Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Coming Through

Remember a week back or so? The major event was subject combination choosing. Yeps, and the results are out. - *deep breath* I GOT IT!! Thanks for everyone who have been praying and obviously, glory to God, who is big enough to make the impossible possible. And this was impossible.

Anyway, now the combination is like this. Econs, Lit and Geog for H2 and Math for H1. Alright, I'm grateful, I'm very grateful and satisfied, but- yes humans have unlimited wants, I know, Im crazy quoting subjects everywhere, but dont interrupt me, not yet shoo *smacks hand of interrupting invisible reader*- but after taking a few lectures ith hs become very obvious-

History is far more fun then Geography
!! Probably because Ive taken geography but not history before and I ahve some great lack of prior knowledge about natural geography. I mean, deep sea shelves and deserts? That's really dry (no pun intended), now Id much rather learn about the cold war and how the US of A took potshots with the USSR throughout the 1900s. About the various wars and such, about Stalin and Truman, about the revolutions and evolutions (just to make it rhyme ok?) and such.

Pfft. Humans indeed do have unlimited wants, but we can't change combinations- so yes, guess I'll go dig up my old atlas buried somewhere in my room *blows dust off* and, take geography. Even though Histroy is more interesting, practical and impressive. Knowing political stuff is more impressive, imagine this, at a party they are having sophisticated talk and commenting on maybe, the recent Iraq War. Which sounds more relevant, the prior clash ie. the Gulf War or the terrain and climate of Iraq?? Or maybe my focus is screwed...

Oh yes, CCA kicks off tomorrow- Heehee, Music Society eh? Why did you ask? I have come up with answers haha!
1. Because I want to try something new
Just because Im a failure at music in primary school (not knowing how to work a recorder) and lower secondary (partially due to the recorder and the inability to read notes) does not mean Im doomed to shun it! I enjoy listening, so what stops me from making some? We all have to learn...
2.Because it is cool- to me
How often do you get to LEARN to play AND have a chance to compose something of your own? Sure, this is only first three months, and we won't get much work done, and in case we do? I might be stickiking around :)
3. And finally, Because it is a counduct for feelings
What? Cheem sia... Yes I already have my blog and I can write, but this is a different way of expression, plus inspiration strikes the wierdest chords, sometimes in ways words cannot express.

Oh and there is dance tomorrow to... dang =.= I haven't practiced and I have clean forgotten all my moves... this is very bad. Oh well. Dropping off here, I need to go prepare a few more sets of uniforms for the coming weeks. Bye!

Quote of e Post:
Nothing is Impossible

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