! I DO NOT WANT TO FIND POT YAOI! EWWWWWWWWW.... I feel abit sick....

LoL~ Just realised that even though I have about 430 songs in my Mp3, depending on my mood I will only listen to a few songs, and they will be on repeat track... SO WHY DO I HAVE 430 SONGS?! LoLz... I guess one reason is because I use it as my "storage device" almost every song I own and love (Save those irritating ones that I cannot find in mp3 format) are in that little stylish white and silver case. (Just checked, for the note, I have ... 432 tracks in 16 playlists using 2958Mb (about 3GB) out of 3885Mb (About 4GB) on my player. I do believe I am finally running out of space :D

Oh! We just took the cover off the bed, now to place a bedsheet on it.... Ooh, I get a free pillow with the bed! :) Ahh, life just keeps getting better jk jk Stopping here for now, Youth tomorrow, CeT too... Im ushering! Hahaz, JTC in only 4 days, Can't wait! Ciao!

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