Monday, January 31, 2005

Ask and I'll Give....

Absolutely merserised with the song "You Said"... Just picked it up on Sunday... Oh my, the words "You Said" are so powerful like as if it is posing a challenge "I said it, are you willing to believe it?" And I dare say I do, the nations eh? Sounds like fun, I'll take it!

School is lightening up alot now that the D&T crisis is HALF over and I have an idea how to do my chosen project. But then again, the scales have to balance up.. sigh... I am in Christian Character for CET Again!! This is like the 3rd of 4th time round! Ps Rachel said I failed e last time.. but Im sure I didnt T_T I dont want to be in a class with no one for company but kids and adults with faces that look as if they were cut from coarse granite. I want to go where everyone else is... the herd mentality? Nah, I just need company... everyone needs friends, no matter how much of a loner he/she is.

There was supposed to be this really cool offer that would let me make a quick buck but it fell through and was postponed till later notice. (Argh, there goes my Valentine's Day budget.. oops.. did i say something? O.o) About 80% of the best things in my life (things that are too good to be true) either fail (a small minority Thank God) or have to be waited for (God's favourite way of doing things ^_^) and only 20% actually goes as planned perfectly. Not complaining but just wondering why. Well He has His plans and His thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways, so no complaints here ^_^

Miss Shim didnt come today, and neither was Miss Kodi free to take the class... so we didnt get out handbook, nor did we get to hand in our article =_= aiya, quite a uneventful day aside from the Council Investiture (wronf spelling) and a ton of the old people came back from Mashrufah to Edwin Neo (Who took our class for Relief during Eng when Miss Kodi was not around FYI) Hmm and our Geog test got postponed (not that im not ready hahaz ok cannot be proud...)

Sometimes, I just stand there and look up at the sky and wonder. Here I am, doing the best I can but one way or another I begin to become the me in school and the me outside again, I dont want that to happen. I want to reach out and save my school, I really do but I have no idea what to do, so I seek... and I'll keep seeking till I find what I want.

Today, I was super bored during my "free" period so I began to compare... it was close, REAL close but I judged based on all different aspects and all and it came out a stalemate.. almost equal.. Argh.. aint solving anyhing X_X Ive been thinking, 4 years, so much has happened, so much can happen, will things still be the same then? How will we change? How will this play out? Such a cruel joke life has played... and then there is always the wild card, making things worse then ever... the ever-present wild card...

Still listening to "You Said" I am absolutely captured by that song.. im gonna post e lyrics here!
You Said - Hillsongs

You said,
Ask and you will recieve
What ever you need.
You said,
Pray and I'll hear from Heaven
And I'll heal your Land.

You Said ,
Your Glory will fill the Earth
Like Water the Seas.
You Said,
Lift up Your Eyes
The Harvest is Here The Kingdom is Near.

- Chorus -
You Said
Ask and I'll give the Nations to You
O' Lord, That's the Cry of my Heart
Distant Shores and the Islands
Will See Your Light
As it Rises on Us
You Said

O' Lord I ask for the nations
Awesome ain't it? If you want e mp3, just chat me up on MSN and I'll send it to you without delay! Listening to another song... An Jing.. hahaz, I know i know, I VERY RARELY listen to Chinese songs... but it got me thinking about the events since the 23rd of Dec up till now. Should I? I really don't want to... then there's the wild card, along with other up and rising candidates... I just dont want to think about it, at least not for now.

An item that represents you eh? That is the thing we were asked to bring tommrrow for CME. An object or item that represents ourself with exception of banned items in the school (obviously the teachers knew that some pupils would take advantage of this chance) What to bring? I really don't know, at first I thought about bringing a bottle of water or something similar. I just found a really cool meaning for that... but it was deemed too simple.. so now Im thinking again... think think think Tuesday has always been a cool day cos of CME ^_^ the only 100% non stressful lesson in the ENTIRE week

Well it's kinda late.. ive been writing this for like HOURS hahaz, loggin off! Cya round!
PS. sorry if bulk of this is irrelevant to you people from school and all...

Quote of e Post:
Im Free!!! (New fav song... Free by Hillsongs too haha)

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