Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Sailing On My Sea!

Tommrrow is my class NE excursion! *hops around* ok So im ABIT too enthusiastic over such a supposedly BORING thing, but If we dont make life interesting for ourself, who will? ^_^ Going to the NEWater plant.. sounds interesting and yet highly technical in nature in terms of the words "plant" like a "Factory" ya know?

Today was an insane day hahaz. First off we had PE and a ton of people like had no PE attire cos of the new timetable thing, interesting. Then we had our Geog test today... It seemed quite alright too me, although IM sure I wrote all out of point. Then Physics was HAVOC! I shall not explain here, too messy! Then CME was quite cool, I still used water in the end for my 5 aspects but Miss Shim didn't see mine. No problem though, We should have that thing on our table for every CME lesson thereafter ^_^ Here's mine -->


Physical - Like water, I can be seen as either strong or weak depending. (Raindrops, or a tidal wave) And there are vast differences also depending on situation. (Like Ice is hard but Water Vapour is practically untouchable)

Intellectual - Many ripples form on the surface and spreads out on the surface of the water. My knowledge and skills are balanced out. Water has no fixed shape or form, Likewise I am openminded and flexible. Water will always find a way to flow, like I will find all ways and means to go on forward. Water can be deep, likewise I too am deep... too deep

Emotional - Still waters run deep, calm and still on the surface but deep below. Like water, when you think you can see the bottom, the bottom is always deeper then it seems. Water cannot be hurt... no blade can sut water, you can push it apart but it will always flow back, water is resilent.

Moral - Water is clean and clear, I have only a few, if not nothing to hide, my conscience is clear. Water cannot be compressed, I will not be pressurised into changing my stand. I will stick by my principles and never sway.

Social - Water cant mix well with many things, in fact water is more often used to wash things away. But once water mixes it is difficult to seperate the mixture. I dont mix well with people, and more often then not, I tend to just correct them, but those I truely mix well with, my small group of friends, I will never let go.

>Water is the essence of life, without water nothing can survive.
>Where water goes, life grows.

There... I spent the last night thinking about water and came up with all these. I like it alot... I have always liked water, especially when swimming, the weightlessness and the ease at which you can just push apart easily. Water is so strong, it can be so easily "broken" and yet never truly hurt, it will just flow back and with suck "weakness" can hold up a person's weight or more. Isnt water amazing?

I finally found it! The song, some call it "Love me" some call it "If you get there before I do" and I even found it as "Grandma's Note" but I finally found the song... and I love it. Thanks to Dilys-Chan for helping me set out on this quest and more thanks to Sylvia-chan for helping me accomplish it! ^_^

Got a few more new songs today.. but still stuck on "You Said" and "Free". Hmm I havent quite got Free down to pat yet, cos it is a very LONG song... but I'll get there sooner or later if I keep listening to it at this rate, It will be imprinted on my mind. Whee!

An Official Apology to Anna-Sama, I was quite mis-informed and have poor memory. Our school DOES issue us Student Handbooks but they can also be bought for $2 at the bookshop. Sorry if I made you feel pitiful or anything X_X speaking of which, we got our student handbooks today! At long last! Actualyl supposed to get on Friday, but Miss Shim forgot to collect, so we waited, then on Monday she was absent! So we had to wait till TODAY and we got our handbook! I LOVE IT! It may be a bit brown and all but I really need a diary / planner I can write on! And thanks to Anna-sama again for giving me the idea of decorating my handbook! After all like I said, if we dont make life interesting for ourselves, who will?

Today for CME we also reattached our O level goals on the table. Looking at them I cant hepl but think that even though it seems so achievable, the label that I am "trying too hard" or "That I have an unrealistic goal" still leaves a mark. Nothing is unrealistic or unachievable... if those marks are not possible then what populates the walls of those top schools? Ghosts? Obviously not... it is either people who have the talent or have worked hard enough to get where they are! It isn't impossible and to reach my goal I will do almost anything... to be a somebody and not a nobody... to everybody, Lord give me strength to make good my word!

Yesterday after school the school held a demonstration for all D&T pupils on the mechanisms the supplier has to offer. Wah! I like fell asleep countless times and had to be roused by some other guy near me! So Pai-Seh X_X But at least now i have a general idea HOW to make my ideal project! Oh yes! Full speed ahead!

Eng article still not passed up... Im worried even if it is chosen It won't make it into the Catalyst X_X Chinese is getting harder and harder! I cant make head or tail of it anymore... oh man.. somone anyone Help Me! Aiyaz, run out of things to blog about, if you have any ideas, please feel free to tag on k?

Quote of e post:
If I had wings I would fly cos all I need You are...
[Free by Hillsongs]

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