Saturday, January 14, 2006


My title today has NOTHING to do withmy entry xD

Yesterday was a cool day. It was the only day this entire week it didn't rain! And I got home dry, shoes included. And it didn't hurt that the next day would be a saturday. But It did hurt that we got a geography reading assignment and some chinese thing that I can't remeber what to do with.

The "region gathering" was in fact the youth "Vision Friday" somewhat like vision sunday but on friday. Uh ok, that was wierd. Great job Reuben! You sure can lead worship well ^_^ Yes, it is never-wrecking bout you'll get used to it!

Yowza, subject combinations are supposed to be out by this week. Wednesday latest, because the temporary timetable ends there ^_^ *shiverS* The hiphop dance and chinese lessons are rubbing me the wrong way. The horror, the horror! (remembers sec 3 dance thing) Brrrr... it's cold in here...

I am stuck, forgot what I was about to blog about LoL so I end here.

Someone asked me, "You look lost, are you alright?" to which I replied "I'm fine". How can I be lost? To be lostwould be to have gone off the way you know and be stuck in a unfamiliar situation, however, I have never found my way to begin with so I dont qualify for -lost- ...

Quote of e Post:
I have journeyed where none have been before. Now I return to ensure that none follow.

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