Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

Whooh! It is 4am or so on the first of january year 2005!!! As per usual spent the last few moments in watchnight service, the entire thing was as per usual, so cool. We the Rangers were involved in the final countdown as in when we count to zero, we will turn off all e lights and throw these lightsticks down with parachutes attached... sounds small, but looks really nice when you are there seeing it ^_^ Then watched performances... the dance group who performed for CCIS did their stint again.. *drool* ahem, and some other stuff, we youth were all called up to do some rap thing, but halfway got pushed out by Joel to stand in front and to block Jean and Anna... but I think Anna dun need to be blocked, she seems fine being in the spotlight...

Got a bunch of approx 9 people down here now, supposed to be watching movie, but now half of them asleep and the other half only stil watching... so im taking the chance to blog, at first we watched Bruce Almighty.. i didnt know it was so long, we didnt even finish it (we switched hlafway cos the ending was boring) and it was already 3:30am, talk about wow... time flies when you are having fun... hehe... now they watching another show, but ive already watched it, so im making good use of my time.. sorta

School reopening, holiday homework, not done at all.... can someone say au lang sye? Sayonara? Ok enough crap, im sweaty, feelinh hot and abit bored. so ill conclude blogging HERE, bai bai

Quote of e post:
Happy New Year!! Woot Woot!!

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