Thursday, January 20, 2005

Phasing Out...

Got confronted by Mr Tan (Oliver) this morning for missing NCC yesterday.. haiz.. Am I falling back into that trap again? And my D & T thing... All my 8 ideas got rejected by Mr Tan (Kim Huat).. Then Jun Ming so extra! Go and tear it up O.O I could just edit it but aiya... nvm reprint... Anyways it looks terrible haha.

I have an insane idea. An Idea I think I thought of out of sheer desperation. Since all the O level papers are just sent here from Cambridge and MOE does not have a DIRECT hand in what we take... Technically I could pay extra and sit for a paper which I am not studying in my combination! And so, I hit upon this idea, if I can pull this off, I want to take Lit for one of my O level subjects! Even though I am not studying Lit NOW, I have mastered King of the Castle in 2003 and about one quarter of 12th Night, I'll need to put in a ton of effort to learn all the things i have not learnt but... It is a risk I am 100% Willing to take! So I took a step of courage / desperation and asked Miss Kodi if it were possible, And again, technically it is, but she does not have the authority to make such desicions... it will have to go to the principal, my form teacher and parents. But I can't be a private candidate AND a school candidate at the same time, neither is it practical for the school to hold ONE paper for ONE pupil, for the entire year. Call me crazy or whatever you want! Im going to try! If it fails so be it, but if it works... I think as a sign of goodwill, I may ask LeeLin if she wants to try too ^_^

Hyper and all excited over the prospect mentioned above but Miss Kodi will try to find out if it is possible. Hmm.. very tired today, the energy is just not flowing. On Wednesday evening I fell down and scraped my left shin, looks quite ugly and stings quite irritatingly but it's bearable.. now Im lame, literally hahaz .. Lame XD

Trying very hard to keep the bad mood down now that the thrill of finding that I could / might have a shot at my insane plan... the psat few days was just one letdown after another. I might say Im off form or whatever excuse I may give but the energy and all is just not flowing... feelign abit guilty too, been online abit too much recently. Which means I scratched time off other more... constructive places... super G U I L T Y.

Random Thought of the moment : I really like "Still Waiting" by Sum 41... it might be a little loud, but I like the lyrics. I really want to ask myself... "So why am I still waiting? " what am I waiting for? Why procrastinate? Why wait and let time slip by meaninglessly. There never EVER will be a 20th of January 2004 4:49pm ever again no matter what you do. Time lost is gone forever, so why are we wasting it like we have all the time in the world?

In about 18 - 20 hours I will be hanging about in Changi Airport waiting for my flight. I still dont believe it.. it is just like a dream. I go to school, Im alive, I come home and I am like in a dream. Like this feel of the keys under my finger, the sound in my ears, the smell of food in the kitchen, all so fake. Hmm.. whats wrong? I dont know, seriously. But I know someone who does, who knows everything and I am 100% sure He can help. Want to know? Dont laugh now, He is God. Recently to stop myself from falling asleep in classes Ive been singing to myself ya know? And I found that I forgot the lyrics to many songs... but I like "I believe that the presence of God is here" and "Running After You". Yesterday some people from the next class borrowed my calculator and I forgot that I scribbled a few lines from "Magnificent" on the back. Hmm... interesting mix of responses ^_^ anyhow, it is effective. But now if I dont I'll still nod off =_= Sorry all teachers... But I have "sub-concious" absorbtion that lets me answer your question even if Im half asleep XD (something I need to master if I am not skilled with the use of the Awake Face Stoning Technique)

So sad! I like wont be seeing everyone for like 2 weeks T_T I dont know hwy but the thought just saddens me ALOT. I wonder how I survived that 5 months without you all. I was reading the birthday card that my old cell (Sandra's one) gave me during my 5 month odd absence... suddenly it was as if the card EDITED itself... the words "We miss you" and "come back soon" Feels so... I dont know how to describe. I dont think Ive felt this way before...

Listening to Superman by Goldfinger. Fabulous song, I like the lyrics, listen carefully ^_^ I guess I got to go pack my stuff... Yea! I havent even packed haha! Ok lahz, go pack now... Ill try to get pictures and everything k? Im gonna miss all of you in this two weeks... Sayonara

Quote of the Post:
To the ends of the earth... just for You

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