Sunday, August 29, 2004

29th August, Sunday

As the weekend draws close to an end, the same heavy feeling of dragging myself to school pulls me in again. Imagine! Even on the last week of school we still have a test going on, not that bad until you count that it is on the last period on FRIDAY!

This coming holidays we have both our english and chinese orals. To prepare myself I've decided from now on I will listen to chinese music when Im on the comp in addition to listening to chinese raido programmes instead oh english ones. Unforturnately this "foreign" language has left me with no idea what songs are nice and what aren't I appreciate anyone who can help! ^_^ Thanks!

Sigh, Recently ive been seeing too many blogs go silent, about a week or so ago I stated that I admire Cheryl (Yes, Cheryl Seah) for updating frequently, but it seems like it has been almost three days and still not a word from her. Guess even machines can break down sometimes, much less people.

Im sick and tired or being sick and tired of complaining about my class. Recently they all boycotted a chemistry test, noycotted as in they displayed thier "class unity" by not taking the test together (even though it was only about 12 people) In the end the VP turned up and stopped the protests. AFter that we had to write a letter to her about what we felt about the incident and to include ALL DETAILS about what happened. I gave brief outline but it ran into two pages long. ^_^ OF course I mentioned no names, This class will be with me till enxt year so I better watch my step.

Im still elated over my getting those As for my CA2... heck I realised (unforturnately) due to alittle chat with Gabriel that if I had made it on to 4I again this year I will have a chance to pass my Os, then again I did not understand too much last year so how could it be? Then thinking back, if I did I wouldnt have all these problems would I? I would stil be able to stick with my batch of people (no matter what happens) and at very least have a familiar bunch around during the Os. MOre importantly I would still be within sights of my various goals in life... now fallen out of reach.

I recently told this guy that I didn't like our current class and that I didn't want to take the OS with a buch or strangers. That REALLY hit his raw spot, he asked me if I thought them as strangers, Big mistake I made there, but I said yes, because I don't know any of them well compared to the people Ive spent my last 3 years with. He was like stunned and immediately ran off to huddle with his friends and whisper secretively. I don't care. They are my stepping stones to success, as much as I can get from this postition. Every subject they give up and every test they fail pushes me up the ranking, nearer to the top. Those blockheads have no idea at all, how stupid, playing their life away on stupid pointless things.

Relationships, Im going to "Shoot" a whole bunch of people like this but I don't care I have many enemies already a few more won't matter will it? BGR, I tel lyou those people are the omst stupid people in the world! Love is blind? NO! THEY ARE BLIND! Love, you use it too often and abuse it... soon it has lost it's meaning and become a common thing. Love is scared and precious. "Modern" times hsa turned love into a mockery, love has become sex and relationships are non-existant, most relationships NOW hold due to the not wanting to hurt the other party's "feelings" or whatever.

I know, I have no right so say all these having not tasted the "sweetness of love" but this is bullsh*t. It is so fake, so artificial, so shallow. The wasted hours, the wasted money, all those can be spent in better ways on better things. "Modern" trends and the mass-media has cheapened love, when I look at those people holding hands and hugging I want to laugh... what a useless waste of time. Go concentrate on your future! This school is not worth tying your life down on! Stabalise yourself before trying to head into such uncharted waters! Love is not all fluffy as you see... no one warned you, no one will, why? They want to keep this, fantasy, this illusion alive! Love is not duty, love is not taking, love ... is not what YOU have imagined.

Upset? Tell me, tag or send me and e-mail, let me see your argument and reson for defending this rubbish.

*panting* I really need to cool down and relax... send me a joke or whatever k? This is the end of this entry. If you managed to read through till here, leave a tag with your views of drop me an e-mail at

Quote of this Post:
How could anything so easy ever be so hard to do? I want to tell you what I'm feeling and to say that... I love you...

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