Saturday, February 05, 2005

Suck On!

Hahaz, ok I and Jun Ming are like SO LAME. When something SUCKS it's like a vacum cleaner, which is high tech and modern unlike something that ROCKS, which is primitive, stones and rubble, so when something sucks it is better than something that rocks haha, confused? Dont worry, most people with normal non-insane brains wont get it.

Woot! Saturday morning!! Weekends Weekends! Oh yea! Yesterday Friday was like SO crap! So irritating X_x Colin just Sprained his ankle, he didnt even fracture anything and he asked for a class transfer so THE WHOLE class moved from 4E on the 4th floor to 1G on the 1st floor.. and this year all the sec 1 classes have silly kindergarden style tables (you know those colorful ones in bright colors and shapes? Like ours is a yello trapezium oO) Which HAVE NO slot under to place stuff~! So I had to lug all my "prized possesions" home T_T good thing they are only a few wahaz, I pity people like Gerald who practically chucked his entire year's syllabus under the desk XD

Oh oh! Then after school When I was walking out... OMG! I ran into Shan An! Wahahz, what's the chances? Seems like he, Andy (Tay), his Sis, Jin Rong, Andy (Chan) and this other guy (Arghh! He was so nice to me but I forgot his name!! T_T) were going to the Singapore Poly open house! So I tagged along (In uniform and all but... hey? It's worth a few laughs) Took bus from Central all the way there... wah piang, the trip is like SO FAR lor!! We took like 1 and a half hours of riding in the bus to get there X_X and when we got there, first thing *PAH* I knew that place as the Maritime Academy... cannot find the actual open house, wandered around that area... and got lost until we decided to leave and ON THE MAIN ROAD RIGHT IN FRONT of the bus stop was a BIG sign saying, "Secondary School Visitors This Way To The Convention Centre" Diaoz =_="

Went there, looked around the exhibits abit but they all weren't really interested as it seems like the state that the previous few blocks we have been in was... pretty poor. That is just Decor Wise!! Anyhow, I was also not too interested haha, and gave the Maritime exhibit A TOTAL miss xD I wanted to find Rong Sheng but I realised without my HP and that he might be studying... it might be a tad difficult and then when we were leaving.. he popped up! Literally chased after me haha! My school has no hp rule... what to do? Then took 105 back (we took 147 there) and Wah~!! If we took 105 instead we wouldnt have wasted SO MUCH time!! X_X Anyhow so they all dropped off at Toh Payoh and I went all e way back to school and home, only to rush into a bath and run off to Serangoon Gardens XD

Went early to meet Joel cos he said he very "sian" then sat at Chomp Chomp and watched the infamous video of Dilys screaming after beign shcoked by Joselyn and Serene.. mildy entertaining... had it not been for the fact Ive seen it before... Waited as everyone took their own sweet time to come (ok lah, just kidding, relax). Nothing much, share lame jokes... eat... laugh... Feels great to just be known. Then we went to SGCC again hahaz... How sweet of Joel to treat us all to ice cream ^_^ Played trick on Alfred who didnt want to choose a flavour, we bought him strawberry and made Dilys hold it for him with her own... Obviously he thought Dilys, being Dilys would take the pink cone but he ended up with strawberry while Dilys got Mint and choc chip... Joel got Cookies and Creme, I got Coffee (Yum :P) and Jean got Double Chocolate O.O I hate it how she always loses weight without trying...

Then someone came up with this wise idea to play Guess The Number and the person will be subject to Truth or Dare... a blend of two games haha... I have an uncanny tad for guessing the right number, but not so often with this bunch, cos they are more... complicated? Got hit once and they asked the most often asked question... Who do you like? A simple play on words, (I like everyone :P You didnt specify) and I gave it the slip until I got hit again T_T there seemed no evading the question now.. until Qian Xiang helped me answer... quite crap though.. -_-u but it got me off the hook. I was really thinking.. should I? Just one word.. one name... just one syllable and it would all be over. But no, I couldn't I just couldn't.

Went home and watched Naruto 95 - 98... Wahahaz! 98 is just a filler/funny episode, really cheered me up a whole bunch. Candidates... if you are talking about Candidates... there are alot really, but when you narrow it all down... it always come down to one, just one. Hmm, talking trash again... Going bowling later ^_^ I wonder if RS invited the ERG... Hmmm... no big deal really.

Got a ton of homework now... if anyone has any good songs please throw them this way k? I still want a mp3 player so i can listen to songs even while not at the comp X_X hmmm, just an iPod mini would be good enough really (Wah like that already still call GOOD ENOUGH.. haha I qian bian XD) Hmm.. or any of those brandless kinds really, any at all... maybe the 5GB one features in yesterdays papers with FM tuner and all, but there was no price listed. Avaliable in Red and Grey... Obviously Ill take Grey but Red is also fine if push comes to shove (problem is that red does not quite fit with my colors...)

Hm.. stil need to think of an outreach activity for march! Now is already mid-Feburary!! X_X Stress sia, I hope Cecelia does not approach me to ask for the plans tomorrow... Think Think Think. Hmm.. busy busy, oh well, I'll contuinue later, ive run into a dead end now so... Cya round!

Quote of e Post:
Dont worry, it is only under this um... umbrella!

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