Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Actual First Day of School

Ok, so yesterday wasen't exactly the first day of school, seeing that we didn't do any official teaching or anything ofthat sort. Today, the 4th of January... school officially began for me with timetable and all up, it wasen't as bad as it seemed.

Before I continue, Do NOT ask why I have not said a SINGLE thing about the Tsunami or anything to that effect, I WILL not mention it in my blog for the very reason that my blog is for my personal writing enjoyment, I WILL NOT bog myself down with that. Call me un-symapthatic or insensitive if you want, if you want to talk about that kind of thing, talk to me face ot face, It's better.

Huge mess up early in the morning. I dont have a bus pass or an Ez-link card so how was I supposed to sign-out the Class Key? And so I prayed to the lord for hepl and began to frantically I ask around for help to no avail until I reached my last resort and asked Miss (or should it be Mrs since now she is married?) Shim to help sign out the key, *sigh* I guess I will have to think of something tommrrow. And I just took the key she signed out without looking... when I couldn't open the door, I looked and saw the reason, she had absent-mindedly signed out the 3E class key, and we were 3E LAST YEAR, now in 2005 we are 4E!! Haz... then when I went back, the 4E class key had already been signed out! Turns out Jessica helped out, thank God for answering prayers, and I am no longer in charge of getting the class key ^_^ Since now she knows I am unable UNLESS I use my IC but I dont think I'll risk it...

Although I was pretty tired out, when I finally stepped out the school gates at about 3:15pm all my strength returned to me and I could just sing with joy... odd, where did all that energy go the entire day? I really could have done with some of that.

Joy! There will be NO Mid-years this year, just 3 CAs and then our Prelims will be sort of our final year exams. And of course, the Os themselves. English tescher is Miss Kodi! Even though there wasa general wave of horror when the news got around, she was really good, and could really "connect" with the class, and much unlike her general image of being fierce and all. somehow, she seems to have read my blog O.o and finds it terribally boring, with me just talking about my life, so if you are reading this, tell me, HOW can I improve and make it more... interesting? I dont know...

After two good solid months of slacking and relaxing I am now getting the dreadful "slack withdrawal symptoms" I need a long period of time (more than one day) in a row to just slack and slack and slack. And it comes what? Once in three months or so? *grrr* and now my winamp spoil... and I can't be online as much as I want to... I really wish I owned an Mp3 Player... iPod mini enough liao hahaz... So sa! I don't think I'm being much of a shining light or a glorious testimony of God in my school now, In fact, I am practically looking for an opening, just let the Lord provide an opening and share. The Lord will do the rest.

No matter how much I try to, the way Miss Kodi talked up our class JUST reminds me of Mr Poon. They are both great english teachers... A class of their own, many other new teachers have alot to learn. Wah, even though I tried, I still fell asleep during Physics, cos It was like something we have done before and I was sitting at the back, with the dim lighting, and the fan above me, no sooner had I tried to pay attention had I found myself asleep and dreaming. The jolt back to lessons was abit harsh and I got dragged off to sit somewhere else nearer to the front where I dont have to strain my ears to hear the continual droning for my teacher's voice, and I could sleep no more. So much more to do now, as in usual tradition it is exactly standard to give test announcements and homework on the first official business day of school.

It has only been two days since the holidays ended and so has my "unlimited" free time to think and ponder over all sorts of rubbish, gaze at the sky for hours on end, read an impossible number of blogs and stare longingly at photos. I am not saying that I need a break (we like just came back from one SUPER LONG ONE), it is just that... everything is piling up. Only about 398 days to the first O level written paper, and about 230 days (give and take about a week) to the prelims. And about 7 weeks to the first set of common tests. The teachers have asked us to plan our target grades and stick it on our desks (O.o I didnt know this at first of I wouldnt have written so much there...) I put down what I really WANTED to get, which is possible.. ok quite if I actually pull everything together properly now...

English -> A1 [Im not sure about how hard it is to get when at O level standard but I'll give it my best shot, I always have and It hasen't failed me yet.]
E Math -> A1-A2 [A well known fact that you can score easily in math if you get your concepts and formula's down to pat, I will need to work on that]
PoA -> A2 [It is like maths but instead of knowing the concepts, I want to understand the logic behind it, so it becomes logical instead of something to remember, something JUST to remember]
D & T -> A1 - A2 [This will be one of the biggest hurdles, I will need all the help I can pull for my practical and folio here]
Science (Chem + Physics) -> A1 [This will be a little hard but I think it is really highly possible]
Combined Humanities (Geography + Social Studies) -> A1-A2 [Argh, tough one... I dont think it will be a walk in the park, but with a dash of luck maybe just maybe]
Chinese -> B4 [Chinese has never been easy, and even more so now... I just need a pass... but I say, Aim for the moon, so at least if you fail you will land amongst the stars... yup]

If you stuck through that, you can see Im trying for like 10 points for L1R5, yeap I want to go JC Hahaz but Ive heard some disturbing things about CCA that Im trying not to think about. Concentrate on studies first, when I get there, I will see how to go on. Thats all for now, Ive spent long enough here.. signing out!

Quote of the Post:
Send me, I will go, To the cities, to the nations, and to the nations of the world....

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