Friday, January 06, 2006

Sky high- (not the dumb movie)

Wow, today was the last day of orientation. So fun- and so super shiok :) The last and longest day of orientation because of the campfire ^_^ It was awesomely, awesome ok? Id have given up almost anything to re-live these four days again, no joke.

The day started off with more serious stuff about combinations and such, that really got my feelings at some record low until after that and lunch when we rejoined our groups, I just lost myself in the passion and life of orientation, silently, secretly, I love my OG to bits, even though they might be quiet like umm maybe Gerald (This time he IS pronounced like that Soccer player :D) but they release strength and support without you noticing it.

Im also glad for my OGLs, Ching Wa and Seng Peng/Kross, they are great people, giving up their time (remember it's their A level year) for us, for this OG and also for the rest of Thebes, there is no "I" in "team".

At the end of yesterday Thebes was second behind Corinth, our bitter rivals xD And so we were very motivated to push on in today's games and cheering- and we did! Thebes Gamma was OWNING! (a small Dota reference) out of 8 games over the course of the orientation we won 5, got draws in 2 and only lost ONE! Today was cool also because one of the games was, egg drop xD and having played this SO many times be it in camp or rangers or anywhere else need I say? Gamma's egg was whole and perfect, half the credit goes to our PL Tammy who suggested the parachute. This is the FIRST time a parachute really helped (it fell super slowly) And we were the ONLY group whose egg did not break that day- the combination of layering/cusioning with straws and a parachute kept the victory in the bag.

Corinth has this AWFULLY great cheer they use to no end it goes like this...

Girls/OGLs: Strawberry Shortcake!
Guys/OGLs: Blueberry Pie!
All: V I C T O R Y, victory victory is our cry!

(PS. If i ever become leader of any groups or such, im sure to use this, it rhymes great and sounds really impressive) What to do when our rivals have a killer cheer? We taunt them! Thebes came up with a cheer using the SAME tune :) a direct parody of theirs-

Banana Ice-cream!
Durian cake!
Thebens Thebens Fight Fight Fight!

Haha, you should have seen the looks on their faces, it was like they got a smack in the jaw ^_^ Thebes has ATTITUDE ok? From "Thebes what? Whatever!" to "Seek Attention" we slowly beat Corinth down down and down. their rival Delphi, was no help at all to them and in the end Corinth turned on thier only ally right at the end but the attack never took off.

Anyway so we won our games (awesome) and back in the hall for mass dance but wait! I went to the toilet and when I returned I found the hall in PAirs?! They were going to do the college dance! My-gosh I love it! (kind of, also it is less messy then the mass dance) But sadly I was left paired with some guy in my group as we came back
"late". We finished learning the mass dance today, pretty hot stuff, but very fun.

After which was dinner, oh my gosh, the budget must be pretty bad but hey, I'm not really complaining, thanks for the green tea ^_^ After that out for the campfire! All the skits rocked and I especially liked Delphi's who did a dance to the song "That Thing You Do" and our own skit was more impressive then I expected it to be, the "Ugliest man" part was priceless xD "Good job Corinth!" Then it began to rain, into the hall we go!

A series of technical maladies plauged Iza (is that his name?) and he couldn't talk xD Haha, the mike hates him. To "drag" time, each group got a few pairs up on stage to do the- COLLEGE DANCE! And the floor pretty much joined it once it began, OGLs first then the groups, great fun, once again, with a guy (sigh) the atmosphere got so high you could FEEL it in the air. Then comes the announcements...

Needless to say from my tone- THEBES WON! THEBES WON! It was priceless. Because third was Delphi, 2nd Sparta and we were like "Huh?" Yesterday 1st was Corinth and us was 2nd so today the gap jump so much?? First was either us or Corinth, though we had confidence in our points, the newly revealed positions shook my faith a little but when the announcement came out, there was no silence from Thebes for almost a good 5 minutes, no kidding, cheer after cheer followed by whoops, cheers from other teams and replies. I almost vomited by pushing my aching sore throat hoarse so I missed out in one cheer but hey we won! WOOOO Highness like dont know what =D

Still high, eh, tomorrow have camp again? LoL Cant remember, everything seems to pale in comparison. Like I said above, Id give almost anything to live those 4 days again.

Quote of e Post:
Banana Icecream!~

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