Saturday, July 30, 2005

Complicated Simplicity

Hey~ Im back by TODAY to blog like I promised =) Haha making it by a hair (it's 11:51 but I wont finish before 12 so im late anyway haha) It rained again so no trapeze and It isnt on next week~ who knows when will the second lesson continue? D&T period over, however my artefact is still slightly incomplete~ what am I to do?? Friday was the deadline anyway, no point worrying about it now.

So when school reopens mock exams are back~ and they are not due to stop till what? End september to mid october? *sigh* not that none of us saw it coming, its just that~ wait a min, I find mock exams more relaxing and useful than D&T practical! What am I complaining for? Yay for mock exams!! (Ook that was wierd =.=)

Trying out a little something =) Ps. Acz -> L do you know reapers only eat red apples
Heres the recount of my tragic tale

Yesterday I missed my D&T practical submission day
As per usual, like the previous week I woke up late
Dont know what Im supposed to do now
Not a good thing, every late submission has a mark penalty
Obviously i was sorried sick but what to do?
Maybe I'll get lucky
No wait - it'll take a miracle to fix that
Of course mr Tan is going to be very cross
The actuial deadline was Friday But i was not done
Understanding our plight they to open on saturday
Our, meaning more than just me
On friday, I was so sure I could finish
Great news, I didnt
On that day I felt like i was going to die
Terrible, i thought "im dead!"
That's would have been the end
Nevermind that, to make things worse
And this is EXTRA mind you, he did not HAVE to allow
Well, now that you have heard my story, shoot me

Hmmz~ Maybe im abit nuts haha~ you'd be too if you were in my shoes, then again, maybe not, maybe I am just plain crackers. Wait, I like plain crackers! No wait~! Cream crackers taste better mmm... wait, I deviated again =.= haha, see? Plain crackers.. Hey! I like plain crackers!~ LoLx

Eng Oral on the 11th of August, the same week out O level MT resutls come out. What a nice way to start of the rest of the week after NAtional Day, a major exam component. 20% mind you, that is like 4 grades ~ haha. I hope this year Os arent that difficult, I heard it'll be. Some people swear that the O levels go like this. One year easier than the next and then it alternates, some say this is the difficult year, then again, every year, the batch will say it is difficult. Duh- These exams arent meant to be pushovers you know.

Haha~ I feel like SMILING! I feel like LAUGHING! Why? Because I am over the top, round and about, inside and out, Nutty!! Cashew, Ground, Macedemia, Walnut, Any kind, mixed! All kinds of nutts =) Tip of the century, dont claim you have good english when you cant tell the difference between "good english" and "proper english". One is when someone has GOOD english, while the other is when someone uses PROPER english. Your failure to use the second had resulted in you beign disqualified for the first title. Great job Moron ~ to no-one who reads my blog in particular.

Yay~ Im begining to like Chem again - sort of haha. Organic looks interesting and not as complicated or confusing as it looks in the book~ then again, Ive only got through the introduction so haha we will have to wait and see =) Im going off now, onward, after Burmecia, next stop, Alexandria (again) !! =) Dont mind me, im crapping

Quote of e Post:
H H H H H H [ H H ]
[ ]
C = C + C = C + C = C --> - C - C -
[ ]
H H H H H H [ H H ]n

Rainy day

Wah, what a way to start a saturday, to wake up when it is raining hard and there is no sun out. The weather is cold and I'm freezing my socks off (not that I'm wearing any socks) For those who are wondering and those who know. Yes, I missed it. Ah heck, I'll find a way, I always do, hahaz

Havent been blogging for some time so forgive me yea? Set up a "Blogging Community" sort of, its actually just a big combined blog where all the members can blog on it. Umm so far so good haha, still dont know the main point of setting it up, you can check it out here

Ahhh, due to the rain, trapeze is going to be cancelled AGAIN~ so it is normal saturday for me today hmm, this few weeks have been so horrid for me, I think i'll give myself a break. Come to think of it, this week had been so horrible because I gave myself too many breaks when I shouldnt have been haha!

lalala~ Im going to have fun today heehee, be back to blog tonight, youll see =) bye!! (Alright, im feeling like crap~ dun feel like typing anymore)

Quote of e post:
Suicide is man's way of telling God "You cant fire me, I quit!"

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stock Break

Hey~ I know I havent been blogging regularly. Trust me, D&T everyday is sapping my life slowly but surely. Final day? Friday, 29th of July, 2 more days, I need to finish my project by hook or crook and also get my folio up to date. Until then, no mock exams, no extra lessons, no going home early, and obviously no chance to play. 2 more days I must hold on.

Life has been quite a drag. The back and forth, the hustle and rush, everyday moves so fast. Dad just came home from his business trip today, not that it's stopping me from staying up. I have a maths paper to complete anyway *sigh* Im just waiting for D&T to be over really. Its like my entire life now revolves around struggling through the day and then the weekends. Oh ya~ Im looking forward to trapeze this Saturday, our second and last lesson.

Oh, just remembered I'm doing worship on Friday, better get it down and tell Alfred early =) School made an announcement for anyone wanting to take part in the Teacher's Day concert this year... And true to my expectation, just like last year the school is organising a singing competition for Chinese week (just like they did for english week *shudder* im still traumatised)

And guess where the fingers are pointing again? (Pardon the crudeness) Over my dead body. Chinese really isnt my cup of tea, but to try and force me up there? I wont trust you again, not since you pormised "support" and left me high and dry. Drop dead, you can go take part on your own, I will not be moved. Read -> Get off my back or else...

As 4E is the first express class, we will also be the first to kick off the O level english Orals when we reutrn from out little NAtional day break, on the 11th of August. That week will also be the time we all recieve our MT O level results, double blow or a double blessing? Depends on what you have done I suppose. Only 2 more weeks, am I ready? Somehow, I don't think so, then again, with things like this, you can never be sure if you are ready.

Stopping here, I forgot what I was going to blog about =.= paiseh ciao

Quote of e Post:
At the end of a war, It is the winner who writes the history~

Monday, July 25, 2005

Layers of Harmony

Hey hey, my dad id away on a business trip I guess so thats why Im on so late. First Id like to extend a big thank you to everyone who visits my blog! Especially those who tagged and also those who voted!! Ill be putting up a new vote each month so look out for it!

In accordance to yesterday's post I was intending to post a set of lyrics here but I had no time so here it is.

Melodies of Life (English Version)

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain
Melodies of life--love's lost refrain

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me
Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

* A voice from the past, joining yours and mine
Adding up the layers of harmony
And so it goes, on and on
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds--forever and beyond

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky
I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

* Repeat

If I should leave this lonely world behind
Your voice will still remember our melody
Now I know we'll carry on
Melodies of life
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts
As long as we remember
That was the theme song for the english version of FF9 haha, I rather like it :)

Wa~ so late liao, continue tomorrow, bb

Quote of e Post:
What if the only person who could make you laugh
Were to be the one, to make you cry?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Melodies of Life

Hey all~ very sorry for not blogging more recently, time is so tight and im not exactly the best time manager in the world =) Yea, feeling alot better now, I have 8 minutes before im thrown off so lets make this snappy :)

Saturday~ Woke up late, cos the previous night i didnt sleep early. Actually I wasnt planning to fall asleep, doing Folio, I promised to deliver it when I went to D&T on saturday morning but at about 4am i think i dozed off while doing it. Wokr up on Saturday morning at 11am. Needless to say, Im feeling pretty pissed about that whole thing.

Then trapeze, because it was raining the ropes were wet and we weren't able to go on, lesson post-poned to next week. And we got to know JUST After we paid the addmission to Sentosa on the way to Siloso beach. No matter, Rangers are READY! Ready for anything :) So we made a day out of it, R & R day hehe :) Fun on the beach! Oh, and there's pics :) (note, from now on pics fom older posts will go into the gallery, thanks)

The wet Trapeze station, note the drooping umbrellas

A game of "dodgeball" haha sort of :) I'll explain later

A better view of the whole field

And after that was said and done, volleyball haha, not really, just keeping track of how long we can keep the ball in the air :)

Pics end here. About that dodgeball thing. First two rectangles are marked out on the ground. Each team of 6 splits into 3 and 3. 3 go into one box while the other 3 go onto the outermost line on the other box. Two balls are places in the middle and when the game starts the players in the middle are to rush for the balls. The rest is simple, hit anywhere save for the palms and that person is out. The people outside cant be hit. But they can throw, but if the balls they throw are caught by the other team's members in the box, they die. When the people inside on one side all die, the outer people go in which-ever side is lesser. Confusin? Nvm, haha, nothing is better than experiencing it on your own.

Argh gotta go off now, must be off by 10pm =P If not for that authority... ill let that drop there. Ciao

Quote of e Post:
Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Racial Harmony Day

Sorry for not blogging the past few days. BEfore I carry on, I ned to acknowledge something important. On the 17th of July 05 it is my blog's official FIRST BIRTHDAY! Yep, it has been one whole year, since the 17th of July 04, when I was still struggling with my D&T and made a blog just cos many other people had one and I felt like writing.

One year down the road, im still have trouble with D&T although this time it is for the O levels and I still enjoy writing in my blog =) Im not putting pics here, cos there are too many, so I put my Racial Harmony days pics in an album =) Enjoy!

Racial harmony day was majorly cool :) Thanks to my trusty camera the girls were not the only ones involved in the excessive photo-taking sessions haha. About 15 mins per lesson was devoted to photo taking, unofficial of course, but no one's complaining :)

Not much to say, the daily D&T practicals are getting on my nerves. I ponned the session on Friday, just cant stand it anymore. Went to watch the island, not bad, but the problem is, when you wtach too much anime and read too much manga, there is almost no concept idea that amazes you anymore. Got to go for Trapeze now, blog more later~

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Jung Test

Heyz, nothing much to post about. I remember doing this once, but I cant find the post so im re-posting it again! :)

Your Type is INFJ
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging

The Counselor Idealists (INFJ) are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in reaching their goals, and directive and introverted in their interpersonal roles. Counselors focus on human potentials, think in terms of ethical values, and come easily to decisions. The small number of this type (little more than 2 percent) is regrettable, since Counselors have an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Although Counsleors tend to be private, sensitive people, and are not generally visible leaders, they nevertheless work quite intensely with those close to them, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes with their families, friends, and colleagues. This type has great depth of personality; they are themselves complicated, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people.

Counselors can be hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend not to share their reactions except with those they trust. With their loved ones, certainly, Counselors are not reluctant to express their feelings, their face lighting up with the positive emotions, but darkening like a thunderhead with the negative. Indeed, because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, Counselors can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, mutely withdrawing from human contact. At the same time, friends who have known a Counselor for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that they are inconsistent; Counselors value their integrity a great deal, but they have intricately woven, mysterious personalities which sometimes puzzle even them.

- ALSO -

Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power.

INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ.

"There's something rotten in Denmark." Accurately suspicious about others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends. Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words.

INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately.

Writing, counseling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche.

INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents. Strongly humanitarian in outlook, INFJs tend to be idealists, and because of their J preference for closure and completion, they are generally "doers" as well as dreamers. This rare combination of vision and practicality often results in INFJs taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility in the various causes to which so many of them seem to be drawn.

INFJs are deeply concerned about their relations with individuals as well as the state of humanity at large. They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world. On the contrary, INFJs are true introverts, who can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." While instinctively courting the personal and organizational demands continually made upon them by others, at intervals INFJs will suddenly withdraw into themselves, sometimes shutting out even their intimates. This apparent paradox is a necessary escape valve for them, providing both time to rebuild their depleted resources and a filter to prevent the emotional overload to which they are so susceptible as inherent "givers." As a pattern of behavior, it is perhaps the most confusing aspect of the enigmatic INFJ character to outsiders, and hence the most often misunderstood -- particularly by those who have little experience with this rare type.

Due in part to the unique perspective produced by this alternation between detachment and involvement in the lives of the people around them, INFJs may well have the clearest insights of all the types into the motivations of others, for good and for evil. The most important contributing factor to this uncanny gift, however, are the empathic abilities often found in Fs, which seem to be especially heightened in the INFJ type (possibly by the dominance of the introverted N function).

This empathy can serve as a classic example of the two-edged nature of certain INFJ talents, as it can be strong enough to cause discomfort or pain in negative or stressful situations. More explicit inner conflicts are also not uncommon in INFJs; it is possible to speculate that the causes for some of these may lie in the specific combinations of preferences which define this complex type. For instance, there can sometimes be a "tug-of-war" between NF vision and idealism and the J practicality that urges compromise for the sake of achieving the highest priority goals. And the I and J combination, while perhaps enhancing self-awareness, may make it difficult for INFJs to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings.

Usually self-expression comes more easily to INFJs on paper, as they tend to have strong writing skills. Since in addition they often possess a strong personal charisma, INFJs are generally well-suited to the "inspirational" professions such as teaching (especially in higher education) and religious leadership. Psychology and counseling are other obvious choices, but overall, INFJs can be exceptionally difficult to pigeonhole by their career paths. Perhaps the best example of this occurs in the technical fields. Many INFJs perceive themselves at a disadvantage when dealing with the mystique and formality of "hard logic", and in academic terms this may cause a tendency to gravitate towards the liberal arts rather than the sciences. However, the significant minority of INFJs who do pursue studies and careers in the latter areas tend to be as successful as their T counterparts, as it is *iNtuition* -- the dominant function for the INFJ type -- which governs the ability to understand abstract theory and implement it creatively.

The full articles are at

I love these kind of super accurate + professional kind of tests. You can take your's here at, just click on the link =) And dont forget to see how you measure up with people of other types!

Now it feels like I'm just living for the weekends. Are the peers around me really affecting me that much? I mean I've chnage so much, SO MUCH. It is almost an 180 degress turn to the dark side of the class. I need to get back infront, back on track.

That ends my post, *yawns* sleep time =)

Quote of e Post:
You see things and say "Why?" but I dream things and say "Why not?"

Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Birthdays~

Hey hey! School's re-opened but Im alright now heehee, thanks to everyone, for doing nothing! Serious :) Haha, today was fun, sort of. PoA paper 2 was a hyper flop, I only managed to do 2 out of the 5 questions, due largely to the fact I didnt study. Ahh well, what's the chances of me passing this one? *crosses fingers* It's going to take a lot more than crossign fingers or some good luck charm to make that paper a pass. It is impossible... blank papers wont fill themselves up automatically, cant blame anyone. Take responsibility for your own actions right? Yarr...

A correction of error here! Racial HArmony day is not next week, it is THIS week! And being the last year in the school, Miss Shim has requested we ALL MUST wear a costume so... I'm on a lookout heehee

Moving on to Sunday. Prayer meeting was cool, almost everyone had a word from God, without the leaders around, you could see the members become a little more serious. Without the Tertiary and leaders there to "lean" on it was where the members shine. The common theme, was moving on, we are too complacent, too comfortable where we are we jut dont want to get out of our comfort zone and reach out. That says alot.

Hmm like nothing much else to say, i remember I had something to blog about but i cant remember it now =x Nevermind, be back later (if i can haha) Ciao

Quote of e Post:
Disciple makes Disciples

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hold me, Im flying!

Haha, what a lame title. I just couldnt think, brain dead at 12:20am haha, Sunday morning, hello. Sorry WX and Csa for not going to be bloggers convention with you all, but I had, prior arangements haha, It'll be good to note that Im normally not free on Saturday or Sunday so don't even try asking. But in case you ask what I did, heehee, that's what I'm bloggin about but first, local news :)

Wheee, Mr Tan Kim Huat finally decided to be NICE for once *gasp* haha He's giving all the D&T pupils (sec4 + 5) under him a break from Mock exams starting next Tuesday (Which happens to be Dilys birthday :) Happy birthday to you!) spanning 10 days (including the weekends) so up till the 28th, but wait! The 29th is Racial Harmony day! So there is also no mock exams! Off for 2 weeks!! *jumps for joy* =)

Thats it for school *kicks bag away* more about today! Where could I have gone so cold-heartedly and miss seeing Xia Xue, Kenny Sia, Mr Brown and a whole slew of other blogger celebrities, pang seh-ing (i dont think that is a word.. hmmm) my good pals on a nice Saturday Afternoon?

Left the house at like 12:45pm and took MRT to harbourfront, the trip really took alot shorter than expected la! Im meeting at 2pm and I arrived at 1:15pm instead! Haha nevermind, go walk around Harbourfront Centre, haven't been there since they renovated it :) Nice place, though abit small and costly, check it out on of these days wont ya?

Well, welcome to Sentosa! Haha, to avoid being squished to solution me, Norman, Comm Weng Kang, RQ and Jonathan walked accross the bridge only to find the pedestrian path closed for renovation! O.O buit the ticket lady was still there and she allowed us to walk on the road as did everyone else walking in, the wind was awesome :) Took the bus fromthe entrance to Siloso beach! There, an interesting sight awaits you if you look away from the sea and further inland...

Oh my Goodness! It is a .... It cant be !

Haha, I can imagine your face now, ME? On THAT?

If you cant tell what it is (Sorry for the bad lightning, I cant really help it heh. as per usual with all my pics, click for a bigger one.) it's a flying trapeze. Yup I spent my day learning the ropes and how-to on that thing :) Yea, Im scared of heights so that made for some very good blackmail pictures but who's going to give them out when it is all with me? >=)

First we learnt our basic trick, the knee hang. Very simple, the name explains it all, you hang on your knees, and right yourself again. That is the very first step to all the other moves, today we only learnt the knee hand and the somersault. Not too shabby, i managed to pull off both :)

It is really scary up there cos all you have is this super slack harness and the net is far below, there is no way down but through the trapeze (or so the instructor says, but what about the ladder we came up on? =.=) The hardest part I guess is to let go of the platform and hold on both arms to the handle, cos from then on there is nothing holding you from swinging all out save for the instructor grabbing the back of your harness, and you never know when he will let go (even though he goes give a verbal signal he lets go immediately... so much for the signal *rolls eyes*)

But once you let go, there is no turning back. So, just do it, haha. The instructor had to tell me to keep my eyes open lolz I gripped the handle so tightly that my hands are still sore and red now. According to him, we will all be aching tomorrow (our falls were.. comedic haha) partially because of the "stretching" we did and our "wonderful" landings :) We were supposed to land SITTING but some came down face up, face down, in pumping position, standing, on one side and many others haha but landing after the somersault is the cool part about it!

Enough words, lets grab some pictures :)

Go "Big Bear"! Haha, your momentum will make it easier! =)

Some of the girls, absolutely petrified up there.... just kidding, they did awesome! Some better than I =)

Looks alot further when you zoom out eh?

Look! It's me hahaz, must mentally prepare *dont look down, dont look down*

Get ready, chalk is always helpful :)

Missing a chunk here, lol, I took really long to psyche myself to hold on haha

Ok Im ready, I think... Ulp *holding on*

Ahhh~!! that fella pushed me off!!! (he is supposed to lol)

Since i'm up, might as well do the deed... up...

And further... just abit more...

Tada! Done haha~ *instructor* Oei! Keep your eyes open!

Haha, no recovery pics, my camera was running out of batteries heehee (good thing too) And I survived! Yay, after you go the first time, its not so scary anymore and actually rather fun :) Heehee, won't you try someday? You wont regret, serious.

Last but not least, group photo haha, we survived! =)

Phew, long day, those few hours felt so long~ and even though the time you are in the air is no more than about 30 seconds? Feels like a lifetime, especially if your life is flashing before your eyes as you swing off unprepared *rolls eyes* Haha, I better go off now, otherwise... And I hope i am not going to ache all over tomorrow. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
When I say "Hie", legs up, ready?
"Hie!" ~ no! Legs up! Not let go... x.x

Friday, July 15, 2005

New Skin ~ Again

Heyz, Im up doing my D&T for tomorrow, yea I know it is 1:10am but I have no choice, almost all e other D&T 4E pupils will have to do so of die tomorrow, so we really have no choice but to press on.

Here's my new skin :) I took the picture on my own, walking in one afternoon, looks nice eh? Here's the pic WITHOUT the words and the script (As per usual, click for a larger pic)

I just love the way the clouds just seem to melt and give way to the sky. Don't ask me why, I just love taking pictures of the sky and the clouds :) Expect more, this skin will not last for long, soon it will be frame enabled (see the empty black space below? That's where my newly made buttons will go, when they are done) So until then, make do with this :)

Upon Wei Xin's request, links to other blogs no longer open in another window but links to other places will eg. My friendster etc. for your convinience. Feel free to comment and suggest any improvements that can be made.

IF your speakers are off, crank it up and listen in. Isn't this a great song? Haha, it is "To Zanarkand" from the game FF-X. Even though I dont play it (i dont own a PS2, anyone mind helping me withthat *hint hint*) nor do I own the album (shame on me, downloader of illegal songs) this song along with many of the other FF's in game music have captivated me, I could listen to these forever on and on...

Well, thats enough deviating, back to work, enjoy! Feel free to tag or use the haoscan comments system, look at the end of this post, see the wounds and casualties? Yep, if Im not wrong the comments system is are the "wounds", and "casualties" are for trackback. I'm off, ciao.

Quote of e Post:
It's not that you're dreaming. You are a dream.
Maybe you are the dream that will end our dreaming at last

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Weird Things of the World

Ok, sorry for not posting so long and for my little outburst at the end of my previous post. Mock exams daily is no fun task. Had Social studies today, so the source based was, *drumroll* on Northern Ireland. In one of the sources there was a term "fenian-lover" used (You can find this is e workbook i think) so checking it out i discovered something odd.

The term "Fenian-lover" is used on protestants who mingle with the catholics, but checking up on fenian it means -> One of a legendary group of heroic Irish warriors of the second and third centuries A.D. So in what way is loving a piece of history a degradory term? Another senseless insult, for yet another senseless insult (beware! vulgar and may offend some, do not visit if you have a weak heart) check out Weixin's blog!

Been going out nightly to study for the past 2 days, so far so good, we are making great progress, although pratically no work was done on the first day. MT Listening Compre tomorrow! O.O Oh my! HAha, it should be ok, Im fine... Im fine... Im Fine, breathe in, breathe out haha, ok crap enough. Next is abit of "vital information" for everyday life, "Tip for food lovers, use your wok to cook instant noodles! Tip for lazy people, don't use your wok to cook instant noodles!" Washing up is a chore.

Is is just me or is the entire PCSS sec4 and 5 totally unconcerned about the coming Os? So much so I think ive ben grossly affected. Im sooo slacky now-a-days in class, not a good thing. Day in day out I hear people talking about DOTA, MS, ID/MT so on and so forth, what ever happened to studying?? 4E is a entertaining class, but just yesterday Miss Shim said "Do you people just keep laughing to hide your fear for the coming Os?" for many that just rolled off, but I think, she struck a chord there amongst some of us... Nice words :)

LAughing and laughing, the mock exams are no laughing matter. The pupils are sick of it, the teachers are sick of daily marking, so now the school is looking into it. Seriously, even the most studious student will feel the drain if there is a mock exam everyday after school meaning you only get to go home at about 4:30pm. And teachers who teach more than one class will absolutely suffer marking the scripts eg. Mrs Datta who teaches every PoA class cos she is like, the only PoA teacher?

Wel on the flip side, because of all that, no teacher can give too much homework, at elast they know reason. I hope the school does something soon, or the detention room wont be able to hold all the people who purposly give Mock Exam the slip because they are too stressed out (or just to go and wreck havoc/play). As of now, I think the students have "unofficially" boycotted mock exams by not turning up or just turning up only not to do any work.

Eh... the newspaper person just came to ask for payment for the month... 45 bucks, I told him to come back another day as no one was in and she did, very grudgingly. Wow! Do I look like i have almost 50 dollars at my disposal? Ha~ I feel abit sad for her.. looks like she walked in from outside because she needed to collect from every house.... Feeling abit bad, then just walk back and seat myself infront of this screen and continue blogging, there she is imortallised as part of my blog :)

I'll be changing my skin soon, the layout looks abit too plain and I have a new idea but I will need some help and my trusty new camera to make it materialise and for about 80% of the peopel who read this, NO, you cannot help me :) Just kidding, I dont need any help, I just want to try out for "project pilot" (check out artscentral news for more details) wait... how did i deviate till here??
nvm, skip that lsat line, I always deviate, like a train that de-rails automatically.

LAst word before I leave, "the one who throws stuff" has been renamed to "the violent one that pulls people about". haha ciao

Quote of e Post:
Success is a value determined by others but happiness is a value determined by yourself

Monday, July 11, 2005

White Moon

Hi all, the week has just re-opened, and I am feeling dead. Call it monday blues or whatever you want, I'll just call it quits. Hmm, I think we sufficiently pissed off out PE teacher to ignore us... in retaliation to being asked to run the field some fella threw the balls he was supposed to keep in the PE room all over the place so he had to go looking for them. No comment, I hope their conscience pricks them.

Eng paper 1 mock exam today, my brain was dead. I dare say that when we get our paper back, Ms Kodi is going to RANT ON ME. Why? haha, call me crazy call me nuts. Yes I am mental, i am crazy for Christ! Haha, for Section one, I just wrote on auto-pilot, so for the topic "hope" i wrote... what else? The salvation message :) the hope of the world. I'm probably going to fail my section one for that... but who cares? It is only a mock exam and I felt strangely happy after writing that.

My com is driving me nuts, one day it is as good as new, the next it has undone all my weeks of fixing efforts. I cant be bothered anymore, I rally can't be bothered anymore. I realised, all of a sudden, nothing matters anymore. Nothing in this entire world seems to be worth doing, everything from schoolwork to housework. What's wrong dammnnit?!

Bleagh, I need to find a way back to make this life feel like a life. Sounds confusing? I feel like solomon (Although I am nowhere near that level) Meaningless! Everything in life is so meaningless! THis post I am writing halfway seems meaningless!

-here this post ends due to the author being unable to continue-

Sunday, July 10, 2005

What can I do for you?

Ha~ the weekend comes and goes in a blink of an eye. So soon it is Sunday night >.< I dun wanna go back to school *general moan and groan* haha, lazy bum. *slap* wake up bro! PRelims in 9 weeks!! You don't have time to play around and slack no more! Look at your mock exam results! They are INSULTS! Not results, buck up!! *kick* ok ok.

Saturday, lalala, RR was cool ,we did cooking heehee, tin foil cooking only, nothing new, chicken wings, sweet potato, corn and prawns, but most of them didnt stay after to eat them haha. Goody, more for me! Yay! Haha, forgot to bring my JTC book again, sigh, and Trapeze next week, Oh MY!! Im scared, I dont like heights, I really dont like the idea of being 3 stories high without a harness to support you swinging about on a pole suspended on two chains. Well there is a net but the falling will really REALLY scare the living (or dying) daylights outta me. I tihnk ill go back pale as a sheet. But please give me 3 stories and a risk to my life anyday over schooling!

Hmm went through the MAths ppr 1 moskc exam today, abit. Wahaha, there is this qn which stumped EVERYONE! From XueYan to Anthony heehee, but they advised, it is only worth 2 marks, so give it up... haha but I want to know how to do itt!! Prayer meeting was cool today, great job Dilys! And you too Jon :) Heeheez wore my class t-shirt to church today, just to see how it is. Looks AWESOME O.O *drool* hahaz

Ahh~ Being thrown off e com. *looks at clock* 11:30pm >.< Ok im off, continue tomorrow, I promise!! Ciaoz, oh and Wishing Dilys (19th july), XinYi and Kim Tian (both 18th of July) a happy bdae in advance! ciao!

Quote of e post:
A church on fire contains:
Powerful people
Peoples people
Prayerful People
Purposeful People
Prophetic people
May all of Youth Alive and BEthel be so!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Woo hoo!

Yay! Lookie wat we got? 4E got their class shirts today! Hahaz, the feeling sure beats shelling out 25 smackeroos but I'm still going to seek compensation =) That was all my dough dude! Haha, of course, such a big event must have pics... check it out! (these are thumbnails, click for bigger version)

Still in the pack, in mint condition

Full sized, looking good =)

The logo down the front, the legend of the iguana survives >.< (ps I love this logo)

The back of the shirt, all our names =)

Last pic, the sleeve, heehee it has our names on it in cool graffati style writing =)

I'll be looking for a chance to wear it heehee, soon very soon. New, news, there will no long be night study but it will shift to evening/afternoon study at the library. Hmm, this may just be ,y big break to get soem actualy work done haha, noth that I never did any work otherwise =x

The world is saddened by the news. "I can't believe the news today, I wich I could close my eyes and make it go away" Just a mere one day after London was declared the successful winner of the title as host of the Olympics 2012, this morning (there in London, which was about late morning here) 8 bomb blasts rocked London on buses and in the tube (something like our MRT) during the morning rush hour. As far as I know, 45 people have died and thousands are injured with the numbers still rising as the blasts that went off in the tube are underground and some have yet to surface.

These terrorists are cowards. At least for suicide bombers there is that little tiny twisted glimmer or respect that if they are to take others out, they die along with them. But planting bombs reomtely and detonating them when the area is at it's most crowded is just inhuman. How can thier conscience let them go? How will thet sleep peacefully after knowing they commited such atrocities? What reasons do they have that can justify such actions?

Im sick, and i still have school tomorrow, D&T 5 periods, I am REALLY going to be sick now. Im off, ciao.

Quote of e Post:
Vengeance will only breed more vengeance, unless someone stops, this vicious cycle will never end and only bring more suffering.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Symptoms of Sickness

I think I'm ill. The symptoms are as follows.
- Lack of enthusiasm in daily routines
- Occasional drowziness (Ok, quite frequent, physics esclates it)
- Varying negative moods (Mock exams are really "helping")
- Extremeist and/or impulsive thoughts

Sounds like stress haha, but I can't be stressed... I didnt even pressurize myself! Pissed? Probably, having to stay back daily till almost 5 is not exactly my idea of fun. Depressed? HIGHLY unlikely... although recent results have been rather worrying though.

MAths Paper 1 mock exam resuklts back... NO ONE in the class passed, and I think 9 people in the "Best" class passed. Upon 80, we had a 35, but that's the best amongst the worst. Me? A measly 23, with about 6 - 8 marks of silly mistakes. Especially so in two questions when the question was so plainly stated - I went and used a + when I had all the steps up till there right, that was worth about 3 marks >.< But then english mock exam back too, heehee 43/50 for paper 2 :D But its no consolation, the paper was easy.

Physics and Chem papers today, miserable! Utterly miserable! 9/40 and 24/40 respectively. PoA tomorrow, but paper 1 only, all mcq, 1 hour >.< If I dont get cracking soon, soon it'll be my head that is cracking. Let top this off with D&T on friday and the project rushing to be due. What a way to end the week, and there isn't even cell on friday... well, there is always RR to look forward to on Saturday and Service on Sunday :) We are going to start on Mormons in CET. I must agree, Modern Cults is fun.

Oh yes, we are finally getting our class t-shirts. But at $25 each, it is hardly a steal, more like a daylight robbery. Need to pay by tomorrow... *Sigh* there goes my dough, down the drain (not really... it isnt exactly wasted) I want to know how it actually looks lol.

Hmm, Chang Er... no one since Pauline in sec2 has called me that, but it revived today hahaz. Mr Jin Wei, you dont know what you've done by trying to get my attention calling me that today. You REALLY got my attention, scared me abit. But I forgot who had called me that at that moment, till I returned home and Pauline saw my nick (i put it there) on msn did I remember. It has been 3 years so soon, like she said, we're old :)

I still like that song, surprisingly, I just had to keep on listening to it for about 2 days before it totally sinked it and now I know it like the back of my hand. No idea why, but I think, there is some deep subconcious link to the past where my memory fails me. Like, when I Was very young, I think... primary 1 or 2 around there. I think, I used to absolutely love "Land Before Time". Digging around the house I found an old battered LD (you know those HUMONGOUS discs? Laser Discs) of the first "Land Before Time". And this song, "If we hold on together" was from that movie. Somehow, this song still brings blurry images to mind, and dampens the edges of my eyes, and something undescribable just wells up in my heart. Like.. like... like I said, undescribable.

Thinking back, how did I becoem the person I am now? I was different, very different all those years ago. The solitude of the night provides room for all kinds of things to run wild. Like a massive invisible brainstorm, everything goes off in all directions, about everything and anything. I have heard it isn't good to just let your mind wander and thoughts run wild. But I can tell you honestly, a few yeras down the road, I will look back on this day and age and wonder the very same thing. How did I become what I was? And what I am now? Only time will tell. "If you ever get lost on your way, the waves wil guide as through another day" I believe so, yet, taking each day as it come is not exactly a good choice is it? No one plans to fail, but many fail to plan. Ahh look where this is leading?

I'll end here, it is getting late (Come on, it is only 11pm) and I "NEED MY REST" (Or so my parents insit before prying me off the computer with a vengeance) So Thats all today, ciao~

Quote of e Post:
kioku dake wo taguri yosete (There's only one memory I keep close)
hitotsu hitotsu tsunagutabi (One, one forever)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Photo-blog entry

Hey, 4th July, happy independence day USA! And also happy birthday Csa! Haha, went out to celebrate htis birthday, today is going to be a photoblog entry, :) Expect more of these in the days to come, enjoy!

Was abit late in leaving for Simei this morning >.< So sorry! but surprisingly I didnt keep anyone waiting (save for Mabel, so sorry, even if it was just for a few minutes) Then waited for Birthday Boy to arrive :D Yay! Walked around for abit and then OMG! His father and mother is so nice! Treat everyone to Pizza at Pizza Hut @ Heartland Mall :) So went all the way back (THe train ride is boring, this part of the day no pics, sumimasen)

When we arrived, dotz... we were like EARLY lolz so walked around abit heehee

Wandering around Heartland Mall... heehee, where will these two stray next? jk jk

Sharing candy from Mini Toon, outside Comics Connection...

They arrived! The only pic I got out of lunch, more eating, less phototaking!

Ok big gap here. Kim Tian needed to rush off to work so off we go, to Cineleisure! Wee... Drop her off there and shopped around for Shan An's gift... hmm, is it so hard to find a visor? O.o Headed for Heeren with also no luck, and then a trek all the way to Plaza Singapura to meet at Dhoby Ghout MRT, hmm MAbel seems to have taken a liking to Shan Kai, in just a matter of minutes.. eh?

Wah... nothing to say, lucky kid ;P

Another long gap lolz. Shopped around PS to no avail and spent some time at the arcade. What for? Trying our luck at the toy machine! lolz, ya the one you guide a arm to pick up a stuffed toy etc and drop it down the hole to get it! Hmm, no luck but I had a pretty good theory... (Bah, so many ppl copy after we tried it...) And in a sudden twist we were headed towards Chinatown for dinner. =.= Wha? Chinatown? lolz, met everyone else there, including Poh Leng, Jing Ying and Joo Kiat (i think lolz... dunno how to spell) and the 8 of us trooped down to this tiny Chicken Rice stall haha, Good food :D More pics!

Poh Leng / Bling, the new motherly figure?? haha, forcing the kids to eat vegetables, notice how he cowers in fear xD

And another... "Aiya! look, you've got rice all down your clothes" :)

Hint Hint Shan An! Looking good there, nice prospect xD

What? You forgot my birthday... *cracks knuckles* *whimper* help...

Time to cut the cake! Haha, it is off the base due to some... hard knocks xD

Yay! cut cut cut (OOps, candle blowing ceremony over, but in video so no pics gomen)

And no birthday cake would be compelete without abit of creaming :)

And more creaming...

HAha, his brother joins in the fun too!

The girls are safe in the corner, laughing away... evilness :)

Bling the motherly figure again, aww how sweet... EH?! Shan An! Where are your eyes looking?!

Haha, went to walk around Chinatown after that, aids digestion haha, walkws around till we were sufficiently bored of the place and headed for the mrt station.

Lucky Kai... Surrounded by all the girls haha, Shan An! Don't you feel proud of your brother who inherited all your "skills"? xD

Another one, Kai and Bling :)

"Family" photo xD wahaha

The train stops... eh?! Where the...

What?! HarbourFront?! (click for bigger pic)

Oh... it is their "practice" to do so haha, just for the fun of it :) I really could get to like this bunch of people :) No more pics as the train fills on the way home... that's my day, I had a wonderful Youth Day holiday :D Did you?

Quote of e Post:
If we hold on together
I know our dreams wil never die

Monday, July 04, 2005


(Ok this was written on FRIDAY night/Saturday morning… but I never got around to posting it)

Heyz... blogging on wordpad now >.< Wa haha very tired. It is like 3:25am now. What am I doing up so early? Actually, I was up only at 12am. Then I decided to "clean up" my comp as it is like totally full of junk and what-not, so I’m running a full system scan, which has so far taken about 3 hours and 30 minutes to a completion of 78% on Drive C... It still has to go through Drive E after that, if I calculate the time taken thus far, the remaining 22% will take another hour. Argh, there goes my beauty sleep haha. I can't leave it running and go sleep, what if I really fall into deep sleep and don't awake to off e computer and all after the scan is done? My dad will kill me if he knew I left the computer on all night through.

School was nice to us today, only had lessons until recess after which we headed for the hall. It's celebration time! Haha, the sec3s are just back from sec 3 camp (I’m envious and hyped up, post camp high :) I understand all too well. First item was by our very own singer/composer who did two English pieces and an original piece in hokkien. The problem? No one could decipher what he was singing about throughout the 3 songs xD Next item was a game, the house masters and the house captain was to identify songs using provides snatches of it. Haha, Mr Seow the blue house (M I N E!) house master is no whiz at music and the captain was no expert either and everyone was soundly whooped by the Yellow house >.< Next up was a strange piece, by our school own budding band... They performed Good Charlotte's "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" and "My chemical Romance". The guitarists and drummer was excellent but the lead singer left much to be desired, some even described it as "Noise". *shrug* I guess it's because they don't recognize the songs haha

Splitting this into another paragraph for easier reading :) Then a little interactive game, teachers were armed with a remote answering system wired up to a quiz about "hip and happening" things. Lost? It's hard to explain haha, so they were to answer questions about modern things like handphones, games and the things youth do basically. Next up was the student's turn, a screen was put up showing various items, pupils had to identify the teacher which possessed these items quite difficult, but this was Blue House's turn to shine :D Next some teachers put up a skit about this boy who wanted to win a race... very entertaining (read -> funny) but not much story in it, just for laughs and finally a performance by the "jellybeans" haha. Let me illustrate with words the entire sequence of stunning events. First they would all dance in to the song from Madagascar (You know? -> "I like to move it move it...") and then a weird event will occur. On stage rolls a NTUC trolley! And more teachers appeared spinning plates on sticks (Which was a total fluke as then held overturned the plates never fell off) one by one, a few get into, under and on the trolley and the sticks with plates are passed to them, after which the trolley heavily laden with people is pushed around the stage for a sort of "victory lap" haha. At the end the teachers pull off their headbands and throw them into the audience. Weird? You bet. Finally was awards giving, no thanks to the quiz Blue House had to retreat in shame as the Yellow house took top spot, winning them a trophy made of cardboard and construction -paper x) O well it's all for the fun of it.

School getting more cheapskate haha, this year, we got flimsy mass produced pens. But who's complaining? It's better than one year when everyone got a pack of tissues and that one yea when everyone got a pad of fullscap, with line only printed on one side >.< haha, Peicai is POOR! We can't help that heehee

We had Zone Gathering just now! At Cecelia's function room heehee, so much fun! And it was a perfect time to use my new camera, got many many pictures so much so I ran out of space! >.< So I missed just an itty bit of the day never mind. Was supposed to meet Dilys and You Rong at 2:30pm at the bus-stop near her house. But at about 2, when I was rushing like mad (School ended at about 1:15, I reached home by about 1:40) she sms-ed and said, "haha. I realized something. There's no need for us to meet so early since the food is cooked. We meet at 3.56 same place. see ya later :)" [exactly word for word, space by space] So dotz la, anyway so I made my way there and waited. And waited. at 3:15pm I got a call, Dilys just woke up! She was having a nap haha, so she like rushed down, even though You Rong wasn't there YET (Stuck at compassville waiting for bus) And so we were walking to her house (More like she was walking to her house and we were following without a clue)

Upon arrival, Dilys had a "sudden revelation". "Why you here so early ah? The thing at 7+ we meet at 3+ very early, since the food is already cooked" Wahaha, so we just stayed at her home until it was time to leave haha. While she did up the "Tiara" and "Wand" for Paula and Joel respectively, the two of us were practicing for the coming skit/song haha. Ahhh, We forgot to get chords, but nevermind, good thing You Rong remembered the chords :) Anyway, so the skit was something like a cell-group setting (all the performance ended up like that haha) so me and Qian Xiang would walk in and then we'd talk, make up your own dialogue at that time we would dedicate a song to the leaders and sing the song hahaz... So paiseh :P Cannot sing very well haha, especially since it was a chinese song x_x I'll... decline to comment further haha

Just got busted (timestamp -> 4:15am) Carrying on. Ya, Zone Gathering was so fun, even though it was meant to appreciate our leaders I do feel so bad because despite it being OUR chance to appreciate them, the leaders ALSO put up a performance, and gave out gifts! To EVERYONE no less >.<

Haiz, Had MT o level oral on Thursday. I’m DEAD!! I just lost my nerve halfway through the reading and the rest was history 6 feet under. >.< How could I screw this up!! That was so major! If I can ever pull a 6 for Chinese Lord, I don’t know what I’ll do in joy. Enough about that, think HAPPY things.

Ahem, Saturday was cool :) We did orientation at RR. You know, compass, map and all. Well the JTC graduates already knew all that so we had to guide the kids. Abit frustrating, but when they get it finally the feeling is wonderful. I guess… this is why teachers choose to teach. Heehee appreciation.

Parents went for 1st service on Sunday because my sis had some party to go to >.< (I swear, even now, she has a better social life than I do and she is only 8) So I had to go on my own heehee. Nothing eventful till Youth. It’s time to cut the bull, it’s time to get down to business and be serious. The word was obvious, when push comes to shove, who will you choose? God, or the world? In Singapore, there isn’t much persecution. We are very lucky to live in a country in which the government supports religious freedom and there is tolerance. But the lack of a threat to us has made the Christians lose their sense of urgency. All the disciples died as martyrs for Christ. Will you just be a believer or a disciple? A disciple will be willing to throw away everything for Christ, to have absolute faith in God, to become nothing of one self.

Rachel dared the congregation. It was communion Sunday. You either, choose, make things right and STAY right or you don’t take the communion at all, for it will bring curses and harm unto you. So now, I have made my stand what is yours? Time is short, the signs are beginning to show in the world, want to know more? Christianity is not all sugar and blessings and everything nice, not the way most outreaches show it to be, there is more to that. Call, sms or drop me an e-mail. Time is running out, if you don’t come to me, I WILL reach out to you.

Goingng out now, before I leave, I'd liek to say.. HAppy Birthday to Cheng Shan an!!! Enjoy being 17 :)

Quote of e Post:
Nothing you can do, could make Him love you more
And nothing that you’ve done, could make Him close the door