Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Today's Concert Got Me Thinking...

I decided to do away with the date things... they SUCK! And they are boring too ^^ Anyway today is the eve of teachers day. After watching the concert at school I just went straight home. Met Gibson Soh on the way home, NOT a good walking companinon, kept singing stupid gang songs riddled with expletives, good thing I mangaed to drop him halfway... simple minded fool.

Anyway, that concert wasnt too bad but im sorry,... The band... Your "Reason" sucked. First, you forgot your lyrics halfway. Second, You sang out of tune, Third, You SCREECHED! I almost had to cover my ears to stop them from going bust! But I commend your bravery for daring to go up on stage, they may boo you but I dont see them up there doing BETTER! Great job people!

Then there was that performance by the Band of Brothers, Im sad to say their singing was just BAD. Especially that guy in the middle (the guy who always asks the police ppl who make assembly speeches perverted questions). Oh well, I kinda enjoyed.. LAUGHING my ass out listening to them try to belt out those westlife songs. Excellent job to our own Singapore Idol hopeful (even though i can see WHY you didnt make it ...) Try harder next time k? Put Peicai on the MAP!

I JUST realised after typing so much athat my "delete" key is not working.... very uncomfortable and unnatural not to use delete...

Anyway, the malay girls put on a flawless performance, however there is much to be desired from the other two groups... The first group of Girl Guides (I think) were pretty good, they just lacked that bit of practice (ok not that bit, that LOT) and coordination, the two girls at the most outer left and right sides were struggling to keep up, constantly glancing sideways to gain confirmation of thier actions. Also, they dressed kinda unappropriately, hey I bet the councillors were having a great time looking at them "zhao geng" while they twirled and swished on stage. Next is the bomber... I expected so much when Ying Ping first burst out from those pink curtains with her white top and long dual pink coloured skirt looking like a picture taken from some dream holiday travel magazine right off the page looking like a beautiful goddess... ok enough about that basically it was a letdown. First, Genevie should be decked out in the same dress kind as the Fazelah and YP! Second, they had a few co-ordination problems, not as many as the Girl Guides group but more obvious and much much more devastating.

Anyhoo, i think they all have done extremly well considerin that the graduating classes are having their prelims soon and they really really need that time to study. Keep on k? ^_^

Last night, I made "first contact" with you know who... it wasnt too long cos my half-wit father shooed me off to go and do something. We talked about anything the conversation steered us too, but i gave many openings, asking questions. Very scary when I learnt that the Perfect 10 was such a popular radio station amongst our peers... good thing that ONE IMPORTANT dedication was not heard or I would'nt be able to sit here and talk about this now. When I returned later I was surprised to still find em around, then we talked some more, still random stuff... but more personal having set down a sort of foundation to talk about more solid things like likes and dislikes, tastes in music and stuff. Hope that there's more to come, I throughly ejoyed that talk and learned alot from it, hope I can progress but still looks too hard given the circumstances... but at least now, there is HOPE.

Now, im gonna post an apology to anyone who was offended by my previous post, I was abit ruffled that morning and had a bone to pick with someone, not the best of moods so to say, so yeah, Im really sorry. I will not take it down though, after all, it breaks no rules (except my own...)

Ok thats all for now... Just need to take time and plan for the future... wonder how life will turn out however... check out my quote of the post. Cya! ^_^

Quote of the post:
Life is not ruled by luck, and if it is, then I will make MY LUCK. Go and grasp what you want, it will not fall into your handson its own.

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