Tuesday, February 08, 2005

(Chinese) New Year!!!

Walala! Its Chinese New Year! The next two days will be fun filled, exhausting and best of all there is no school! ^_^ But i have a problem with Chinese New Year, me the all round mr Banana cant remember what proper term to call my relatives!! Always very MAlu one... good thing just now Reunion Dinner my father taught me hwo to say but aiya, he not too happy la.. 17 years of spending chinese new year already, still dont know this "basic manners"...

Lets back track a few days after my last post (on the 5th, Saturday) Sunday!! Combined Service cos of Communion and Membership Installation! AWrgh! I missed it! I was supposed to give Paula-senei the form but I have not filled it in, so there goes Dilys, Jean, Daryl, Reuben and some others up without me X_X In FAct My form is still not done, guess it will have to wait til next year then... but Im still darned that I missed this once in a lifetime chance... After service there was an hour long prayer meeting for a whole slew of topics.. phew ^_^

Went with Jean, Dilys, Paula, Daryl, Caleb, Alfred, Uriah and Qian Xiang for lunch at Mac... FOR ONCE sponsered by my dad... I dun dare to claim $$ from him ... dont know why I always dun dare to ask, maybe he is abit fierce about money =x After that went to Joel's house to watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? Really funny!! But some are abit.. suggestive.. oh well, that's American TV for you.

Monday! Still have school!! Sian.. but.. but.. I forgot to do my homework!! More like I played so much I didnt do but I almost died X_X Thanks goodness I didnt la haha, rushed out maths in the end and handed in English the next day.. everything goes well ^_^ Settled another problem too!

Tuesday, no school proper, but... concert! Stuck in hall for 2 hours.. OMG the concert this year was really "entertaining"!! We had a Singapore Idol FLOP.. they got some girl (dunno who) to sing I Dream, even as the song was playing over the PA system... she sang so badly i couldnt help laughing (even though i was singing along at first) Forgotten lyrics and off key... the perfect mixture.. then bulkl of the concert was made up of a game, and lion and dragon dance then a Lion AND dragon dance in one... waste time la, all in all, just one long waste of time k? Shoot m for not liking my school so much

Then Reunion dinner .. we ate really early cos my parents wanted to go to Chinatown to buy things.. and I had to be dragged along to suffer in the crowd X_X Wah since there was a road closure we had to take MRT from Kovan to Chinatown... so crowded.. as per usual my mom bought a ton of useless rubbish.. air plants.. seriously X_X and comign back ALSO Mrt.. sigh... missed the fireworks cos we left early to avoid the REAL crowd... so nothing really big

Today is.... Wednesday!! Happy Chinese New Year again! Just came home from visitations all morning... tired out.. but still going out after this again! Waaahh... So tired.. ok la im just lazy and was so paiseh cos last night i forgot what to call everyone.. today worse! Must greet and wish everyone personally... die liao.. die liao..

Well i gtg now k? ttyl

Quote of e post:
"Uriah, dont you dare take a picture of me!"

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