Monday, February 14, 2005

Friendship Day

Today is the 14th of Feb!! A normal day for everyone, except for the multitude of fools who have someone by their side to spend the overly exploited day where every pricetag jumps sky high. I prefer to take it as a normal day however :p cos there really is nothing special.

Sorry people, but I just dont have the time to rush out that V-Day (I absolutely refuse to use the V word) skin... so sorry. Normal day, a little hetic, but still normal, school, study, homework... life goes on. But I just cant help but feel envious of the many others who actually have reason to make this day special. but honestly, do you relaly have to go to all means to show your affection JUST one day a year? No, if you love someone, you will treat them well the same ALL YEAR. Everyday, every moment.

I did it, sensei, i kept my cool, didnt make any stupid or rash moves. Kept the board clear and didnt rush into anything. But hey, I really didnt expect myself to do anything today. And I didn't.. I almost did... just take the bus an extra 3 stops. Alight at that all to familiar stop, walk the well trodden path, and then...? Who knows? But since Peicai's 5 day week makes my day end at 3pm social and other life is always cut by one big chunk. Hmm off topic again! HAhaz...

Anyway school gave an assignment.. only supposed to be 100 words -> Should people spend money on their loved ones on V-Day? Why? ... that moment.. a flood of ideas just burst in. Dont even mention 100 words, even if it were 250 words minimum I would be at no loss for things to rant about. Money... can we really measure everything in monetary terms? Money is important and all but when you die you cant take money with you. When everything goes through the fire you money, good works and all will burn and disappear all that is left is what really matters...

In the end... what matters..

Quote of the post:
I believe the sun should never set on an argument...

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