Wednesday, August 25, 2004

25th August, Wednesday

Seems like it has become a habit to blog once every two days, a VERY grave mistake because I will forget whan I did the day before ^_^ That is very bad... Please all who visit please feedback on whatever you can feed-back on especially the layout, say I think my posts are VERY long compared to other people's posts Is it true? Please feedback ok? I thrive on communication.

First up, the surrent body count is rising as class 3E continues it's reign of terror. Today, our class managed to piss out form teacher / chinese teacher Miss Angel Chan off so badly she just went and tore up our class seating plan and duty roster O.O She said she was sick and tired of chasing after us and that we broke her heart. You see, normally during her lesson we are like angels.. ok mortals. But during other classes we are morelike the devil's reincarnation ^^, she didnt believe this so she came up for her lesson a few minutes earlier today and BOOM she sw it. The SHOCKING TRUTH, and from there everything went downhill... You get the picture

SUPER SAD NEWS! SHE DECLARED THAT AFTER THE ONE WEEK SEPTEMBER HOLIDAYS SHE WILL NO LONGER TEACH US ANYMORE, SHE HAS ALSO REQUESTED NOT TO FOLLOW UP OUR CLASS NEXT YEAR! For those who were still stoned in calss this morning, read it again here. So close toth e finals and you chased her away, where is your consceince? (spelling, cx, spelling) Even if you don't care about her leaving care about her leaving JUST BEFORE THE EXAMS!! What if you fail because the new teacher cant settle in time to complete the entire syllabus?

There I go again ranting and raving over what? School work.. I REALLY REALLY need to get a life.. ^_^ maybe its cos im always low on bux... seriously bux is everything to promoting image, you want to go out, you want fashionable clothes, you need the dough, the moolah... you get my point ^^

Im feeling crazy right now, but I cant tihnk of anything else to write (That is logical) Im just tired and sleepy cos it is what? 2 am now lolx... Oh well this is my shortest entry ever, hope you derived some pleasure reading it .. Cya!

Quote for this post:I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

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