Friday, August 27, 2004

27th August, Friday

Whoopie ^_^ Weekends again! *dances a happy little jig* Bleagh, bloogin once evey two days again... now I can't rememebr if anything worth rememering happened yesterday... OH well onto today's post!

NEW NEWS! Mrs Chan WILL NOT be leaving our class as she said after the one week holidays but in fact she is just going to go off for the enxt two weeks to help mark the N-Level chinese scripts ^^ So while it is TRUE that a new teacher will be coming in after our one week September holidays, it is NOT TRUE that she is leaving us for good this year... im not sure about the next.

Im supre hyper mode today! Whoopie! First the weekends are here and it is only one week more to the holidays! Secondly, out of that one week one day will be taken up for teacher's day! Thirdly a small preview of our CA2 results ahve given me AT LEAST 2 A1s to fall on being english and PoA, the other two subjects I got A1 for is Chemistry and Social Studies however those are combined and Im not too confident about geography, im bery very confident about my physics (boring it may be). With practically 3 A1s under my belt what can go wrong?

Too many things, for one, My chinese is bound to fail this term!! boo hoo (blame me for not doing my holiday homework at the end of last year) and im not too confident about my Math amrks either... Sure I did well in all those class tests and things but something still bugs me, If the math marks were based purely on the class tests... I only did well in the last few, those earlier ones were quite disasterous ^_^

BAD BAD NEWS! We have a new Social Studies teacher! (Nooo! Mr Paul! Don't Leave Us!!) She is called Miss Joy and now we all know the reason why... SHE NEEDS HELL LOT OF IT! Another Indian (not racist) teacher is fine but her face is longer and blacker than a 1000 year cultivated papaya that is rotting. Looking stern and angry all the time no wonder she is called Joy, or the lack of it!

Im wondering what to do on teacher's day this year, cards are quite the waste of money. Even if it is only a dollar or two each, when it all adds up.. to quote Neo from The Matrix series... Woah... You get the picture. So im stuck, last year I too did not give out any teacher's day gifts of any kind because I was ummm.... Busy yea, LAst yearwas a very very busy year for me. But I want to thank the school for letting me have a second chance, after all Dragon competition is very fierce and I, being not quite the agressive and competitive guy will surely be left to eat thier dust. But this year, IM back and I will not fail again, HELL NO. Even Lee Lin is putting in much effort! I saw her buried in a physics 10 year's series just today during recess when ever she is not putting something in her mouth ^_^

Anyhoo, wondering what to do with the one week holidays? Fret not! The school will eat it all up for you ^_^ On wednesday I must go bac k all morning for Chinese Oral, On friday it will be English oral... on the topic of english Oral... IF not for me missing this last year I would be cramming for my Os now, but looking at my last year's performance even if I went up to sec 4 I would fail my Os FLAT so yeah. Im grateful for my second shot.

Im going to be dead in about 3 hours time. (Now is 4:30 pm) I was supposed to do worship TODAY and give the sings to Jean by Tuesday but I totally forgot to do so and I've just compiled it now... Oh boy they will slaughter me with the responsibility speech again... *grabs a bunch of ear plugs* Better get prepared first ^_^

Oh well thats all for this post, loggin off now! and not forgetting...

Quote of the day:
Ever felt like you were dreaming?
Just to find that You're awake?
And the magic that surrounds you,
Can lift you up and Guide your way...

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