Monday, January 24, 2005

Im Back!

Wahaz! Im back! Much more relaxed but surely much more tensed! There was a small test today and there will be a big test tommrrow. Homework to be done and all, those 3 days were more of a time waster and tension builder then a stress reliever for me. But I had tons of fun! Below is a small breakdown of my trip.. and no i didnt buy any presents back (although I wish I had... I really should have!!!) Im so sorry!

First day, friday! Nice public holiday, woke up at like 8am or so and continued packing cos lazy me left my packing to the last minute hahaz, then waited around.. nothing interesting happened until 10:40am or so when our dear taxi ride arrived! I used my new bag as carry on ^_^ (Oh yea for those who didnt know I got a new bag! It was like what ive wanted just before school re-opened!!) Uneventful ride to the airport, checked in... and strolled about the terminal... quite a waste of time really, bought the new 8 days and drank an expensive bottle of mineral water (Argh.. airport stuff will always be expensive) Skip Skip Skip to boarding... ^_^ the SIA planes are really cool! I absolutely loved Kris-Flyer In-Flight entertainment system... *drool*

Uneventful flight.. abit of turbulence here and there... the fact that i dont do too well with heights did not help. But there was a calmness which assured me that nothing will go wrong... that I can have absolute faith in the pilot and crew. Thailand time is like 1 hour behind Singapore's so based on the clock ALONE the flight only took one hour hahaz (ok so it took 2 hours) and the Bangkok International Airport looked kind of run down from the outside but it's nice and modern inside ^_^ At the airport we booked a half day tour for the next day... how... last minute X_X

Took a charted Car to the hotel, it was a pretty decent place which was directly connected to a shopping mall ^_^the first day was quite wasted, went window shopping, due to our lack of proficiency in Thai, we were quite lost in the mall, wandering about, ate soem really nice doughnut like thing... fabulous... after eating dinner at a thai restaurant... all vegetables were raw and some things are like odd... nevertheless it was an.. experience after which we went back to the rooms freshen up, watch some un-intelligent thai tv which i knew nothing of and went to sleep (Thank God for the existence of cable on hotel TVs). Oh, the rooms were well furnished but there was a lack of slippers and some other small things in my room... *hmm*

Woke up at like 6am the next day X_X washed up, lazed about abit and then went for breakfast. Woah, the food is like awesome but the choice limited 0_0 Stuffed myself (that 3 days is gonna be worth like 3 months in TAF or something) then went to the hotel lobby... a half day trip to the local canal and some slight sight-seeing blew up into a halfday trip OUTSIDE thailand, visiting the Floating Markets (the pictures tell lies... there is a small "secret" to those nice pics), then to a Snake show (nothing interesting... just a guy who caught a snake in his mouth and a jumping snake that cound jump 2-3m when agitated) and a visit to a wood-carving place... cool stuff... but too expensive to buy anything back (a stool set cost about US$6,500) Then a COMPULSORY visit according to the tour guide to the "diamond industries" of Thailand... and my mother got hooked into buying a ruby pendant (Sigh... women and shopping.. we ALMOST didnt buy too many big things until THERE) then went back to the hotel and we went to he connecting mall again and ate dinner at this chinese restaurant... I must compare... Singapore is far better in terms of food :D

There was this lousy n00b waiter who told us that the 1,500 bhat sharksfin was out of stock so only the 2000 and above kind was avaliable... what a fake, so we ordered a 1,000 bhat version XD the guy must be like .. wah sian, backfire.. these tourists smart, never kena cheated LoLx then also had steamed prawns (only 9 pieces lor the whole dish... stingy) and a piece of snowfish steamed with soy sauce... now normally when you order it is ONE fish, this was ONE piece of ONE side of the fish... Im ready to kick someone now... anyway, we finished up and went back to the rooms, bathed changed and went SHOPPING! Almost bought tons of gifts but my father stopped me X_X hiyaz... became porter again, carry things hahaz... went back and packed my bags, ready to leave the next day... time really flew...

Next day I slept in late and woke up only at about 8-9am hahaz... but my mother took even longer to get ready and I had the time to watch tv in the hotel and they had One Piece and Shaman King, with Grander Musashi also! wahaz, just stoned there and wateched. You know whats BEST? It was ALL RAW! Not even in Thai! Raw Japanese! The SK episode was quite early... Yoh VS Tao Jun's "hired" (i tihnk) ninja person and I forgot what was on One Piece (didnt watch the whole show) but on Grander Musashi it was Musashi vs the Rose lady... oh and they also have Duelmasters... lame show.. totally disregards the rules (like most game based shows) and poor level animation. Took off to the airport in (again) another chartered car (Merc this time woah... nice leather haha) and took the plane.

Grr.. the inflight system on my row was spoilt and could not be fixed X_X How sad so i spent my flight sleeping... reached back and the rest need not be said the usual Sunday night ritual blah the blah.

Its kinds late... 10:23pm now i really want to stay and talk (oh my! [She's] online! but she aint talking... nvm she's like that all I need is to see her in her DP and ill be happy ^_^) But i gtg.. blog tommrrow about PROPER stuff like LIFE. Bye!

Quote of e post:
If it aint broke, dont fix it

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