Sunday, February 20, 2005

Excess Baggage

Yoz! So sorry about yesterday's post, I was just abit messed up and tired, but im cool now ^_^ Yea, I really have one heck of a recovery system ^_^ Hmm I have a ton of things to do so this wil be a wee bit shorter than usual!

As I have told everyone common tests begin next week, instead of being afraid or anything, now I feel excited! The first chance to get official (it is like my CA1 marks ^_^) results back on how well I'm doing~! Time is still dragging though, after so long it is still only mid-Feburary, that only means Im running out of time to study! Even when time passes slowly it is still passing no?

Yesterday or should I say Friday's cell was ... different ^_^ Paula-sensei and Joel-kun were not around and neither was Qian Xiang as he had to stick around in his hostel but it was kewl! Ps Rachel dropped in! Having a TINY cell of only 5 people was awesome, not that the others dont matter but the feeling is just different without the "leaders" about (Ok fine so Jean is an intern and Rachel is a Pastor XD) yet nothing went wrong and everythign was s-m-o-o-t-h

Today was our school's flag day for all the sec4s. It was like from 12:30pm to 5pm so I totally missed Rangers! Darn that kind of threw me abit but im cool! The waiting was SO IRRITATING! I only got to begin and leave the school at like 1:15pm because Miss Shim was like so slow in handing out the stuff. And MC was shouting all over really loudly so that most of it was un-comprehensible but really loud (Owchie my poor ears...) we wandered from Serangoon to Kovan and stayed there filling our tins, although it was observed that most people donated just to keep us off thier backs but hey we got the dough, thats what the school care for right? (Ok I personally do not agree with this, if you dont want to donate then DONT, and save us your black faces and muttered complaints)

Finally! Proper meetings tomorrow! Our March 05 outreach committee is really a top notch team! Experience and skill bundled together for all the members, problem is we are so good we barely have the time to meet X_X But thats cool too! I also need to buck up!! Kendrick seems alot more in the know and in control then I am, all I've done is sit there and "relax" people. Heehee ^_^ Thats me, you can't really change that though haha! Somebody better stress me besides Kendrick.. he ain't too good at pressurising me haha... I realised only two kinds of people can pressurise / stress me to work my hardest... People with authority to make or break me (even they sometime fail heh) and ... *gasp* surprisingly... girls T__T Especially if they ask for it... *gulp* scary... SCARY!!

Haha, don't know why I'm a tad hyper heehee. Say! Do you think I've grown fitter? I have not gained weight as far as I know but yea I really want to pass my NAPFA at least ONCE in my 5 years in this school even though I so called "passed" one year it was a fluke because there was a round error for my 2.4km run which I have a tendency to fail. Then there is the standing broad jump and Pull up problem... but I believe that if I can do my 2.4, I think im ready for most other things (Note the use of the words.. THINK and MOST)

Lalala.. oh oh! My article is getting published in my school news-letter thing! And I didnt even write it properly oh my, when i was asked to try, I just penned what came to mind I never thought it would actually get in! Does that mean im on the team? Part of "The Catalyst"? One step closer to being a REAL journalist ^_^ Yea! For those who don't know, I want to be a journalist! Or a photographer! Or a movie-maker! Thats why I was elated to get my Video Camera only to learn that I dont own the cable to upload the things I have recorded into my computer for editing X_X So that is on hold for a while heh ^_^

Oh oh Oh! And seems like doors are opening again! Seems like someone asked my good friend to go to their church. I hope he really does! Now Im really now worried about who gets the credit what matters is that he gets the news! We are all doing the same work aiming for the same goal, I dont knwo who that person is but whoever you are, Thank You!!

Going ROCK CLIMBING next week! Sounds seriously high becasue if you pass this course you will get a nationally reconised certificate so its going to be a tad high as in height high and.. IM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! Nevermind, I'll figure out something, I always do (I think ive been using that phrase alot)

Oh it is like 1am already! I havent been keeping an eye on the clock because I was happily bloggin heehee. I know some of my content is a little disturbing to some haha but hey its my blog you cant do nothing about what I write if you have any comments of objections e-mail me at or just tag me kaes?

Quote of the post:
There is no one more irritating than someone who is less intelligent but has more sense then you.

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