Wednesday, February 16, 2005

When One Door Closes...

Helo everyone!! What a nice day today was! EVerything went smoothly.. abit TOO smoothly. Even with me forgetting to do a ton of homework yesterday and getting into some trouble due to my "awesome" memory. In fact, it is failing me now cos i cant think of what I was going to blog about X_X

Wednesday night, D&T tomorrow and I have to be dragged to Matthias's home... dang I really regret that 6 month span I let him grow on me X_X Now that kid wont let go, how do I shake him off without getting beaten to a pulp by that fella in the process? I'll think of something.. somehow, I always do..

Oh yes! I rememeber now! And im SO DISAPPOINTED with myself! That was the moment I was praying for the past few weeks.. or practically since the end of the CC 2004!! And I let it slip... darnnit! I never forsaw this! I didnt think it would happen... I never prepared! I should always be prepared! Ive failed, i didnt live up to my motto of being "ready" nor did I do my job, Dammnit!! *punches wall*

15/2/05, during recess, my friend suddenly asked me... "Are you a christian?" That moment i was totally stunned for a moment and just mangaed to mutter "yea". Then he began asking about why I can eat meat on Fridays (Im like totally un-aware there was such a ristriction O.o) and I managed to shrug them off until he asked "What do you do in service every week?" That was the BOMB I totally collapsed and said the THREE MOST STUPID MOST FATEFUL words --> "I DONT KNOW" You know, after that I was thinkign what if, because of that moment, when he died, he went to hell, and I could picture them again asking why didnt i do something? Why didnt i save them?

Thinking about this incident always gets me down... way down. I actualyl been stuck on the song "You Said" and I remember that i changed it after a few week, the nations are to great for now, now I only ask for Peicai and my CLASSMATE asks me and I failed him. ARgh enough!!! Ahem, Tuesday.. after school went to my friends home to tutor them... im not exactly a pro, but according to them, better then them can liaoz... =_= ok I have no complaints ... went home super late like at 8:30pm but luckily didnt get railed at ^_^

Im really creeped when I see money just flow away when people gamble... it is so scary. How much money you just throw without thinking. Gambling... is such a stupid activity, it wastes time and most of all wastes money in addition to the possibility of it stirring up hostile feelings amongst the players. If you want easy money... then im sorry but there is no such thing as EASY money, if u really want money go earn it one way or another, just make sure it is legal.

Which brings me back to today, which was supposed to be the FINALS for some of our school sports heats held at NYJC... I really wanted to go look! But I promised Mr Oliver Tan to be ther for training regularly from now on.. after all I need all the point cuts i can get... cos im really not sure about my target anymore.. im not very sure of anything anymore. Sian .. I REALLY WANTED to go an see NYJC!! X_X Waaa... one disappointment after another.

Argh, forget it, im logging off first... see you around buaiz...

Quote of the post:
Do I keep on waiting or does love keep on fading away?

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