Thursday, February 03, 2005

Wild Drive!

Wooh! Finally! After 3 rejects one time torn up, My D & T Folio has been accepted in whole! It's been bound and reconised as ready for submission! Since the start of January, now it is settled ^_^ But then my practical X_x Aiya,that can wait for now.

Another Big Sorry to Anna hahaz, our school DID issue us our Student Handbooks! But they cost $3 each.. no matter! It's great, I really like the calander with space to write everything in it.. aiya crapping.. sounds so silly heehee... high cos of a handbook. And this year... it has color! Inside it is all... BROWN! Yes! Our school "official" Color.. brown, the uniform is brown, excercise books are brown, the building is a SHADE of brown. But it's alright ^_^

Eeek, it just dawned on me that time is passing really REALLY slowly... It has felt like enternity but only one month has passed... come to think of it, I aint too enthusiastic about the coming Os, Im just not ready yet! Ive got stuff to revise and cover, new things to learn, even more things to revise after that and current responsibilities to take up. Haiz, last night, as I went early into the morning (4 am!!), I discovered the first hint of the dreadful S5... STRESS... it sucked... I was just going to tear the whole folio up and burn it... at least I thought of (I was even holding a lighter at one point, but not to brun stuff lahz, clearing my table wahahaz)

Have I slacked so much that I am immune to stress? Nah, can't be, pressurised yes but not stressed. On the other hand, when everyone else besides you is stressed you can cheer them up! But it isnt easy haiz... they may even brush you off to continue in thier "tortured existence" wake up sia.. life aint so bad just cos school work is killing you ya know...

Ive been thinking (ok I always think alot) and when I sing "O'Lord I ask for the Nations" (from the songs "You Said" at the end) I tend to feel a little, guilty like, how to reach the nations when I cant even share in my own backyard (not literally but you get my meaning) so from now on, whenever I sing this song, I will say instead "O'Lord I ask just for Peicai" First my class, then the level, then the school, then the neighbourhood, then the country, AND ONLY then the nations :D (What a silly thing to joke about but, Im not joking) Now the only question is how.

Running running as fast as I can, but I still cant run fast enough X_X I really need to work on my physical... being overweight and looking a bit pauchy (is that even a word??) is one thing but not being able to run or not being able to do even ONE pull up is terrible... NAPFA now seems a test even harder than the Os, cos I cant study for it X_X Still HIGH!!

Oh yes! I just went to cut my hair today! And even though I cut the usual , slope and all, I left my fringe untouched, dont ask me why, I just felt like it! Hmm.. I forgot what homework we have today. Oh yes, Chinese test tomorrow and Eng article writing test tomorrow also... hmm... what can I say? Im High, Im High, Im Just So High! The car almost ran over Siong Zhen and Chuan Yi just now going out to cut my hair... insane fellas walking when the Green Light is up, on a relatively busy road! Just noticed it's them when my dad made an effort to avoid them... hmm

Wahaaa... Free is such a LONG song... I cant remember the first part of it! *tugs at hair* But i'll get it soon, after all, when I first began to memorise You Said all I knew was "You Said!" literally, and I built up from there. I still want an Mp3 player even If I cant use it in school =P iPod probably, cos it can be used as a mini hard-drive to carry other files around too... Drool.. I WANT AN IPOD!! Hahaz

Today so sian, went and downloaded Naruto Eps for fun, began at 90, now up till 95, not bad for someone WITHOUT bittorrent.... HTTP downloads are slow and draggy but Flashget makes them alot easier to endure. Argh, my time is up! (for using e comp lahz... choy choy!) Enjoy next week k? Chinese New Year! Got cash must pay up all your debts, im not going to write off any bad debts anytime soon =P

Quote of the post:
Why do you fight so hard against the current when you are barely in the water?

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