Thursday, January 06, 2005

Short Quick Post

Ok this is going to be as short and as quick as possible cos I am already FAR OVER my time limit. Life in school is getting better now that Im all used to it. Time is ticking down day by day, I dont know why im stressing myself up for, but I am X_X Maybe cos that's the only way I work best... And I NEED THAT! (There I go stressing myself again)

Took a diagnostic test for english on Tuesday, It was the 2004 O level English PAper 2 and It was a JOKE! I mean it looks easy to me... but I cant boast, results out tommrrow... Lets see how I fare. Ive heard that the O level's are easy one year and hard the next, then easy again, a cycle. I think, I got the hard year, cos this year's D & T theme is so Difficult! TRANSPORTATION, what project to make? A car?! A trolley?! X_x i was totally lost for ideas this afternoon when we were presented with our question script.

Any ideas, feel free to throw them this way, I need a possible project idea made of two or more of the following materials (Wood, Metal, Plastic) which is original and cannot be found on the market, must be pleasant on the eye and safe for general usage. You can intepret the theme in any way yuo want as long as you can logically justify it. Tag me or e-mail me or tell me via MSN or sms or whatever! I really can do with ANY IDEA I CAN GET!

Thats it, short right? Ill blog again as soon as i can bye!

Quote of e Post:
Dont look, See. Don't hear, Listen. Dont just know, Understand

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