Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Im not Crazy

The new year holidays are all over, school re-opens tomorrow. What? so soon? Yes- wasn't that fast? And with that we have more problems... what about the presentation on Thursday? Oh my is so unprepared and panicky =x Need to prepare more-- *deflates*

Money from red packets are not a reliable source of money. Really, this year saw a 14% drop in takings from last year, quite a big gap indeed, but when you fill in the holes that I am getting more money more regularly now, it covers that up nicely. Still, not getting as much money as before hurts, ok stings, ok fine- it's no big deal.

*Back after an hour* Eh? I went off to eat dinner haha and ive forgotten what I was going to blog about till then so yea it ends here, haha!

Quote of e Post:
I know right now you don't care, but soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be-

Saturday, January 28, 2006


I can't do it. I cannot clean up my room, not the piles of books and papers. Not the swarm of notes and folders cluttering shelves and cupboards. why? Because, it is part of me- spring cleaning today (very very late kind) and so I tried. Went through stacks and took out those things I no longer wanted, sadly that is too few, when I swapped that to take out the things I didn't need, the stack multiplied like bacteria.

Then came the moment, throwing it away. It only took half an hour, I was agitated, tearing, quartering my memories, butchering my history. The notes, all the way from secondary 1 onwards, tearing them was tearing a part of me- at first I just tore them like paper, but after a while I couldn't take it no more. I either tore very violently and unreluctantly or I just tossed them aside. I cant do this, I can't betray my heart and soul- I won't do it anymore. It is what I am made up of thus far.

On a lighter note, I have finished all the 4 discs of the HxH Greed Island OVA boxset 1, and I really want to watch the rest! Im currently downloading boxset 2, and it is likely to take me about a week, not a really long time, but it will do, hmm should I get boxset 3 at the same time to save time? We'll see about that-

Service tomorrow morning is like super early at 8:30am... means my father is chasing my off the computer BLEH. More tomorrow-

Quote of e Post:
You are dead. What you do with your new life is entirely up to me. That's the theory anyway

Friday, January 27, 2006

Gone for Good

Yay! My fever's gone ^_^ It didnt come back today- hip hip hooray! So happy, oh and I also managed to find two songs that I heard on the radio long time ago but never could find, I found them today ^_^ so yea mutliple hit happiness, the two songs namely are--

Last Kiss by Pearl Jam

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.

We were out on a date in my daddy's car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road, up straight ahead
A car was stalled, the engine was dead
I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin' tires, the bustin' glass
The painful scream that I heard last.

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.

When I woke up, the rain was pourin' down
There were people standing all around
Something warm rollin' through my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said
"Hold me darling just a little while."
I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew I would miss
But now she's gone, even though I hold her tight
I lost my love, my life that night.

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.
Oooh~ ooooh~

Talk to me by Smash!

Every night I hear you cry
Don't you wanna tell me why
I'm afraid the way cannot without you
Maybe I misunderstand
But when I reach and touch your hand
I can't feel you anymore
You seem a million miles away from me tonight
Baby but I'm right beside you

* Talk to me
That's what my love is here for
Can't stand to see
Those tears in your eyes
I'll do anything it takes to make it right
Talk to me
Even if it's just to say good-bye

Whatever so hard to say
Whatever makes you turn away
Can't be any worse that I imagine
You gotta tell me what you need from me
To hold you close or set you free
Cause I just wanna see your smile again
But I can't help you if you keep me in the dark
Open up your breaking heart and

[Repeat *]

I don't know how to ease the pain you're going through
Baby, tell me what to do

[Repeat *]

Nice right? Bleh, of course you can't tell if you don't hear it for yourself. So anyhow, im like so swamped. I have geography presentation on Thursday, and GP tutorial to wrap up, not to mention Maths tutorial and research on Julius Caesar for Lit. tsk tsk, so much so much. Oh and Bachelor merit *blub blub blub* *GASP* *blub blub blub* swampppp...

Chinese New Year weekend is here! Stun right? So cool- haha anyhow so this year Im not going to my relative's home for reunion dinner because they are working (so sad right? What reunion dinner with your own family only...) Nevermind la, this year CNY like abit lack lustre, dont know why- like it has lost it's appeal and shine, it has become just another festival, just another day.

We will jsut wait and see- oh yes, i managed to borrow Hunter x Hunter Greed Island OVE from Ming Siang ^_^ Wahaha, can watch. And D.Gray Man book 6 is out, bought it and read, very nice :) but has those kind of cliffhanger ending, the kind we all know, love and hate. Haha, waiting for book 7 patiently.

OH! Adding this later, cos It came back to me now haha! I'll blog more properly from now on =x Heehee. Anyways, went back to PCSS with almost all the other peicaians in SR, so fun :) I FEEL SO BAD! After Os i totally forgot about Miss Shim's wedding =x I mean Mrs Goh heehee, I miss my old teachers. Miss Kodi is so nice, but she still wants her "distinction in english from her two last hopes" :> But my dear old rival is driving me up the wall!

Who? Ok, I wont call Kristy a "rival" sort on sorts because I just curl up and die before her poweress in the language I only have a "flair" in. I want to be a journalist, I am 18. she is 17, instead of being in Jc for PAE she got a post as a STRAITS TIMES INTERN! MY GOSH! She's nearer to my dreams then I think I'll ever be *cries* *snaps upright* New motivation! Work-Ever-Harder! Strive-To-Achieve! I wont be beaten, not by Mr Fong, not by Mr Tan, not by circumstances, not by rumors, not by odds, not by conventions, nothing-

Quote of e Post:
My Will Is Something You Can't Confiscate

Thursday, January 26, 2006

White moon

Haha! This is wierd- I woke up in the morning and there was no fever, woo hoo! But once I came home it began to set in again. What in the world? This is so wierd, really no kidding. Im burning up now- but just this morning and afternoon I was fit as a fiddle! This is way out of the twilight zone-

dont know la, how long will it last now? Throughout the rest of the day up till tomorrow morning? When it will sneak away again and vanish only to resurface in the evening. Feeling shiverish and cold- I am 100% sick, but not down, not out, infact dealing quite well with it save for the throat and the aching..

白い月 <-- Shiroi Tsuki, white moon. Faust's image song- It just sounds nice. The voicing is alittl chirpy (read: in singapore terms, chirpy for a guy means gay) Woo hoo, somehow my blog is no longer serious or like a dairy, it is... degenerating into... a cesspool?

The only thing that goes in is rubbish. Therefor no one comes here, no one comes, Im less motivated to blog properly, and yea. C E S S P O O L, haha- Im insane. Must be the fever...

Quote of e Post:
Under the sun, Under the Moon...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I WIll Go

I got a letter. From MINDEF, in a nice bright and orange background. I love orange. but I am going off my point. Its the NX registration form- how time flies, it is so scary, my gosh I dont want to grow up. Reality Bites--

I thinkIm running a fever but I don't know- Just 2 days before chinese new year? You've got to be kiddig me- this just wont do. I know it won't heal if I leave it alone, but then again im not sure if im really running a fever or nuts. I have a sore throat too, oh dang, Hope it isn't just like the last time- *runs off to eat fever control medicine and fruits*

Hmm, doing Math Tutorial now, its not that tough but that aching pain just makes everything tough... I should'nt even be online =.= So much to do, Merits, Schwork, Personal interests... and God, yea a highly oft neglected factor. Where is all my resolution?

We did poetry for literature today, here's my works ^_^

We're down to our last straw
They number legions or more
As I looked on I swore
At the futility of war

Four rhyming lines, not bad for a first try I must say so myself, here another structured one~

Scampering, chirps
Vines, fruit, seeds
strength, growth

Another structured one...

consuming, impatient
Gnashing, crusing, smothered, regret

Isn't it easy? Poems need not rhyme, these employ imagery- the words makes you feel like you're there, in that situation, it arouses feelings in you, and like the name implies, images, pictures, flashing through your mind. How fun-

Im feelin worse now, having a fever bites, and everyone is out. If I tell them they will just berate me for my late nights asying I brought it upon myself. If I dont, when it gets out of hand they'll ask why I didn't tell them earlier. right. Pain--

Quote of e Post:
As we humble ourselves, seek Your ways, fall on our knees, turn from our ways--

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Everytime i try to post I have to stop halfway and then the net moment I realise it is time for bed- so yea, haven't been posting much. So yes, we have our classes, the CG therefore meets much less now, mostly in between lessons and such-

Oh yea, today we all celebrated XueYi's birthdat after school. Haha, the CG is still together, doubtless, even Shawn is growing closer (kind of I think) Really, the CG seems more like family then my CT will ever be... I wonder hoe 1A02 will turn out- We have the highly enlightened, the oblivious, the clique huggers, the experienced, the self absorbed, the know it all and the apathetic. Well mixed-

Those who poisoned their older brother with insecticide, set fire to their house making a campfire indoors, admire Ayumi Hamazaki, thinks Paris Hilton is an immoral woman (me too), can't live without pineapple tarts, who- I just can't rememeber. There is so much to think through- new people, new start all over again. You know what? I didn't blow it when I first met my OG, we're all friends now. but with 1A02? Boom-

Crud is the word.

The classes have been fun, kind of. Although I dont know anyone, the lessons themselves have enough content to keep me alive, maybe except econs, which is really pushing the limits of my "not sleeping in class" thing- Alright, Ive already broken that in lecture today... I mean hey, economics is really boring- even though they try to spice it up, you must admit it right?

I've become us again. The me in school, the me at home, the me at cell. Why am I blogging these thoughts? I have never done so, isnt "maintaining my image" always a piority? I supposed to be smooth and good with talking. Im supposed to be proud and take pride that I overcame unsumountable odds and made it as top 20% of the cohort into jc. I admire Singapore and countries like her eg. Israel because they overcame great odds. Im proud and glad to be safe in Singapore.

Then why does it feel like I have failed?

Quote of e Post:
I want to know, the meaning of peace and love~

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Pro Tour

Alright, so being part of a new CCA isn't so hot. There are very few people and the "seniors"/"founders" are disorientated and very, very lost. Learning proper will only start next week, we spent the whole day playing "orientation" type games. Very horrid especially when there not everyone is "on". Urh- concentration =x

Push that aside

We've got our timetables along with our classes, Im in 06 1A02, and while in the science course the ratio of males to females per class generally range from 1:1 (abount 13 guys to like 11 girls or something along those lines) in arts the balance in way skewered! In 1A02 especially with 26 people (alot compared to other CGs) there are only 6 guys and 20 girls. *stunned silence* and a touch of what may count as racism for the sensitive. There are alot of indians/malays =.= I think it has something to do with literature... Overall this does not bode well... Im going to severely miss my OG! *sniff*

Im really enjoying classes. Really, even geography now :) I mean hey, how many of you even heard of the Aleutian Islands? Or know where the Ascention Islands are huh? (I was going to use the deep sea trenches but heck, they are all named after the areas they are near eg. who can guess where the Phillipines Trench is? See? Bleh) Oh and with some help Ive managed to spot Isreal on the map... I have renewed respect for that tiny country :)

Yes, the Os and the As do crazy things to some people. They begin to crack, they threathen to crack, they really crack and have a breakdown. It's not funny, the tension and pressure is so hot it makes you feel like you are burning up even in the heavy early year rains and chilling winds. The people around you seem threathening, everything is threathening, tutorial, TYS, thunderbolt, trash can (im on a limb here) same thing, scary stuff. Relax, breathe, dont forget to breathe, and dont blank out and forget your IC or centre number. Relax. Dont worry, we still love you, at least I know I do.

=1 what a cute smiley ^_^ Haha... (Z->)90-(E-N2W)90t=1 3-ZN!! Dont get it? Dont owrry, you shouldn't and yes now I do get it (finally) Haha, Im mental. loveing SR to bitts

Quote of e Post:
Dont want to hate you, Dont want to fight you
You know I'll always love you but right now I just dont like you...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Coming Through

Remember a week back or so? The major event was subject combination choosing. Yeps, and the results are out. - *deep breath* I GOT IT!! Thanks for everyone who have been praying and obviously, glory to God, who is big enough to make the impossible possible. And this was impossible.

Anyway, now the combination is like this. Econs, Lit and Geog for H2 and Math for H1. Alright, I'm grateful, I'm very grateful and satisfied, but- yes humans have unlimited wants, I know, Im crazy quoting subjects everywhere, but dont interrupt me, not yet shoo *smacks hand of interrupting invisible reader*- but after taking a few lectures ith hs become very obvious-

History is far more fun then Geography
!! Probably because Ive taken geography but not history before and I ahve some great lack of prior knowledge about natural geography. I mean, deep sea shelves and deserts? That's really dry (no pun intended), now Id much rather learn about the cold war and how the US of A took potshots with the USSR throughout the 1900s. About the various wars and such, about Stalin and Truman, about the revolutions and evolutions (just to make it rhyme ok?) and such.

Pfft. Humans indeed do have unlimited wants, but we can't change combinations- so yes, guess I'll go dig up my old atlas buried somewhere in my room *blows dust off* and, take geography. Even though Histroy is more interesting, practical and impressive. Knowing political stuff is more impressive, imagine this, at a party they are having sophisticated talk and commenting on maybe, the recent Iraq War. Which sounds more relevant, the prior clash ie. the Gulf War or the terrain and climate of Iraq?? Or maybe my focus is screwed...

Oh yes, CCA kicks off tomorrow- Heehee, Music Society eh? Why did you ask? I have come up with answers haha!
1. Because I want to try something new
Just because Im a failure at music in primary school (not knowing how to work a recorder) and lower secondary (partially due to the recorder and the inability to read notes) does not mean Im doomed to shun it! I enjoy listening, so what stops me from making some? We all have to learn...
2.Because it is cool- to me
How often do you get to LEARN to play AND have a chance to compose something of your own? Sure, this is only first three months, and we won't get much work done, and in case we do? I might be stickiking around :)
3. And finally, Because it is a counduct for feelings
What? Cheem sia... Yes I already have my blog and I can write, but this is a different way of expression, plus inspiration strikes the wierdest chords, sometimes in ways words cannot express.

Oh and there is dance tomorrow to... dang =.= I haven't practiced and I have clean forgotten all my moves... this is very bad. Oh well. Dropping off here, I need to go prepare a few more sets of uniforms for the coming weeks. Bye!

Quote of e Post:
Nothing is Impossible

Saturday, January 14, 2006


My title today has NOTHING to do withmy entry xD

Yesterday was a cool day. It was the only day this entire week it didn't rain! And I got home dry, shoes included. And it didn't hurt that the next day would be a saturday. But It did hurt that we got a geography reading assignment and some chinese thing that I can't remeber what to do with.

The "region gathering" was in fact the youth "Vision Friday" somewhat like vision sunday but on friday. Uh ok, that was wierd. Great job Reuben! You sure can lead worship well ^_^ Yes, it is never-wrecking bout you'll get used to it!

Yowza, subject combinations are supposed to be out by this week. Wednesday latest, because the temporary timetable ends there ^_^ *shiverS* The hiphop dance and chinese lessons are rubbing me the wrong way. The horror, the horror! (remembers sec 3 dance thing) Brrrr... it's cold in here...

I am stuck, forgot what I was about to blog about LoL so I end here.

Someone asked me, "You look lost, are you alright?" to which I replied "I'm fine". How can I be lost? To be lostwould be to have gone off the way you know and be stuck in a unfamiliar situation, however, I have never found my way to begin with so I dont qualify for -lost- ...

Quote of e Post:
I have journeyed where none have been before. Now I return to ensure that none follow.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


List your current six favo(u)rite songs and then tag six other people to do the same in their journal/blog/whatever.

(not in any particular order)
1. I so Hate Consequences - Relient K
2. Lost in Emotion - LisaLisa and Cult Jam
3. Aitai~ Love theme from Kita-he Diamond Dust Drops
4. Superman - Five by Fighting
5. Tsuki no Curse - Okina Reiko
6. What the World will Never Take - United Live

Quite la, ok? I just had to glace at my mp3 player's most plyed songs can liao xD

I tag
1. Wei Xin, for the hell of it
2. The community! Come on everyone...
3. Paula :D
4. Sylvia (heh, if you read this...)
5. Dilys (And all other HG2T ppl)
6. You! reading this!

Haha, im just bored :P Lectures today were fun. Today had H2 litreature, once again they started off with a quiz, this time, specifically on Shakespeare. Didnt do any better, in fact, I did a little bit worse haha. Need to read up... Anyone have Othello, Pride and Prejudice and King Lear in particular to lend me? I need those 3 books desperately ASAP, thanks.

Gp is tough, yes, but intresting, dont you think so? Now to re-program your mind to quit looking for answers... :P A short one today, got to go look some stuff up on My William Shakespeare

Quote of E post:
Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furry, signifying nothing." - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

-I so Hate Consequences-

Jc life is good, it is fun, fast paced and slightly (for now, to increase soon) taxing. Lessons, or more accurately lectures have begun and I have by now in these two days plus the orientation, seen Lecture Theaters 1,3,4 and 5. Why not two? Rumors have it (and it is quite true by the amount of assurances I get it is irritating now) in LT 2 there is a grand piano, I so seek to see it, but I digress.

Ive taken quite a few lectures inclusive of GP (horrifying), Chinese (as per usual, hopeless), H1 Math (I know what he's saying at least) and finally for the fun of it, I slipped into a H1 Literature class. It was horrifying. To start off the session we all took a mini quiz to test how much we knew about literature. The results (which I will omit) are appalling. In light of recent events I realised I am woefully inadequate in terms of knowledge of literature's various famous figures and symbols.

Questions on Beowulf, Jane Eyre, William Blake, Adrinne Rich, Shakespearean sonnets (this one I remembered from sec3 thankfully), A Midsummer's Night Dream, Measure for Measure (if you are lost now, dont feel bad, I felt just the same. If you don't help me out will you?) and other various poems, poets, prose, authors and plays and whatnot fle wover my head. Even though I didnt do that badly... 3/6 on the "History of Literature" mcq, 3/5 on the open ended "Name the Author", and finally 2/4 on the "Name the works of Shakespeare" But, I dont feel that I have passed myself. I am disappointed, meaning Im going to delve deeply intop research. My knowledge is woefully inadequate.

How horrible. After all the things I wrote in that letter about being well equipped, all that confidence was drained flat in half an hour. At least the teachers are nice and not taunting like that GP byatch. This is no roadblock, not for now. Tomorrow will be the first H2 literature lecture, lets see if they try to run the same quiz again. It would prove fun, especially in light of English Week, oh yes it will. I'll note that down and look forward to it- btw (if, remember IF) if I make it into a combi with literature, I will automatically become part of the Drama Club. That brings us to our next topic...

Today was CCA open house day! I almost didnt go because *coughcough* thebegammaplannedtoponthewholetwohourthingandgoonanouting *cough* but we went for the open house anyway :) What did I sign up for? Umm this is going to sound VERY dumb.. I joined.... STUDENT COUNCIL! Just kidding =P Haha, but I almost did out of lack of things that interest me, in fact I may still consider. Having only 3 months there at best, why not try something I have never tried before? Step out into the spotlight and take lead. I am abit sick of following incompetence... But who am I to speak when I have never faced down the things they've faced? Once again, I digress...

Oh wait, I'm off point again. I joined Music Society. *deathly silence* *Inward screams* What were you thinking?! You can't do music... you you... wait, What is the Music Society? *ahem* The music society is for people to appreciate, compose and maybe paly a little music, and it is the keyboard *silences the oncoming flood of rants again* We'll see how this turns out, I wanted to try something Ive never tried. Ive shunned music as far as I could because I thought I sucked at it big time, maybe now things have changed. Maybe.

Ive got to drop off now, before I go, here's a song I have stuck in my head for some days :)

[I so Hate Consequences]

And I'm good, good, good to go
And I'm good, good, good to go
I got to get away

Get away from all of my mistakes
And I'm good, good, good to go
And I'm good, good, good to go
I got to get away

Get away from all of my mistakes
So here I sit looking at the traffic lights
The red extinguishes the hope that the green ignites
I want to run away I want to ditch my life
Cause all of my mistakes keep me awake at night

And after all of my alibis desert me
I just want to get by
I don’t want nothing to hurt me
I had no idea where my head was at
But if my heart says I’m sorry can we leave it at that
Because I just want for all of this to end

And I so hate consequences
And running from you is what my best defense is
Oh God, don’t make me face up to this
And I so hate consequences
And running from you is what my best defense is
Cause I know that I let you down
And I don’t want to deal with that

It just now hit me this is more than just a set back
And when you spelled it out, well, I guess I didn’t get that
And every trace of momentum is gone
And this isn’t turning out the way I want

And after all of my alibis desert me
I just want to get by
I don’t want nothing to hurt me
I had no idea where my head was at
But if my heart says I’m sorry can we leave it at that
Because I just want for all of this to end

And I spent all last night
Tearing down
Every stoplight
And stop sign in this town
Now I think there might
Be no way to stop me now
I'll get away despite
The fact I’m so weighed down

All of my escapes have been exhausted
I thought I had a way but then I lost it
And my resistance was once much stronger
And I know I can't go on like this much longer

When I got tired of running from you
I stopped right there to catch my breath
There your words they caught my ears
You said, “I miss you son. Come home”
And my sins, they watched me leave
And in my heart I so believed
The love you felt for me was mine
The love I’d wished for all this time
And when the doors were closed
I heard no I told so’s
I said the words I knew you knew
Oh God, Oh God I needed you
God all this time I needed you, I needed you

And I so hate consequences
And running from you is what my best defense is
I hate these consequences
Because I know that I let you down
Now I don't wanna deal with that
Signing off!

Quote of e Post:
The red extinguishes the hope that the green ignites...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Starving Artist

I'm exceptionally artistic! Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com.

Oops, haha I forgot to put the analysis haha- here it is ^_^

Virtues: You look for immense creativity and individuality in people, including yourself. You're not happy with anything less than brilliant, and you focus on being expressive. You value energy, liveliness, and upbeat personalities, but you're not supportive of moodiness when you yourself can be unreliably moody. Seeking activity, you like the bustle of business but need the secluded atmosphere of a studio or private corner.

Aspirations: You feel the need to express your talents, whether it be through writing, drawing, singing, dancing, composing, performing, or photographing. While you strive to ever improve your work, you want to display it as soon as possible when your impatience kicks in. You want to be a prodigy but you might not have the means right at your fingertips. Trust me, do NOT move to New York to do it. Yeesh!

Quirks: Conformists bother you because of their lack of individuality. You're often late or unreliable. You're showy and refuse to share the spotlight. You only tell little white lies. You worm your way into the hearts of others, but be careful; some people despise the show-offs.

Factors: Surround yourself with activity and you'll always have material to work with. Involve friends and family in your projects so they don't feel like envious outsiders.

Future: Show business or not, you'll settle down happily if you're among those who appreciate your natural talents and desire to perform. Don't stay in one place too long, and don't be too hasty in defining your relationships. Who are you to judge what only time will tell?

Aww man! Im a artist haha-

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sky high- (not the dumb movie)

Wow, today was the last day of orientation. So fun- and so super shiok :) The last and longest day of orientation because of the campfire ^_^ It was awesomely, awesome ok? Id have given up almost anything to re-live these four days again, no joke.

The day started off with more serious stuff about combinations and such, that really got my feelings at some record low until after that and lunch when we rejoined our groups, I just lost myself in the passion and life of orientation, silently, secretly, I love my OG to bits, even though they might be quiet like umm maybe Gerald (This time he IS pronounced like that Soccer player :D) but they release strength and support without you noticing it.

Im also glad for my OGLs, Ching Wa and Seng Peng/Kross, they are great people, giving up their time (remember it's their A level year) for us, for this OG and also for the rest of Thebes, there is no "I" in "team".

At the end of yesterday Thebes was second behind Corinth, our bitter rivals xD And so we were very motivated to push on in today's games and cheering- and we did! Thebes Gamma was OWNING! (a small Dota reference) out of 8 games over the course of the orientation we won 5, got draws in 2 and only lost ONE! Today was cool also because one of the games was, egg drop xD and having played this SO many times be it in camp or rangers or anywhere else need I say? Gamma's egg was whole and perfect, half the credit goes to our PL Tammy who suggested the parachute. This is the FIRST time a parachute really helped (it fell super slowly) And we were the ONLY group whose egg did not break that day- the combination of layering/cusioning with straws and a parachute kept the victory in the bag.

Corinth has this AWFULLY great cheer they use to no end it goes like this...

Girls/OGLs: Strawberry Shortcake!
Guys/OGLs: Blueberry Pie!
All: V I C T O R Y, victory victory is our cry!

(PS. If i ever become leader of any groups or such, im sure to use this, it rhymes great and sounds really impressive) What to do when our rivals have a killer cheer? We taunt them! Thebes came up with a cheer using the SAME tune :) a direct parody of theirs-

Banana Ice-cream!
Durian cake!
Thebens Thebens Fight Fight Fight!

Haha, you should have seen the looks on their faces, it was like they got a smack in the jaw ^_^ Thebes has ATTITUDE ok? From "Thebes what? Whatever!" to "Seek Attention" we slowly beat Corinth down down and down. their rival Delphi, was no help at all to them and in the end Corinth turned on thier only ally right at the end but the attack never took off.

Anyway so we won our games (awesome) and back in the hall for mass dance but wait! I went to the toilet and when I returned I found the hall in PAirs?! They were going to do the college dance! My-gosh I love it! (kind of, also it is less messy then the mass dance) But sadly I was left paired with some guy in my group as we came back
"late". We finished learning the mass dance today, pretty hot stuff, but very fun.

After which was dinner, oh my gosh, the budget must be pretty bad but hey, I'm not really complaining, thanks for the green tea ^_^ After that out for the campfire! All the skits rocked and I especially liked Delphi's who did a dance to the song "That Thing You Do" and our own skit was more impressive then I expected it to be, the "Ugliest man" part was priceless xD "Good job Corinth!" Then it began to rain, into the hall we go!

A series of technical maladies plauged Iza (is that his name?) and he couldn't talk xD Haha, the mike hates him. To "drag" time, each group got a few pairs up on stage to do the- COLLEGE DANCE! And the floor pretty much joined it once it began, OGLs first then the groups, great fun, once again, with a guy (sigh) the atmosphere got so high you could FEEL it in the air. Then comes the announcements...

Needless to say from my tone- THEBES WON! THEBES WON! It was priceless. Because third was Delphi, 2nd Sparta and we were like "Huh?" Yesterday 1st was Corinth and us was 2nd so today the gap jump so much?? First was either us or Corinth, though we had confidence in our points, the newly revealed positions shook my faith a little but when the announcement came out, there was no silence from Thebes for almost a good 5 minutes, no kidding, cheer after cheer followed by whoops, cheers from other teams and replies. I almost vomited by pushing my aching sore throat hoarse so I missed out in one cheer but hey we won! WOOOO Highness like dont know what =D

Still high, eh, tomorrow have camp again? LoL Cant remember, everything seems to pale in comparison. Like I said above, Id give almost anything to live those 4 days again.

Quote of e Post:
Banana Icecream!~

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Its a rainy day again. Tomorrow is the last day of orientation and along with that comes a slew of new problems. Like subject combinations. My phathetic subject combination at sec 4 wont allow me any courses in Jc. At first there seemed to be come hope to take lit again. Until the new "ministry regulations" shot that down to dust.

Now I'm stuck. Temporarily the school has "made" a combination for those like me who are "courseless", difference being, they failed the required subjects but I didnt even take those subjects so even during JAE, if they do better they can still go to Jc but for me. No such luck without the required subjects to be taken at O level standard. I might have to ulp-

Go to Poly!

What a horrifying thought. Ok not really- Ok it is. Ive just focused on going to JC all my life I didnt even give the thought of going to poly any thought, you can almost say my "life plan" just went down the drain. Say, wasn't there a sermon recently about NOT having life plans but letting God take control? Maybe this is say, God's way of telling me, "Hey! Your time is over, you've messed up enough, let me-"

I dont know

Quote of e Post:
I’m giving up on doing this alone now
Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Lost in Emotion

Day two passed in a flash- less all round shyness and more fun and co-operation within the teams and OG. And one simple realisation, if we stick together, as a team that is and ignore ourselves but think more on a group level we can do ANYTHING. Games today were meant for us to get dirty but hey- if we get wet/dirty we all get wet/dirty together, and we win games xD

No more college dance, not that everyone is complaining (ahem- cough cough) and now for the next three days we are learning the mass dance, a confusing mix of steps and moves that got everyone huh? Asking the councillors we discovered they mastered it (mastered as in able to execute the whole thing accurately without reference in time with the music and all) in a week or two- wait a sec and we get three days?? =.=U But it is very funny to watch everyone try to dance haha- the guys (me included) are almost half hopeless.

The song used was "lose control" for the mass dance, now if you know that song, think it through and see how fast the pace is, then go "My gosh" and laugh. Now compared to "Lost in Emotion" for the college dance that was hyper fast- woosh. Did I mention the OGLs know it too haha, not helping.

Then moving on to more serious stuff, today was our first of our combination talks. Its so odd, because I filled in my PAE form haphazardly and I was accepted into the science stream even though I CAN'T be in that stream so when the whole OG (Thebes Gamma) was having their talk along with all the other groups who took science I was packed along with Thebes Alpha and a bundle of other pupils (about 50 odd or so) and herded into a Lecture Hall and in 30 mins we were given a brief explaination about the H2 and H1 thing along with the combinations offered. And here's the sobering part

I cant get into any of the combinations. Stunned? Yes- very. I cant take any combinations with H2 Art cos that needs O level art, nor Maths at H2 levels cos that requires a O level A math pass, and I dont take A math. The biggest blow fell when I also couldn't tke Lit as that needed a Combined Humanities score of B4 or better, that was the only condition I saw, and I got a A2 by the way BUT they also tacked on a required pass in O level lit and I dont take Lit no more! Because of being repeat thus I dont reall have my choice of courses- seriously, PoA and D&T are worth crap in JC la!

Now Im very sad, very very, but I'll try to take Lit because they said I can try to ask by presenting my English marks to show that I'm competent in language and if need be I'll show up my sec 3 Lit marks along with a letter from Miss Kodi if need be. I do hope I can take Lit, I've been looking forward to this SO MUCH! It's been my mini consolation since I have been unable to take Lit when I retook sec 3, that I can always pick it up again at Jc level, I do so hope it passes through, please pray for me!

Starting tomorrow and Friday we are going on to heavy stuff, actual deep assesments of the different subjects so we can make a wise choice come Monday (or was that Friday?) Anyway, orientation ends on Friday and it is 100% confirmed the OG will split up because of the Arts/Science thing (for me at least) *knocks head* Why was I so dumb to put Science =.= Sure we got a cool ass kicking OG but I have to leave them all behind, it only makes it so much more painful. I just hope I have proper classmates and can make great friends, and favour in the tutor's eyes of course-

There off my chest, even the weather mourned with me, it was raining on the way home and my umbrella is broken so I walked hom in the rain. Quite refreshing and cooling, then when you dont mind the raindrops and ignore the fact you are getting drenched, and look up to the sky, you feel so small, along with your little petty troubles and worries. God provides, always, I will trust Him. Like my nick I will remember, "above all, I live for Your glory".

Quote of e Post:
"Lost in emotion, I can't redeem it"

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Thebes (ɣ) Gamma

Heyas!! Whooo- first day of school, so fun :P Orientation is very very fun if you bother to participate and not be too shy. Alot of living stones haha, not in a good way as in like they dont cheer, dont run in games, dont shout bleagh- quite sad, then again, I've shouted myself hoarse.

We started out getting sorted into orientation groups (OG from now on) namely Athens, Corinth (where Corinthians was written if im not wrong, Delphi, Spartha and finally Thebes. I am a Thebeian (cant spell it haha!) and each OG has 6 smaller groups, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, elipson and zeta. Greeky stuff ^_^ Thebes is excellent in games ok?

I'm in Thebes Gamma for those who want to know- and oh oh! Each OG (big ones) has their own identity. Spartha has a wristband (a cloth with the words Spartha written on it) thats very clear, I think Delphi has a name tag thing of sorts with a picture I could never get a chance to see but Thebes is RICH ok? Look at what WE got ^_^

So nice right? They actually painted it, printed it and got it made into badges, solid :) and these are actually quality badges, like the kind your school gives out to those who finish like top 50 in the school cross country or something k? Anyway, we got our groups, Thebes Gamma has 19 people, not including 2 OGLs (leaders) and a OG tutor. She is a PE teacher, reminds me alot of Miss Ming but more friendly and yes quite flustered the whole day haha-

Our OGLs very crap la, those two guys. Dont tell us their name, told us to call them "Handsome" and "Not so Handsome" =.=U lame right? Nevermind, noticeboard have their names haha, but those names were cool when we played Whacko- one of the orentation/ice breaker games, good thing I know the game (It was double whacko la) and some people's names were really easy to remember, someone sabo me but I was quick and didnt have to run around (The cricle was so small a quick lunge and I could sit down again teehee) Im happy to have a name that is tough to pronounce, whacko so seng nang (relaxing) sit down and slack until my partner (behind me) told people to call out my name so he could play Haha!

Then we played treasue hunt, wa I tell you those councillors all bully thebes. Thebe's clues all hidden here and there, other teams easier to find. Then we learnt that in som previous event (Orientation camp or something) Thebes was the best group =.= So we got great leaders ^_^ so its harder for us =.= and guess what? The first three places went to Thebes Beta, Gamma and another Thebes group respectively ^_^ Wahaha.

Oh yesh- Thebes has an alliance with Spartha and Athens, leaving Corinth and Delphi to work things out, they have dubbed themselves since who knows when the Cor-phi (Coffee) we? Are just the Alliance :) Its great to be on the 0wning side.

Oh, must mention the college dance. Wa so crap la! They just lined everyone up into two rows (guys and girls) and there's your partner for the college dance =.= The steps are alright quite easy to follow once you get the hang of it- but I lost myself halfway, no matter, my partner was lost too xD At first we were not too keen but I told her to treat this as an "occupational hazard". Now, if only I could find the song they used for the dance... :D We also learnt the school song (ok la, not as corny as Peicai's and abit longer)

OH yes, the principal looks like she was carved of stone, trained to teach in a boot camp and taught to talk in a orc encampment. And her name sounds very funny too, she had a horrid habit of talking to herself INTO the microphone and losing her train of tought. Haha- nevermind, old people are like that xD Then we met the two vice principals, one for academic issues the other for other general issues. Can't remember their names =x

Oh, and everyone flashback 2 years back to sec 3E, remember this psycho PE teacher? Seems like he LEFT Peicai and JOINED SRJC =.= I hope I dont get him for my PE teacher... Ok ok I'm done for today, more fun tomorrow- it's GAMES day! ^_^ And we are going to get -WET- for sure. Sounds fun :P

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Discere Servire