Thursday, August 12, 2004

11th August, Wednesday

Oh my... I have not updated for soooooo.... long. 4 days, Oh well at least this way I will have plenty to write about ^_^ This was a very depressing week, yet uplifting, conflicting? You bet!

School re-opened today after the extended weekend. Thank goodnes I have finished bulk of my homework so no teacher has any reason to get on my case. Bad news, I just found out that Mr Maxx (one x or two?) our school librarian passed away on Monday. I don't have any relation with him or anything, in fact I don't even know him but the rest of the school is cracking up. Even though I do not know him, when someone dies it should be natural to feel sad but I didn't. It was just like any other announcement during assembly before we return to class to begin lessons. I was not a bit sad or updet, heck, I don't even feel guilty. Although I volunteered to go for the funeral this afternoon I didn't turn up. Why care for someone I know nuts about? I know this sounds really selfish and mean but even if I went you cannot expet me to force a pained look of loss right? To me, death is just a part and parcel of life, if he dies just let him go I say.

Moving on, the extended weekend was one of the wierdest weekends I've lived through. On monday, something miraculous happened, ok not one thing, two things! First, my dad actually allowed me to go out on National Day when he was home. Next, when asked he allowed me to stay out late!! (I returned home at around 11:30pm) Final surprise was that he did not so much so as complain!

Upon invitation, i had gone with Shan An, his Sis, Andy and one of Csa's neighbours. We went to Wild, Wild, Wet and I was surprised to find that the rides there were not a bit scary, in fact they were very short and slow so much so it was a bit boring. The most interesting I did was walk against the strong currents at the "Lazy Pool" thingy. Oh, the whole place is SOOOOO much smaller than Fantasy Island and SOOOOO much worse. Oh well, what's gone is gone, never to be regained.

We spent the whole day there (majority on queueing) after that we went for dinner at Mirina Bay (It is like this wide open space with a few lines of restaurants and shops across the road at the edge) The offer sounded too good to be true! $10 per person free flow of Barbecue and Steamboad ingredients, free chilli crab + cooked food and if you went in pax of 5 or more you got a free small bottle of non-alcoholic champagne, the store boasted excellent view of the fireworks. Too good to be true? Not at all, it was just as advertised... I made a few new friends that night... for one i met Shan An's nighbour. He is a magician and OMG is he good... no matter how many times I see his tricks it still leaves me dazzled and asking for more.

On tuesday I used whatever remaining cash I had left to go out with Matthias (Lets just call him matt) We went to J8 to catch a movie and somehow ended up catching two! (Making both of us broke!) First we watched The Village.... I tell you if I ever see M. Night Shamalan I will rip his shamy hide out and tie it around his night! It was NOT a horror movie... Heck it was more romance than horror. I'm not gonna give any spoilers away but just a word of caution, your money can be put to better use and do not expect anything scary. Second movie we watched was I, Robot oh myy... compared to The Village it was sooo good! even though it got bad reviews from the papers and stuff it was real nice. What if one day we actually develop these things? You can be sure I will have my doubts about hiring one ^_^

Oh well, I have more to write but I've forgotten what about -_- E-mail me at if you want to know FULL SPOILERS about The Village or T, Robot k?

G'bye , Ja Ne , Syonara , Zai Jian

I Run, From Life, From People, From Hardships, From Problems, From Friends, From Familiar Faces, From Love, From Myself. For Running is easier than figuring out what else to do - solve problems it may not, but life will always have problems. Yet, I can't run forever. I have stopped running, why don't you

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