Monday, January 10, 2005

Updates Again...

New layout as you can see... I don't really like it alot, but hey, I'm just trying it out for size. I'll most likely switch back to the previous one soon cos this one is kind of small making it abit hard to see things, and the tag-board input boxes are barely visible and It is SO NOT ME X_X... and I put back my SUPER long long time ago midi, I still like this song, it gives a sort or happy feeling to me no matter how many times I hear it (even if I dont hear the song, only the midi)... so yeas.

Arithmatic test tommrrow! Wahaz, don't sound like it will kill me. Then tons of homework waiting to pile up and bury us! CCA open house on Wednesday afternoon, but the upper-sec not involved cos we will be stuck in class till like 3 pm X_+ Aiyah, no choice. Got "chosen" to go for this exhibition thing at the Singapore Science Centre this friday after school, one way bus ride and thats it. No idea what thing, but been "asked" to go.. hope it is interesting or I will DIE... hope it does not end too late also as I still have Cell-Group later on after that.

This is like supposed to be a short update post but since Im on now, why not take the chance to blog? Not that I have mnuch to blog now anyhow. School has re-opened... so there isn't much to blog about. Umm... Got re-instated in NCC, im going to be the photographer! ^_^ Such a cool job (I like it! Wahahaz) Still got a ton of homework to ruch out... stopping here.. bye bye!

Quote of e post:
People who want to die, hurry up and die. You're wasting good air.

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