Sunday, January 02, 2005

One Last Day...

It is the morning of the 2nd of January. I was abit too late, i palnned to write this on the 1st or even better on the 31st of December '04 but I didn't have the time. School re-opens tommrrow. And I am NOT happy X_X only one quarter my holiday homework done, and can at best finish half. It is my fault, I wont give any excuses, I played my holiday away and didnt do my homework so this is the result, but before that moment, I will continue doing until I can do no more.

Reflections for the year 2004

2004 was a awesome year. This reflection will be SUPER long so bear with me.
January, the start of a new life AGAIN as a sec 3 express pupil, see everyone else move up to sec 4, and know that I may bever see them again. Even though I do not entirely like these people, it wrenches my heart deep down. Adjusting to new subjects and all... made some new friends, thanks to Monk and gang ^_^ 24th of january, NEVER Forget this date, graduated from S.W.P I will never again, never. I wont turn back and go that way ever again, as long as I live.

Feburary... Re-united with the Youth... You dont know HOW HAPPY I AM... Never again... never again, somewhere I belong, where I am accepted for who I am. Feburary blows in and out nothing big, tensions rise between the teachers and the pupils. I find our class... quite disturbingly... distruptive. I begin to see a bleack future, but nvm gambatte! I hope I can do something... Lee Lin is doing surprisingly normal considering her edge.. warm up maybe? March, the weather begins to kill... did really surprisingly well for CA, found potential "rivals" must buck up double time!

Around mid July, Little fiasco with the DnT Big Guy... Started This Blog Whooh!! And got to know some people much better... found a confidant... Lost my mind... made some rash choices but all in all... not much. I love my cell group, I really dont know what i would do without all of you! Cecelia, thanks for being so patient with all of us and making time for us, we always make you worry and sick, Paula, thanks for being there, just for being there! Jean, thankies for opening your house week after week and disturbing your family. Joel, for the fun, fan and F.R.I.E.N.D.S! LoL and all those rides home, and for everything! Been friends for dunno how many years liao.. where did the Parry old times go? Hannah, thnx for listening to my crap online. Haz.. and ya lar! And all that ^_^ Darren, even though we dun see you much, we hope to see you MORE!! Gambatte! Alfred, neat year, got a new name! Thanks for taking all our crap hahaz... smile smile, yes ive grown smarter thank you. With effect from 1st Jan our cells will be abit shuffled... Welcome Dilys to our cell!! I know you will be a great contribution to HG2, the best cell in 3a wahaz.

Lots of interesting stuff happened in 2004... but the coolest of all must be that I was handed the biggest responsibility in my entire life.. something I never even dream of... Part of the 2004 Church Camp Commitee!! I want to thank Aaron, XinYi, Alvin and Anna for being so accomodating with all my rubbish and slip ups, and patient and kind and everything else!! And Church Camp 2004, the time I finally went serious about God, for the first time in 6 years... My christian walk just slipped from upper primary and It just went downhill all the way, but during church camp 2004... I had it. 2003 and 2004 was totally majorly messed up, all my years of running had accumulated into a huge mess... life could'nt get any worse. But I place it all in Your hands Lord and now, the future has never seemed brighter. Cos I know my future is in Your hands, all of my hopes and dreams and plans... yes Lord all to you and hepl me notto go back and pick up my burden again.

And then in Zone Camp, Thnkas to all the commitee for planning such a cool camp, I will never forget it and the crowning of your zone idol, Gabriel Han! When You Say Nothing At All!.. excellent, next time, you play I sing lolx I know the song (fully sorta) and Thank You Lord again for giving me the word and the final push.

And then CCIS, from a performer in the parade to a performer escort and position marker. And helping out with everyone on the 19th, I want to thank the Lord for t his golden opportunity that we could reach out to Singapore on such a large scale, and throughout the whole thing, it NEVER rained.. To God be the glory! May the seed that we planted grow and bear fruit, Your ways and thoughts are higher than our's for you are God.

Christmas Eve. more CCIS stuff!! Countdown crowd control... cool stuff... but Shan An got his head whacked open (ouch) no more details here! I thank God that no lasting damage was done and that he is still alive and well, Thank You for Your hand of protection over us!

Then on Christmas day, Ps Peter Chng spoke a powerful message. Christmas 2004 will be a day I will remember forever, I was water baptised on that very day, a new creation... feels great, at first I not sure, but after two clear signs from God I just knew I had to, first is Joshua 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. which I heard on the sunday BEFORE zone camp while im still thinking cos I really scared! Then I said, Lord, one more sign Lord one more. And during Zone camp, Mavis shared about that we should live by FAITH not FEELING, and Fear is a feeling, so I trusted God and went ahead. ^_^

And no sooner had Christmas ended, came Thanksgiving! And the stay over at the "chalet", our Vision for zone 3a for the year 2005, to spend time for God and for Others! Yes! We will work on it! Thats It for the year 2o04 in a nut shell, 2005 will be a big one, cos Im taking my O levels, im a new person, I have changed and everything is different!! IT is like 2:15am tommrrow is VISION SUNDAY!! Combined service at 10:30am must sleep zzz... Till next time!

Quote of the Post:
(Announcement! From now on, there may not be a quote at all! And sometimes it will be song lyrics and such depending on how I feel and now? I'm feeling Jumpy and Happy HaHA!)

If We Belong To Each Other, We belong
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime

(Nena feat, Kim Wild - Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime)

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