Sunday, August 22, 2004

22nd August, Sunday

Actually this is supposed to be on Saturday 22/8 but it IS past midnight so it is officially sunday.. yeah. What a lame way to start... lame ol me, lame ol way. The weekend is darn boring, nothing happens, I hear no gossip, I find nothing to criticize, I have too much time on my hands.

I aspire to be like Cheryl... not in all ways but in the way that she practically updates EVERYDAY! If not then maximum of one in two or three days. I wish I chould do that ^_^ Lets start out by wishing all my Ex-Class and Levelmates good luck on your O-Levels. This is an important time of your lives and I will not stand for it if I find anyone accompanying me next year. Our dragon batch seems to be brighter than our later batch, brighter as in more logical with more common sense, I don't know when it started but my mind has started becoming lessa ctive or something... I couldnt spell proportionate (I think it is wrong again -_-) when I wanted to and I was so stunned. What am I to do? I need to invigorate my mind... force myself to think, HARD. I'll find a way ^_^

I don't know, since when, My mind and body have been drifting apart. When something sad or hurtful happens my mind is like an independent body, watching, thinking, "that is not me". Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know maybe it is good, being unable to be hurt anymore.. then again it may just be like a cracking den, holding the torrents back temporarily, giving me a false sense of security. When the dam breaks I will be washed away and finally left high and dry again, all by myself.

I've been trying to hide.. not very successfully but yes Ive been trying to hide that I live in a deep fantasy world. I dream too much, heck I'm dreaming all the time. EVerything from the teacher teaching to the walk home is blanketed in a deep sugary coating that will mask the bitter taste, come to think of it, what can i be hiding from? Without the coating there is no serious issues that I need to bury... there are but the amount is insignificant.

Ive been doing my current favouritehobby, skimming through other peopl's blogs and I foud that many of you people out there don't like bloggers eh? Tell you what, you try not spilling any feelings for what? Two weeks and tell me if you feel like a constipated pig, humans have feeling so they can express them, and blogs are just one of those ways, so blog-bashers, lay off. I think bashing bloggers is your way of letting out your feelings too eh? IT might not be a direct input but you still need to get rid of them, one way or the other.

Boo hoo, Singapore's Lee Jia Wei lost the Olympics semi-finals qualifiers. Our olympic medal dream is not yet over but we would only have a shot at bronze later today at 7pm. IF we clinch it it will be the first medal singapore has won in the olympics since what? 30 odd years ago, a silver by some weight-lifter guy. Poor Jia Wei, She had such an awesome lead, 3 matches to 1 after 4 rounds! nut the pressure must ahve gotten to her, imagine, the moment they heard that she had won yesterday morning and had a shot at joining the semi-finals the STTA (Singapore Table Tennis Association) Head Advisor (i think) and president flew over to Athens to catch the match. The scorw for the last round was 9 - 11 with us being 9 and losing. I did't know North Korea took part in the Olympics... ^_^ Well now I know cos they were the ones who beat us by that little BITTY BIT.

Enough ranting.. whats done cannot be undone, hope we can clinch that bronze medal, it will still be a world-wide achievement to be reconised. Poor Susilo, his olympic dream was borken and now the responsibility lay on his girlfriend's shoulders to get Singapore the glory. Who was that Thai guy anyway? Whatever, I don't care...

I think I've exhausted my topics of discussion today, oh year this is to give full reconition to Cheng Shan An from Sec 4E, 2 long years Man! You have finally been sacked!
I take my hat off to you!

Ending Quote:
You say I'm a dreamer,
We're two of a kind
Both of us searching for some perfect world we know we'll never find
So perhaps I should leave here, go far far away
But you know that theres no where that I'd rather be than here with you today

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