Thursday, August 05, 2004

6th August, Friday

1:00 AM!! Wooh, only about 6 more hours before the festivities begin! My 5 day holiday has already started 1 hour ago. Damn why am I always posting at the unearthly hours of the night / morning? I dunno, huess I've gotten used to it Tee Hee ^_^ Lalalalalal recently I've been feeling more.. I dunno bold? Crazy? Like mostly when I sleep in class a very entertaiing and interesting way to wake me up is a simple shower of paper bullets. (They are like so childish... paper bullets?) Just I think this morning I was dozing again (I really should try to stop that but the lessons are just so boring.. exp Physics, don't get me started there) and I was rudely awakened by the sharp sting of a paper bullet pelting my ear. As soon as I got my bearings back I threw a bottle (Plastic mineral water bottle... empty Thank God!) at the culprit, followed by a sharp, "So you like stuff flying around eh?" Before he got the message and backed down. Oookkk that was harsher than I expected it to go. Anyway back to the main story!

6 more hours to our school's National Day celebrations WOOT!! So excited I just can't sleep, its not that im patriotic or anything but it is rare that ONE public holiday can turn into a 5 day break! It's like umm.. can't describe it too happy that I can't think of vocabulary to use for this time's entry so expect simple words (At least spell-checking comes naturally to me) When I hear a ND song.. something strange will well up in my heart... like a sort of groping sadness, and when I embrace it, I suddenly find myself singing along tears in my eyes letting the lyrics just sink in.. so simple yet so deeply rooted thier meaning... Never knew song-writing would be so hard.

Anyway I was listening to the radio when I came across avery old song that had an effect on me that nothing had had for a long time. It made me sad, lonely, depressed and so distant. It was Graduation Day, Friends Forever by Vitamin C... the lyrics just hit me so hard I almost bent over. The pain returns swiftly as I recall the incident. Too painful, those lyrics were sharper than any blade everf roged and cut deeper than any laser ever will. As we go on, We remember, All the times we, Had together, And as our lives change, Come Whatever, We will still be, Friends Forever... Because of my lack of friends, and my multitudes of buried memories the pain was intensified a thousand fold. THank goodness my mother was out it would be disasterous to think what might happen if I was just surfing the net when I suddenly went all teary and had to go grab a handful of tissues ending up tearing up the stairs to my room to the familiar comfort of my bed.

I'm very weak right? Thats why I finally realised I need friends, allies... I was fighting a war with the wrong way facing the frontline, I was running as I knew I could not prevail alone. But withfriends... allies... I can now stand my ground, Fight, win some lose some break even or even rarely, take land and cover more ground. IT's a hard fight but hey why call it a fight if you don't fight? Anyone up for a challenge?

School has been really cool this week you don't know how fun it has been, half aleart, half slacking knowing all the answers at the flick of a wrist drawing it from memory. Heck the teachers don't even know I have lost my Chemistry and Physics testbooks since just before the mid-years, In fact I don't think they will notice after all, this guy who keeps pooping up at the top 5 in the class can't be a total slacker... or so they think. For now, I'll just do things from memory until I have saved enough dough to get a new set... Heck I got an idea, why don't you get them for me for like my birthday or something! (Unforturnately for me my birthay falls in mid-October, yep, EXAM period damn crazy)

Very upset, for the last test I expected to get 1st position but was toppled by a certain friend of mine whom I know is putting in like what? 280 times more effort than I am in studying but the worst blow was that I did not een scrape second, I got third! Second went to this guy who usually never passes anything... I was like .. WTH? FLARE! (A joke you will understand if you read the Mirrodin series...) Anyway... coping now, it's not bad... but I can't afford to fail this year ... get it?

Now trying to get some reading done on advice of our english teacher but I don't have anything new to read! Most of my books I will reread many many times because I find that everytime I reread a book I will find something that did not seem to exist there before... how interesting.

Oh heck, guess thats all I have left to say for now, the excitement is beggining to wear off (about time too!) and I'm feeling a little peckish, go grab a bite now see ya!
G'bye , Ja Ne , Syonara , Zai Jian

I Run, From Life, From People, From Hardships, From Problems, From Friends, From Familiar Faces, From Love, From Myself. For Running is easier than figuring out what else to do - solve problems it may not, but life will always have problems. Yet, I can't run forever. I have stopped running, why don't you?

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