Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Grrr Im pissed I have to sit here and pretend not to hear my father grumble about my stupid handphone. So what if I placed a report two days later than the day I lost it? If you're so confirmed that it is gone then why the hell you ask me to report?! And there you are saying that soemoen must have taken it, the cabbie must have thrown it away or sold it away blah blah crap. This is absolutely BS! So I 没有头脑去想 and 不会想 is it? Blah blah I didn't do anything all holiday, same thing year after year, DROP DEAD! I aint planning to fail this year you two.... BAH! I have nothing to say. If you just enjoy saying "other people have already blah blah" or "Other people like [name] can blah blah" then go friggin ask them to be your son! I dont have to sit here plug in my earphones and pretend not to hear all that BS.

Comamnding respect and respecting command, yes this is part of one of those many Army recruitment posters everywhere. So just by the very virtue that they are my parents I have to respect them? Im trying not to get angry but this is nutz. Oh, go on threathen not to buy me a new phone, I cant BE BOTHERED. IM SICK OF THIS, IM SICK OF IT ALL, I JUST WANT THIS OVER.

I might say this but I still know in a few hours, I'll cool down and things wil be alright again. But until then I need self-control and to remember James 1:19 (i think) "My brothers, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (Or something amongst those lines... this was a memory verse we had) But it's hard, it is difficult. No one said being a Christian would be easy, I agree.

Original topic of the post was meant to beanother of our famous singaporean bloggers. Come on, most of you would have guessed it right away. Yep, it's the SPG. MAn is she dumb or something? This is Singapore, pulling a trick like that WILL GET YOU INTO TROUBLE! Is it for a popularity boost? Because after this I have no idea what you want to try. Is your dignity worth the price of fame? And Once it fades, what comes after? I kno, now you are famous, you're in the news, you'rein the papers but what happend when it fades? Your image is ruined.

If you dont know what I am talking about then get your head out of that hole in the ground and look at your computer screen. For the truly "i have been living in the mountains for the past 2 weeks" people SPG stand for Sarong Party Girl. I'd advise you go read the past few posts on our very on celebrity blogger's blog Xiaxue and then the person herself -> SPG aka Sarong party girl.

School is re-opening in about 5 days time. Homewrk is still an issue. My phone, is an issue. Everything is an issue. >.< I know what to do and how to do it but Im just not getting down to doing it!

Life is messy, but we can always see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm seeing mine, are you seeing yours? Drop me an e-mail if you want to know more, you have nothing to lose :)

Quote of e Post:
Whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much

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